1 | Isu dan kebijakan Otonomi Daerah (Regional autonomy) | The learning outcomes from this course focus on the sustainable regional development theme by providing knowledge, skills, applications, impacts, and ways of solving problems related to the implementation of regional autonomy policies with all its problems. | |
2 | Organizational Behavior | The learning outcomes of the course include student's ability on how to counterweigh environmental and society to gain good individual behaviour as part of organization thus improve communal behaviour, and integrating sustainability in an organization. | |
3 | Administrasi Pembangunan (Development Administration) | One of the learning outcomes of this course is students are able to analyze problems in public organizations through internal and external environmental assessments for committed Sustainable Development goals. The study materials in this course include basic concepts of development administration, shifts in public administration, central issues of development, etc | |
4 | Kebijakan Kependudukan (Population Policy) | The specific objectives of this course are to examine population problems, population policies, aspects of population policy, affect of population policy to social sustainability, population development, types of population policies: urbanization policies, transmigration policies, labor policies, family planning, health policies, migration policies, and theoretical approaches in the analysis of population problems as well as learning outcomes, students are expected to be able to understand the scope of population policies, be able to explain Demographic Trends and Challenges in Developing Countries, and be able to analyze Public Sector Involvement in Population Problems. | |
5 | Manajemen Pelayanan Publik (Public Service Management) | The specific objectives of the course are to provide an understanding of the basic concepts of public service management, the boundaries and scope of public service management, the role of government, the business world, and the role of the community in public service policies, principles, principles and elements of public services, the public service cycle, public service reform, entrepreneurial government, service quality, public service management problems, new public management,and sustainability of public service management in our country as well as learning outcomes, students are expected to be able to understand and describe new public management. | |
6 | Metode Penelitian Administrasi Publik I - Kuantitatif (Public Administration Research Methods I - Quantitative) not found | The specific objectives of the course are to learn about the definitions and characteristics of quantitative research, the steps of conducting research, data collection techniques, data analysis steps, making data transcripts, and being able to make quantitative research proposals with learning outcomes to be expected students are able to describe the basic concepts of the quantitative research method and be able to develop an understanding of quantitative research problems. | |
7 | Metode Penelitian Administrasi Publik Kualitatif (Metode Penelitian Administrasi Publik Kualitatif) not found yet | The specific objectives of the course are to learn about the definitions and characteristics of quantitative research, the steps of conducting research, data collection techniques, data analysis steps, making data transcripts, and being able to make quantitative research proposals with learning outcomes that Students are expected to be able to describe the basic concepts of quantitative research and to develop an understanding of quantitative research problems. | |
8 | Pengantar Administrasi Publik (Introduction to Public Administration) | The specific objectives of the course are to explain administration as a branch of social science, the definition of administration, focus on administration, the benefits of studying the history of the administrative thought development, the notion of public administration, the shift in the nomenclature of state administration to public administration, the scope of public administration studies, the new public administration paradigm (New Public Administration), the system that involved by sustainability with Learning Outcomes, students are expected to be able to explain the basic concepts of Administration, the scope of public administration studies, public administration functions, understand the development of thinking in public administration, understand the development of public administration in Indonesia and understand the paradigm shift of public administration. | |
9 | Prak. Analisis Kebijakan Publik (Public Policy Analysis Practicum) | This course aims to discuss public policy analysis, comprehend the role and influence of public policies in development and the goals of sustainable livelihoods. The learning objectives of this course are to understand the influence of public policies on society, explore important issues related to public policies for the achievement of community livelihood goals, and analyze the role of public policies in development planning and management. | |
10 | Reformasi Administrasi (Administrative Reform) | This course discusses the factors that drive administrative reform, the role of administrative reform to create a healthy and sustainable administration and achieve national development goals, and challenges in administrative reform, especially in improving the quality of public services and social welfare. | |
11 | Sistem Administrasi NKRI (Administration System of The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia) | The specific objectives of the course are to explain state administration as a system, the scope of the state administration system. The Indonesian government system since the establishment of the Republic of Indonesia until now, bureaucracy and government management, administrative departments in Indonesia, regional government administration, the challenge of government to sustain enviromental, economic, and social system, government leadership in Indonesia and the essence of new Indonesia with Learning Outcomes are expected to be able to explain the Indonesian State Administration System, the Concept of Federation, Regional Decentralization and Autonomy in Indonesia in various Power Regimes. | |
12 | Studi Implementasi Kebijakan (Policy Implementation Study) | This course explains about the definition of the implementation and evaluation in public policies, as well as various factors that can influence the successful sustainable implementation of a policy. By studying this course, students are expected to be able to understand theories about the implementation and evaluation of public policies including the factors that influence successful implementation and evaluation, be able to analyze the implementation of public policies or evaluate the impact of the implementation of policies in Indonesia on sustainable national development. | |
13 | Sistem Sosial Budaya Indonesia (Indonesian Socio-Cultural System) | The learning outcomes of this course provide students with insight and understanding of the Indonesian socio-cultural system in sustainable development plans by emphasizing the process of social integration and existing social conflicts using the sociological theory approach. | |
14 | Etika Administrasi Publik (Ethics in Public Administration) | The topic of study involve moral consideration, human rights, authority and democracy, ethic in economic system which will be valuable in social sustainability and sustainable development. | |
15 | Hukum Administrasi Negara (State Administrative Law) | The specific objectives of the course are to learn about the definition and history of the development of State Administrative Law regarding the rule of law (rechtstaat) and the welfare state (welfarestate), good governance, basic public services, licensing in state administrative law, government authority and public service policies, administrative law to protect the enviromental sustainability and state bureaucratic law. By learning the course, students are expected to be able to understand about the state, government, public services, licensing within the scope of state administrative law and Administrative Law in an Environmental Context | |
16 | Analisis Organisasi Publik (Public Policy Analysis) | The learning outcomes of this subject focus on the theme of public policy for sustainable development in the environmental, social, cultural and political aspects of Indonesia by providing understanding and skills about the ins and outs of public policy analysis from various dimensions of understanding and developing further to support the development of student abilities in the ideal implementation of state administrative duties. | |
17 | Dasar Agronomi (Basic Agronomy) | This course aims to provide the development of knowledge about (1) the role of plants in relation to culture and sustainability, economic progress, and adequate food and nutrition of a community or country to motivate improvement efforts of crop production (2) The concept of energy flow in agriculture and increasing energy efficiency for cultivation (3) Origin, classification, function and morphological structure of plants (4) Plant growth with its phases, concerned with the balance of use and accumulation of carbohydrates, to set the balance of growth phases (5) Perimeter factors that affect growth and yield crop production (6) Reproduction and methods of how to propagate plants, nurseries and seed technology (7) Cultivation techniques, discussing more basic of the five business aspects (8) Cultivation systems: double planting, rice fields, fields, plantation. | |
18 | Ekonometrika (Econometrics) | The learning outcomes of this course are combining the ability of scientific expertise, namely the ability to apply mathematics, economics, science and engineering as well as design abilities, i.e. the ability to design systems, components or processes that method needs within the boundaries economic, environmental, social, political constraints, ethics, health and safety, fabrication possibilities, and sustainability. | |
19 | Ekonomi Manajerial (Managerial Economics) | This course provides knowledge and skills development regarding the concept of demand, marginal production & analysis, the concept of profit and profit optimization, elasticity, and economies of scale, market structure, pricing, competitive forces, the relationship between costs and volume of profit, static comparative analysis with learning outcomes focused on sustainable economic development and social responsibility. | |
20 | Ekonomi Sumber Daya Alam dan Lingkungan (Environmental Resource Economics) | The subject specifically trains students to have understanding about the scope of natural resources economy and sustainable environmental oriented. The subject also discuss about common problems in natural resources utilization. In addition, the subject also discuss about the characteristis and properties as well as role of each water and land resources in indonesian economic development and prevent them from damage. Furthermore the subject also discuss about non-renewable resources, mineral and energy as well as how to properly utilize the resources. | |
21 | Ekonomi Wilayah (Regional Economy) | The specific objectives of the course are to understand theories and methodologies that explain the interaction and linkages of the physical environment with traditional values and human behavior in agribusiness design with Learning Outcomes that Students are expected to be able to understand the economic problems of an area, be able to understand location theory, be able to understand the economic growth of a region area, able to understand the concept of regional income, able to understand the economic potential of a region, able to formulate regional structuring strategies from a socio-economic point of view, and able to design sustainable economic program. | |
22 | Jurnalisme & Media Siaran Pertanian (Journalism & Agricultural Broadcast Media) | By learning the course, students are expected to be able to explain and present the philosophy, principles and ethics of agricultural extension, explain and present the principles of teaching and learning in agricultural extension, explain and present the process of communication, adoption and diffusion of innovation and the classification of adopters in agricultural communication and extension, explaining and presented approaches, methods, materials and equipment in agricultural extension, explained and presented the introduction of agricultural extension work areas, explained and presented agricultural extension institutions, explained and explained planning, supervision and control of agricultural extension programs, explained and presented planning and evaluation of agricultural extension, explained and presented the development of communication and agricultural extension in Indonesia. Explained and presented the importance of agricultural journalism for sustainable agricultural development program. | |
23 | Kebijakan dan Pembangunan Pertanian (Agricultural Policy and Development) | The specific objectives of the course are to understand and apply agricultural development, its history as well as the scope of agricultural development. The relationship between the agricultural science field and other science fields, knowing the characteristics of the agricultural sector, the role of the agricultural sector on local revenue, food security, poverty, unemployment growth, employment, export and import rates as well as the goals and targets of agricultural development with learning outcomes that student are expected to be able explain the concept of agricultural development science, the history of its development and the scope of agricultural development, to explain the objectives of stakeholders in sustainable agricultural development, to explain the contribution of the agricultural sector to regional gross domestic product development, to explain the concept of food security, students are able to explain the main requirements for agricultural development, to explain the conditions for facilitating agricultural development, to explain the problems, challenges, opportunities and weaknesses of agricultural development, to explain the development paradigm of agriculture, to explain about the development of agribusiness and agro-industry in agricultural development. | |
24 | Kelembagaan Pertanian dan Kepemimpinan (Agricultural Institutions and Leadership) | The specific objectives of the course are to provide basic science studies and abilities to students to examine strategies for sustainable agricultural institutional development and leadership and to find out various agricultural institutions in agricultural development including agricultural institutional concepts and leadership theories, agricultural development institutions, institutions and social capital, leadership and leadership style, characteristics of modern organizations and organizational control, institutional policies and agribusiness leadership in agricultural revitalization with Learning Outcomes that Students are expected to be able to explain, understand the concept of agricultural institutions and leadership and organizational control, to analyze the impact of social capital on farmer institutions and institutional problems and roles of local organizations; able to understand, analyze and recommend alternative strategies for developing farmer institutional capacity and solving farmer institutional problems, to analyze and to recommend the alternative institutional policies and agribusiness leadership in the agricultural revitalization. | |
25 | Manajemen Pemasaran Agribisnis Digital (Digital Agribusiness Marketing Management) | This course deepens knowledge about digital-based marketing management by utilizing information technology consisting of computer technology and communication technology. The learning outcomes of this course are sustainable business development through the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), i.e. implementing Sustainability Reporting and compiling company profiles and branding/marketing strategies using GRI principles for corporate sustainability reporting. The material review in this course includes (1) Scope and use of digital marketing management in agribusiness, (2) Types of agribusiness markets: input markets, product markets, processed markets, wholesale and retail, food services, agribusiness marketing management processes (3) Marketing management analysis: market situation analysis, customer analysis (4) competitor analysis (5) company analysis (6) Segmentation, targeting and positioning (7) Marketing Strategy Formulation (8) Marketing Mix: Product, Price, Distribution and Promotion (9) Product Life Cycle (10) Evaluation of marketing management (11) Preparation of Marketing Plan and marketing management cases. | |
26 | Pengantar Agribisnis (Introduction to Agribusiness) | The specific objectives of the course are to study the concept of agribusiness and community development for decision-making based on an approach or a method that is applicable to the agribusiness sector in Indonesia, to lead answer to problems in the field of sustainable food and plantation agribusiness with learning outcomes that Students are expected to be able to understand and master the concept of agribusiness, and its application in the agricultural sector based on sustainable management principles in agricultural business. | |
27 | Perdagangan Internasional (International trade) | The specific objectives of the course are to study and understand the knowledge, skills, and abilities of students regarding the application of the principles of international trade, seeing the opportunities, benefits, and roles of international trade, theories that can be applied in international trade activities and the potential of Indonesian sustainable agribusiness with Learning Outcomes Students are expected to be able to understand the concepts of trade and agribusiness globally, develop personal capacity in the context of global trade, follow up managerial to take advantage of opportunities and opportunities in international agribusiness trade. | |
28 | Politik Pertanian (Agricultural Politics) | The specific objectives of the course are to provide students with basic knowledge, skills and abilities regarding the scope and problems of development and agricultural politics, the structure and role of agribusiness, development theories, the roles and constraints of technology, roles and institutional constraints, markets and resource allocation, Market failures and government failures, policy analysis frameworks, sustainability impacts, pricing policies, credit policies, marketing policies, and technology policies with learning outcomes students are expected to be able to explain agricultural development and politics in an agribusiness perspective based on the theory of economic development and agribusiness, able to analyze development policies and implementation agribusiness from the aspects of investment, production, price, production, institutions, credit, wages, and employment, provides a synthesis of the policy and implementation of agribusiness development from the aspects of investment institutions, production, prices, production, institutions, credit, wages, and manpower. | |
29 | Resp. Ilmu Usaha Tani (Agricultural Business Science Responsiveness) | The specific objectives of the course are to implement sustainable agricultural research, planning and risks that will be faced by farmers, and end with several analytical tools that can be used in agricultural research. By learning the course, students are expected to be able to apply analytical tools to farming cases using simple data analysis, cost structure, revenue and profits and partial budget analysis, linear programming analysis, efficiency analysis, regression, financial and economic analysis | |
30 | Responsi Ekonometrika (Econometrics Responsiveness) | The specific objectives of the course are to apply the basic concepts of econometrics, choose the most suitable statistical analysis method to be applied in economics and sustainability, theoretical basics for advanced econometric techniques, analyze and make predictions based on econometric models. By learning the course, students are expected to be able to conduct descriptive data exploration, formulate statistical hypotheses according to problems in the economic field, choose the appropriate analysis method according to problems in the economic field and apply it to the data, operate at least two statistical software | |
31 | Responsi Ekonomi Pertanian (Agricultural Economy Responsiveness) | The specific objectives of the course are to link economics and its relation to agricultural economics and sustainability, agricultural resources, agricultural institutions, supply and demand for agricultural commodities, productivity and costs, income, marketing and marketing of agricultural commodities as well as agricultural policy and development. The learning outcomes of the course are the ability of students to understand the principles of Agricultural Economics which can be used as a basis for obtaining a better understanding of the symptoms that arise in the life of the national economy, mastering the concept of Agricultural Economics to carry out learning in primary and secondary education oriented towards life skills and understanding economic conditions in the aggregate, mastering the theoretical concepts of Agricultural Economics includes the meaning and scope of the agricultural economy | |
32 | Responsi Manajemen Agribisnis Digital (Digital Agribusiness Management Responsiveness) | By learning the course, students are expected to be able to understand the role of agribusiness managers and the utilization of management functions in agribusiness, be able to understand the role of marketing, marketing management, and consumer demand, have the competence of production and inventory management, be able to use accounting information for business planning and control, capital budgeting I and II (Principles and Procedures), human resource management and development of work plans for sustainable agribusiness management | |
33 | Responsi Sosiologi Pedesaan (Responsiveness of Rural Sociology) | The discussion topics includes rural development by using rural sociology concept which focus on sustainable environment and social responsibilty. | |
34 | Sosiologi Pedesaan (Rural Sociology) | The course discussion involves culture patterns, ecological adaptations, social processes, cross-nation relationship, social organization and systems which are directed torealize environmental sustainability social responsibility. | |
35 | Sumber Daya Komunikasi (Communication Resources) | The specific objectives of the course are to determine communication resources and their application in everyday life. The material discussed includes the definition and philosophy of communication, elements of types and objectives of communication, communication processes, communication techniques, communication barriers and how to overcome them, communication effects, communication sustainability, communication effectiveness, and communication ethics with Learning Outcomes that the students are expected to master all the material discussed in the course. | |
36 | Analisis Kelayakan Agribisnis (Agribusiness Feasibility Analysis) | The specific objective of this course is to study and analysis whether an investment activity or an agribusinesss is feasible to run and provides benefits or results when implemented. By studying this course, students are able to explain the assessment in the agribusiness feasibility study from various aspects, one of which is the environmental aspect. From the analysis of environmental aspects, it is expected to know the extent of the impact of an sustainable agribusiness business on the environment, i.e. how to prevent or minimize the negative impact and what neeeds to recommend to increase the positive impact | |
37 | Budidaya Tanaman Pangan & Palawija (Food Plants and Secondary Crops Cultivation) | The specific objectives of the course are to explain the scope and role of food plants and secondary crops in agricultural development, analyze the factors that influence the growth of food plants and secondary crops, analyze sustainable crop production technique and analyze cases on these plants and apply techniques for cultivating food and secondary crops with Learning Outcomes to master the basics of scientific theories and concepts in accordance with the field in order to be able to apply them as solutions, problems comprehensively, choose various alternative solutions independently and in groups, apply their knowledge based on personality, and the spirit of entrepreneurship. | |
38 | Ekonomi Pertanian (Agricultural Economy) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the role of the economy in sustainable agricultural development which includes the understanding of the scope and methods of agricultural economics, agricultural characteristics, the role of resources (production factors), etc. | |
39 | Manajemen Agribisnis (Agribusiness Management) | The learning outcomes in this course are: (1) able to master economic theory, business, management, entrepreneurship and agricultural science and technology to manage sustainable agribusiness companies, (2) able to organize and lead agribusiness companies creatively and innovatively, and (3) able to plan, run and develop local food businesses that are adaptive to environmental changes. | |
40 | Agroklimatologi (Agroclimatology) | This course includes four learning outcomes that focus on environmental sustainability and social responsibility. | |
41 | Agricultural Biology | By learning the course, students are expected to be able to explain the concepts of biology, cells, metabolism, and nutrients needed by plants, describe spermatophyte plants and their systematization, distinguish the parts of the spermatophyte organs and their functions, explain the morphology and anatomy of spermatophytes, have a basic concept of biology in application in agriculture, describe the plants nutrient management for sustainable agriculture. | |
42 | Manajemen Perkebunan (Plantation Management) | The learning outcomes of this course, students are expected to be able to understand sustainable plantation techniques and management starting from nurseries, land clearing, planting, canopy management, fertilization, crop protection, production and harvest of plantation products, and studying plantation management such as business management, production management, financial management, marketing management, financial feasibility analysis, and building a sustainable plantation agribusiness system. | |
43 | Prak. Dasar Perlindungan Tanaman (Basic Crop Protection Practicum) | At the end of the practicum, students are expected to be able to recognize/identify pests and diseases in plants based on their symptoms and causes to restore the ecosystem sustainability and lose biodiversity and be able to overcome pest and disease problems occurred from their practicum experience. | |
44 | Praktikum Biologi Pertanian (Practicum of Agricultural Biology) | By learning the course, students are expected to be able to explain the cell and shape of plant cells, be able to describe spermatophyta and systematic plants, be able to distinguish spermatophyta plant organs and systems and organ functions, describe morphology and anatomy of spermatophyta plants and have basic concepts of biology in agricultural applications. Student expect to be able to manage plant nutrient for sustainable agriculture. | |
45 | Praktikum Dasar Agronomi (Basic Agronomy Practicum) | This course provides practical experience and skills focusing on plant sustainability and social responsibility to the environment by carrying out practical activities to recognize the production facilities use and study production factors, their effects on the growth and agronomic crops yield, carry out field experiments, do an observation, do an analysis of saplings and make scientific reports. | |
46 | Public Speaking dan Penyuluhan Pertanian (Public Speaking and Agricultural extension) | The learning outcomes in this course focus on combining themes related to sustainable agriculture, social sustainability development of communication skills including problem solving and teamwork skills. | |
47 | Perilaku Konsumen (Consumer behavior) | The specific objectives of the course are to provide a study of basic science and the ability to students to examine the consumer decision-making process in choosing, buying, using, and evaluating goods and services with Learning Outcomes, Students are expected to be able to explain, understand consumer concepts and consumer behavior, be able to analyze consumer attitudes by understanding and using tools in the analysis of consumer attitude models, be able to examine consumer decision-making processes and factors that influence consumer behavior, be able to understand, examine and recommend alternative strategies to influence consumer decisions and market segmentation in marketing strategies. be able to examine how does sustainability affect consumer decision-making. | |
48 | Riset Operasi (Operations Research) | The specific objectives of the course are to know and understand methods combining various disciplines, especially mathematics, engineering, and economics in the decision-making process, understanding the importance of operation research methods in sustainable agricultural management, with Learning Outcomes that Students are expected to be able to make decisions based on objective considerations, namely based on scientific methods not based on subjective arguments in various fields such as business, agriculture to society. | |
49 | Economical Mathematics (Matematika Ekonomi) | The learning topics include (1) the equation for impact on sustainability of I = P*F, where P = population and F=percapita impact of each individual on environment. (2)the equation for impact on sustainability of I = P*A*T, A = affluence and T = technology | |
50 | Financial Technology | The Learning outcomes include student's ability in understanding on how to properly use technology innovatively in improving financial system for a stable and sustainable society, economic and environment. The learning topics include the role of environment awareness in optimizing technology for more benefit thus sustainable society and economic growth | |
51 | Ekonomi Mikro (Micro Economics) | The course has the objective to to train student's abiity in analyzing consumer, producer and market behaviour which focused on sustainable economic development. | |
52 | Risk Management (Manajemen Resiko) | The learning topics include (1) addressing sustainability issues into bussiness risk management (2) Climate change, technology disruptions and investor preference considerations in risk management (3) Performing appropriate risk identification, assesment, response and disclosure based on environmental concern (4) Sustainability report as a reference for risk identification. The learning outcomes include studen't ability in understanding and explaining the essential of sustainability issues consideration and ERM role improvement in risk management | |
53 | Prak. Budidaya Tanaman Hortikultura (Horticultural Crop Cultivation Practicum) | The specific objectives of the course are to apply the scope of sustainable horticulture, their classification, ecology, plant growth and development, pruning, harvesting and off-harvest physiology and the treatments. The learning outomes of the course are students are expexted to be able to master the horticultural cultivation using hydroponic techniques, organic and inorganic plants, proper production technology for various horticultural crop commodities by considering environmental safety, selecting plants suitable for the garden (landscape), being able to create and innovate in applying horticultural science theory to sustainable business practice | |
54 | Agroekologi (Agroecology) | The learning outcomes of this course are students are expected to be able to explain the scope of agroecology and ecosystems, explain the influence of biotic and abiotic factors on plant growth and production, innovate environmental waste in organic agriculture, and modify the environment for sustainable organic farming management. | |
55 | Agroforestry | The course discuss about agroforestry as one of the sustainable agricultural systems using part of the forest land as a substitute for agricultural land without damaging the ecosystem and forest conditions. The learning outcomes of this course focus on students' understanding of the functions of agroforestry in general, namely protective (biophysical benefits), productive (economic benefits), and on a global scale to conserve soil and water and maintain terrestrial carbon stocks and biodiversity. | |
56 | Biokimia Pertanian (Agricultural Biochemistry) | This course explains the biochemical and genetic mechanisms of biosignal processes between plants and soil microbes; demonstrates the role of biofertilizers and biopesticides as important tools in achieving future food security for sustainable agriculture; demonstrating environmentally friendly engineering skills to control pollution and waste management | |
57 | Bioteknologi Tanaman (Plant Biotechnology) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on sustainable agricultural development to achieve national food security through increasing agricultural production and diversifying food crops, at less cost and without causing negative impacts on the environment. | |
58 | Budidaya Tanaman Hortikultura (Horticulture) | The learning outcomes of this course are students are expected to be able to explain the characteristics of plants and sustainable horticultural plant cultivation technology, develop business practices in the field of horticultural crops, and formulate solutions to solve problems that exist in cultivating horticultural crops by paying attention to environmental factors. | |
59 | Kesuburan Tanah & Pemupukan (Soil Fertility & Fertilization) | The learning outcomes of this course are students are expected to be able to explain the absorption and transport of nutrients in the soil, explain soil tests and evaluate soil fertility status, explain balanced fertilization, location specifics and how to determine an efficient fertilizer dose, explain plant responses to fertilization, understanding soil fertility and fertilization as significant aspect of sustainable agriculture. | |
60 | Klinik Tanaman (Plant Clinic) | The learning outcomes of this course are students are expected to be able to explain the meaning and flow of work in plant clinics, identify types of plant disturbing organisms, handle activities in plant clinics, be able to provide control recommendations to clients. Students be able to explain the sustainable pest management | |
61 | Nutrisi/Hara Tanaman (Plant Nutrients) | The specific objectives of the course are to provide an understanding of the assimilation mechanism and function of nutrients in plant metabolism and provide a basis for knowledge of plant nutrients or plant nutrient requirements in the process of sustainable plant growth. The learning outcomes of the ourse are students are expected to be able to explain the definition of classification and the history of nutrient / nutrient development. plant, nutrient function and mineral content in plants, soil and plant nutrient relationships (adsorbs anions and cations), factors related to the availability of plant nutrients, transport of nutrients in soil and plants, uptake of nutrients by leaves and other plant parts , physiological functions and nutrient status in plant tissue (NPK) | |
62 | Pemuliaan Tanaman (Plant Breeding) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on plant breeding for productivity and agricultural sustainability which includes an introduction to plant breeding, the importance of using high quality superior seeds, the role of breeding in increasing crop production and seed production, etc. | |
63 | Teknik pengolahan limbah dan AMDAL Pertanian | The learning achievement of this course is the students of Semester 3 and 5 the Agrotechnology department of Agriculture faculty will have sensitivity and concern for the environment, and the impact of environmental pollution. The topics of discussion include: Definition and scope of waste, Function of soil in the environment and waste treatment, Role of biota in handling waste, Principles and methods of handling agricultural waste (solid, liquid, gas), physically, chemically, and biologically, Agricultural industrial waste management methods and the basics of handling them, and environmental impact analysis of agriculture | |
64 | Pertanian Organik (Organic Agriculture) | The learning outcomes of this course are students are expected to be able to provide knowledge about the history and philosophy of environmentally based agriculture, regulations of organic agriculture in Indonesia and several countries and its contribution to food security and its obstacles. and understanding an important impact of organic agricultural for sustainable agricultural development | |
65 | Praktikum Biokimia Pertanian (Agricultural Biochemistry Practicum) | By learning the course, students are expected to be able to identify the results of metabolism in the form of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, amino acids and vitamins found in plants, able to explain the meaning of the role of biochemistry in environmental sustainability and increase in agricultural products where biochemistry plays a role in researching the working mechanism of pesticides so as to increase their selectivity to prevent negative impacts on the environment | |
66 | Praktikum Kesuburan Tanah & Pemupukan (Soil Fertility & Fertilization Practicum) | By learning the course, students are expected to be able to explain the definition and scope of soil fertility and fertilizers, be able to explain the factors that influence plant growth (especially soil), be able to explain the absorption and transport of nutrients in the soil, be able to explain the behavior and role of essential nutrients, able to explain soil test and evaluate soil fertility status, able to explain balanced fertilization, specific location and an efficient way of determining fertilization dosage, able to explain plant response to fertilization, able to explain the effect of fertilization on the environment, and able to explain soil fertility and fertilization as significant aspect of sustainable agriculture. | |
67 | Praktikum Klinik Tanaman (Practicum of Plan Clinic) | The learning outcomes of this course are students are expected to be able to understand the stages of work in plant clinics, identify types of disturbances to plants, be able to handle activities in plant clinics and be able to provide control recommendations to clients. Students be able to plan the sustainable pest management | |
68 | Dasar Ilmu Tanah (Principles of Soil Science) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the development of sustainable agriculture which includes the procurement and availability of plant nutrients in mineral soils, some physical properties of mineral soils, soil colloids, physical properties and practical meaning, etc. | |
69 | Dasar Perlindungan Tanaman (Principles of Crop Protection) | The specific objectives of the course are to introduce the morphology and anatomy of plant pests, methods of examining plant pests, plant disturbing nutrients, growth and development of plant pests, environmental factors that affect plants and the role of plant pests in the environment and food / industry with. The learning outcomes of the course are students are expexted to be able to apply the concept educational technology in developing learning products by utilizing the advancement of science and technology to support the implementation of sustainable plant protection learning and creating innovative and creative plant protection learning practices based on local wisdom and utilizing science and technology | |
70 | Pestisida & Teknik Aplikasi (Pesticides & Its Application Techniques) | By learning the course, students are expected to be able to learn and develop their own pesticides and proper and correct application techniques, analyze real problems and recommend appropriate solutions, especially those related to pesticide application, develop plant cultivation practices in the concept of sustainable and environmentally sound agriculture with techniques. application of environmentally friendly pesticides, initiating entrepreneurs engaged in plant clinics by developing biological pesticides | |
71 | Prak. Teknologi Budidaya Tan.Pangan & Palawija (Cultivation of Food Plants & Second Crops Practicum) | The specific objectives of the course are to explain the scope and role of food crops and secondary crops in sustainable agricultural development, analyze the factors that influence the growth of food crops and secondary crops and analyze cases on these plants. By learning the course, students are expected to be able to master the principles of scientific theories and concepts according to the field in order to be able to apply it as a comprehensive problem solution, choose various alternative solutions independently and in groups, apply their knowledge based on personality and the spirit of entrepreneurship. | |
72 | Prak. Pestisida & Teknik Aplikasi (Practicum of Pesticides and Application Techniques) | The learning outcomes of this course provide the ability to manage pesticide appropriately in the concept of sustainable and environmentally so it doesn't damage other ecosystems, and the ability to analyze real problems and recommend appropriate solutions, especially those related to pesticide management. | |
73 | Praktikum Dasar Ilmu Tanah (Practicum of Soil Science Principles) | The learning outcomes of this course are (1) students are able to explain the role of soil as a medium for plant growth and as a component of natural resources in a sustainable agricultural system (2) Students are able to choose the right method in managing soil as a medium for growing plants and expanses to avoid the process degradation resulting in lower soil productivity and environmental quality | |
74 | Sistem Informasi Geografis (Geographical Information System) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the theme of green computing by providing abilities and skills to students to be able to design and apply geographic information systems along with management techniques in maintaining geographic information systems as an important tool for designing and implementing sustainable data processes | |
75 | Fisiologi Tumbuhan (Plant Physiology) | The specific objectives of the course are to study the processes that occur in the plant body, starting with an introduction to plant cells and structures where the metabolic process takes place, measuring plant growth, about how plants produce glucose from the photosynthetic process and its breakdown into energy, the diffusion process, osmosis, the transport of nutrients and photosynthate takes place, sources and sinks and how the hormonal system works affects them, understanding plant physiological reaction to enviromental stresses that affect its sustainability. | |
76 | Pengend. Hayati & Pengelolaan Habitat (Biological Control and Habitat Management) | The learning achievement of this course is that students are expected to be able to explain the definition and concept of biological control, the scope and types of biological control agents, the role of biological control agents in plant ecosystems sustainability, bioecology principles of biological control , the mechanism of biological control agents to control pests, diseases, and target weeds, biological control methods and techniques and their evaluation. | |
77 | Praktikum Fisiologi Tumbuhan (Plant Physiology Practicum) | This practicum course provides a basis for physiological concepts in plants through practicum on the relationship of plants to their environment, transpiration in plants, the role of nutrients, environmental influence on enzymes, carbohydrate metabolism in plants including carbohydrates and their translation in plants, pigments in plants, the role of phytohormones in plant growth and development contains tropism, auxin application as a herbicide, growth areas and fruit ripening. After carrying out practicum, students are expected to have the skills to experiment various concepts that affect the physiological processes in plants, both during growth and development, and be able to evaluate the symptoms of physiological processes in nature sustainability. | |
78 | Akuntansi Perkebunan (Plantation Accounting) | The learning outcomes of this course combine the themes of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability Reporting by providing basic knowledge and logic of plantation accounting, determining the cost of production, the accounting profession as well as the importance of accounting information and financial reports as reporting media and systems that produce sustainable information. | |
79 | Audit Perkebunan (Plantation Audit) | The learning outcomes of this course combine the themes of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability Reporting by providing knowledge about auditing and its application in the plantation industry from immature plantations until post-harvest and the scope of the audit management control system. | |
80 | Etika Bisnis dan Profesi (Business and Professional Ethics) | The specific objectives of the course are to provide education for students so that they are able to have an understanding of values, ethical awareness, code of ethics for the accounting profession, and ethical governance in business and the accounting profession. The learning outcomes, student are expected to master and compare basic concepts of ethics and morals, etiquette, and law; master the concept of business ethics and application of ethics in business; master the concept of stakeholder and stockholder theories and their application in business; master the concept and application of Good Corporate Governance also ensure business sustainability; master the concept and application of Corporate Social Responsibility including reporting; master the basic concepts of professional ethics and comparing several professional codes of ethics; master the concept and application of the professional accounting code of ethics in Indonesia; master the concept and application of the international accounting professional code of ethics; master various regulations related to the accounting profession in Indonesia and the world. | |
81 | Internal Audit | The specific objectives of the course are to explain what internal auditors are, the scope of their work, working papers, reports, and finally to whom the reports are given. The Learning Outcomes, Students are expected to understand the concept of internal audit, understand the methodology for conducting internal audits, and understand the tools used in internal auditing to assure corporate sustainability. | |
82 | Manajemen Biaya (Cost Management) | The specific objectives of the course are to discuss the concept of costs; cost management systems and their relationship with production processes; products and management decisions; methods used to analyze costs and their implementation in the business world, The Learning Outcomes, Students are expected to understand the concept of costs and use cost accounting information for strategic business decision making, implementing sustainability to reduce cost, able to calculate costs included in the production process and plan the method of charging company costs (job order costing and process costing) as well as production cost volume analysis and customer profitability analysis, relevant costing to support company production and increase competitiveness from a cost perspective. | |
83 | Manajemen Keuangan Perkebunan (Plantation Financial Management ) | The specific objective of the course is to provide students with an understanding of all matters relating to financial management. Provides an overview of the condition of a company that is closely related to financial management, studies related to investment, investment risk, and various other policies related to plantation sustainability financial management. The Learning Outcomes, students are expected to have the ability to explain and describe the depreciation method, the impact of the selection depreciation method, and several factors in depreciation expense, explain and describe capital budgeting, cash flow, and investment cash flow methods, explain and describe the dividend and leasing policies and all matters related to leasing, explain and describe the mergers and acquisitions, the advantages of each, assess the costs and benefits and explain all matters relating to the Indonesian capital market. | |
84 | Manajemen Pemasaran Perkebunan (Plantation Marketing Management) | The learning outcomes of this course combine the themes of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability Reporting by providing knowledge and skills about digital-based plantation product marketing systems, analysis of product marketing systems based on economic and management perspectives including policies and alternative solutions to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of product marketing plantation products. | |
85 | Matematika Bisnis (Business Mathematics) | The specific objectives of the course are to study the application of mathematical concepts in solving problems in the field of business sustainability and economics such as series, function, differential, and integral. The Learning Outcomes, Students are expected to have the ability to understand the meaning contained in economic and business problems; in the relations and functions; in linear functions for economic and business problems; in nonlinear functions and their application in the economic field; in integrals and their application in economics; understand the meaning of differential functions and their application in the economic field. | |
86 | Penganggaran (Budgeting) | The specific objective of the course is to examine budgeting concepts starting from a budget perspective as a company planning tool until the budget is used as a management control tool. The Learning Outcomes, Students are expected to be able to explain the concept of budgeting, carry out budget preparation practices starting from sales forecasting, budgets, sales, production budgets, raw material cost budgets to direct labor budgets, able to separate types of costs and calculate profit and loss for financial decision making, able to prepare accounts receivable and cash budgets, able to compile sustainable budgets. | |
87 | Perekonomian Indonesia (Indonesian Economy) | The specific objectives of the course are to introduce students to knowledge about the situation, conditions, stages, and problems of economic sustainability development in Indonesia. | |
88 | Perencanaan Pajak (Tax Planning) | The specific objectives of the course are to discuss legal tax savings (still within the framework of taxation regulations) by carrying out the objectives of tax planning, namely applying tax regulations correctly and efficiency efforts to achieve the profit and liquidity that should be. The Learning Outcomes, Students are expected to have the ability to understand the basics of tax planning; explain the ethics, principles, and strategies of tax planning; understanding tax planning and sustainability interpreted tax planning in asset depreciation; explain tax planning in the revaluation of Fixed Assets; formulate strategies to streamline Corporate Income Tax Expenses and tax planning for Value Added Tax. | |
89 | Perpajakan Internasional (International Taxation) | The international taxation course discusses the concept, application and calculation of taxation caused by transnational transactions between countries, where these transactions will provide income for the source country and the country where the business is domiciled (residence country), as well as discussing and analyzing materials related to international taxation practices in terms of tax treaty and transfer pricing. discuss the international taxation contribution for sustainable development | |
90 | Sistem Informasi Akuntansi (Accounting Information System) | The specific objectives of the course are to provide students with an understanding of the various cycles that exist in the company, documentation techniques used to describe various business cycles, documents used, systems and procedures used, and internal controls used. The learning outcomes, students are expected have abilities in understanding the accounting information system and its position in the organization's information system, understanding corporate sustainability accounting information system, understanding various general transaction cycles, understanding the principles of internal control, using system design tools to describe an accounting information system, analyzing an accounting information system design with due regard aspects, internal control in each accounting cycle in an accounting information system, understanding the role of information and communication technology in accounting information systems. | |
91 | Sistem Pelaporan Perpajakan (Pilihan) - Tax Reporting System (Electives) | The specific objectives of the course are to provide basic knowledge about the concept of calculating income tax, as well as value-added tax, land and building tax, land and building acquisition fees, stamp duty, and the importance of taxation for sustainable development Students learn to analyze tax issues in general. The Learning Outcomes, Students are expected to be able to master the concepts and regulations of taxation and business law and their application as well as to understand the rights, obligations, sanctions in the taxation field; compile Tax Return manually or computerized; independently compile reports tax obligations for both individual and corporate taxpayers by calculating and reconciling taxation in accordance with taxation laws in force in Indonesia. | |
92 | Start Up Business | The specific objectives of the course are to provide an understanding that internal and external innovations are necessity that must be carried out by every entrepreneur for sustainable business. This course provides a framework for finalizing planning when entrepreneurs must decide how to structure an organization in innovation, organize teams within the organization to innovate, determine roles to highlight, organize resources to gain a competitive advantage over other industries, and use capabilities to generate innovative activities. This course utilizes various business case studies that describe several segments from the growth stage and the change process, a business expansion that has occurred, and even discusses various business failures. sustainable start up means to offer a positive ecosystem for employees. | |
93 | Sistem Pengendalian Manajemen (Management Control System | The learning outcomes of this course are students are expected to be able to explain the nature of boundaries, activities, strategy formulas of management control system, analyze management control environment, corporate strategy concepts, organizational culture and company style, measure company assets / values and make corporate strategic planning, compile company budgets, and analyze the company's financial performance reports. sustainability management control defined as a system to ensure a balanced achievment of the economic, social and enviromental corporate performance. | |
94 | Akuntansi Pajak Perkebunan (Accounting for Plantation Tax) | The learning outcomes of this course combine the themes of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability Reporting regarding the calculation of the amount of plantation tax payable for each type of tax so that it can fulfill tax obligations in accordance with the provisions of tax laws and regulations. | |
95 | Audit Sistem Informasi (Information System Audit) | The specific objectives of the course are to understand the real asset and financial asset investment as well as regarding returns and risks. Transactions that exist in the financial market and capital market in investing until finally, students can make optimal portfolio analysis in investing. The Learning Outcomes, Students are expected to have the ability to analyze various financial information and financial theories to determine investments that can increase company value and have knowledge about portfolio, be able to determine an efficient portfolio and integrating sustainability in the auditing process therefore improve audit performance | |
96 | Pengantar Ilmu Ekonomi (Introduction to Economy) | The specific objective of the course is to broaden students' understanding of the development of the Indonesian economy through discussion of various economic topics both domestically and internationally by applying the economic theoretical framework that has been given previously. The Learning Outcomes, Students are expected to master the theory and development of the Indonesian economy since the independence of Indonesia until now based on the outlook of Indonesian economic conditions, master macroeconomic aspects in explaining the Indonesian economy, master economic policy initiatives on problems that occur in the Indonesian economy, develop ideas about what is happening to the Indonesian economy, analyze Indonesian economic challenges in the future, manage scientific research on issues of economic problems in Indonesia from a macro and micro perspective. Discuss economic sustainability that support economic growth without harm enviromental, social and cultural aspect of community | |
97 | Manajemen Keuangan (Finance Management) | This course provides an understanding and skills about the scoped uses of financial management in the agricultural, social-economic fields, financial statement analysis, short-term financial planning, working capital management including cash management, accounts receivable, inventory and accounts payable, investment planning in agribusiness-economics, investment feasibility analysis, financial institutions in Indonesia. Where the learning outcomes are focused on problem-solving abilities, namely the ability to identify, formulate and solve technical problems related to agriculture, social and economic development in a sustainable environment. | |
98 | Manajemen Investasi & Portofolio (Investment & Portfolio Management | The course aims to make students have the ability to analyze various financial information and various financial theories to determine investments that can increase company value and sustainability, have knowledge of portfolios so they can determine an efficient portfolio. | |
99 | Studi Kelayakan bisnis (Feasibility Study) | One of the learning outcomes of this course is combining the themes of business sustainability and social sustainability with a focus on the study of basic understanding of projects, benefits and costs, identification of benefits and costs of a project, investment criteria and project feasibility. | |
100 | Pengantar BIM dalam Arsitektur (Introduction to BIM in Architecture) (Adanya BIM) | The specific objectives of the course are to provide the basics of BIM (Building Information Modeling) applications in architecture, especially related to the integration between building components and architectural document management, integrating project delivery and design optimization for sustainable design.The Learning Outcomes, Students are expected to be able to design architecture in particular and the construction industry in general which integrates information in the model into various types of documents and other analysis components with the aim of increasing efficiency, integration in a project. | |
101 | Arsitektur Kota (City Architecture) | The learning outcomes of this course are students are expected to be able to know the elements that make up urban architecture, understand the aspects of the city environment related to architectural design and public spaces. Understanding sustainable city concept incorporate eco-friendly practice, green space and supporting technology. | |
102 | Arsitektur Regionalisme (Architecture of Regionalism) | The learning outcomes of this course are students are expected to be able to explain the factors that affect thermal comfort, the control of natural and artificial environmental thermal conditions, the natural and artificial visual comfort control, the principles of energy saving in sustainable architectural design, | |
103 | Dasar-dasar Struktur Bangunan (Basics of Building Structures) | The specific objectives of the course are to be able to find out and understand the structural system in multi-storey buildings, space functions, structural systems, building forms, and precast structure system technology that useful to design sustainable building. The Learning Outcomes, Students are expected to be able to understand the loading system and distribution of forces in the building structure system, understand linkages and relationships of materials, construction, structural systems, and building forms, understanding the relationship between architectural systems, structural systems, mechanical systems, electrical systems and systems in the building economy. | |
104 | Fotografi Arsitektur (Architectural Photography) | The specific objectives of the course are to be able to create architectural photography works (exterior and interior) creatively according to the characteristics of the building. The Learning Outcomes, Students are expected to be able to understand the history and scope of architectural photography (exterior and interior), explain building elements (exterior and interior), and building characteristics, explain architectural shooting (exterior and interior) according to the technique and the right choice of tools, explain architectural shooting techniques refer to the correct method, explain the way to photograph the sustainable design that represent the fresh air and themal comfort of the building. | |
105 | Lingkungan Binaan Berkelanjutan (Sustainable Fostered Livelihood) | The learning outcomes of this course are students are expected to be able to describe technological aspects of medium and wide-span building planning, be able to choose the material technology used in a medium and wide-span building, be able to design utility systems in a medium-sized building project by applying a core building system and principles of sustainable building | |
106 | Pengantar Arsitektur (Introduction to Architecture) | The specific objectives of the course are to explain the role and position of architecture in the development of the developed environment and be able to use graphic communication media as the basics of architectural design and presentation techniques. adopting eco-friendly approach in designing sustainable building. | |
107 | Pengendalian Lingkungan (Environmental Control) | The learning outcomes of this course are students are expected to be able to explain the factors that affect thermal comfort, the control of natural and artificial environmental thermal conditions, the natural and artificial visual comfort control, and the principles of energy saving in sustainable architectural design. | |
108 | Perkembangan Arsitektur I (Architectural Development I) | The learning outcomes of this course are students are expected to be able to explain the history of the development of Greek architecture, be able to explain the history of the development of Roman architecture, be able to explain the history of the development of modern architecture, be able to explain architects and theories in the era of modern architecture, be able to explain the history of the development of post modern architecture, explain the sustainable architectural design, and be able to explain about architects and modern architectural theory | |
109 | Perkembangan Arsitektur II (Architecture Development II) | The specific objectives of the course are to conduct survey development, data collection analysis, and presentation of an architectural building so that it can be used as a reference in a sustainable and eco-friendly building design. The Learning Outcomes, Students are expected to apply post-modern architectural developments and explain about architects and modern architectural theory. | |
110 | Perumahan & Pemukiman | The learning outcomes of this course are students are expected to be able to explain the basics of housing and settlement design, be able to explain the main determinants of sustainable housing and settlement design and examples of their relation to their design, and be able to explain important concepts of development and development of housing and settlements along with examples, | |
111 | Workshop std Perancangan Arsitektur (Architectural Design Seminar) not found | The learning outcomes of this course are students are expected to be able to explain the technique of preparing a final project seminar proposal, be able to explain the preparation of a design seminar report, simulate the procedures for making a design seminar proposal, explore the topic and theme of a final project seminar report, and make proposals to compile a seminar report on the final project design. | |
112 | Studio Perancangan Tapak (Site Design Studio) | The specific objectives of the course are to be able to discuss the principles of site planning and design and provide small exercises / tasks in site design, both for sloping contours, surface design and site drainage systems. introduce the concept of sustainability applied to site design. The topics of discussion include: rules of building and outdoor space formation, principles of site circulation system design, and site engineering. | |
113 | Tata Ruang Dalam (Interior Design) | The course aims to make student to be able to explain the scope of work in the field of interior design, be able to simulate interior design of residential houses and commercial buildings including the definition, scope, and aspects that need to be considered in the design, have the ability regarding interior drawing techniques, be able to compile interior design concepts residential houses and commercial buildings, able to explain knowledge of interior materials for residential houses and commercial buildings, able to make interior designs for residential houses and commercial buildings, apply sustainable interior design by assign efficient and effective use of space, and select low pollution material. | |
114 | Tata Ruang Dalam Lanjutan (Advance Interior Layout) | The specific objectives of the course are being able to design interior and exterior in a complex building design according to the professionalism of an architect. The Learning Outcomes, Students are expected to be able to work in the field of interior design, to simulate the interior design of residential houses and commercial buildings including understanding, scope, and aspects that need to be considered in designing, to have the ability in drawing interior techniques, to compile the concept of interior design for residential houses and commercial buildings, to explain knowledge about interior materials for residential houses and commercial buildings, to make sustainable interior designs for residential houses and commercial buildings. | |
115 | Utilitas (Utility) | The learning outcomes of this course are students are expected to be able to understand architectural, structural as well as electrical and mechanical theories and descriptions, be able to explain the relationship of utility to the design activity process, be able to explain sustainability in utilities by reducing enviromental impact, be able to understand the theory and anatomical drawings of utility, and be able to draw utility networks | |
116 | Metode Pelaksanaan Proyek (Project Implementation Methods) | Learning outcomes in this course focus on developing practical skills in environmentally oriented building construction design by providing an understanding of the use of construction aids, sustainability concept, namely heavy equipment and calculating the cost of their use and construction implementation methods. | |
117 | Manajemen Konstruksi (Construction Management) | This course discusses project management, evaluation of project feasibility, systems for procurement of goods and services, budget plans, resource planning, project scheduling and cost control, discuss sustainable practice in construction management schedule and quality of work with learning outcomes focused on the theme of building design and green building construction. | |
118 | Manajemen Konstruksi Lanjut (Advanced Construction Management) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the topic of building design and green building construction, benefits and requirement of sustainable construction and advanced courses in the field of construction management which discuss risk concepts and the application of risk management in construction projects based on safety and environmental aspects. | |
119 | Peng. dan Pengetahuan AMDAL (Introduction to Environmental Impacts) | The learning outcomes of the course aim to make students to be able to master an understanding of environmental impact management, understanding enviromental impact to achieving sustainable development, master the applicable rules / regulations on Environmental Impact Analysis, overcome problems that occur in the environment, and are responsible for planning, implementing and evaluating research work in the field of Environmental Impact Analysis | |
120 | Statistik Non Parametrik (Non-parametric Statistics Responsiveness) not found | The specific objectives of the course are to formulate hypothesis testing and analyze data using appropriate statistical techniques in the field of life sciences with the help of software Students are expected to be able to apply the basic concepts of non-parametric statistics, differentiate the application of parametric and non-parametric statistical analysis apply non-parametric statistical analysis to all areas of life, provide interpretation of the results of the analysis, differentiate hypothesis testing for a single sample, independent and dependent two-sample hypothesis testing, independence testing, more than three sample hypothesis testing, understand the application of various methods to nonparametric statistics, convey the results of the analysis in writing or orally, in the form of individual or group assignments | |
121 | Bioinformatika (Bioinformatics) | This course focuses on discussing the integration of the fields of biology, mathematics and computer science in collecting, storing, analyzing, interpreting, distributing and applying molecular biology data. One of the learning outcomes of this course is that students are expected to be able to describe the use of bioinformatics in various fields such as clinical / medicine, virology and sustainable development. Students are also expected to pay attention to the development of the role of bioinformatics in the continuity of research related to the identification of new disease agents, drug discovery, vaccine development etc. | |
122 | Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup dan AMDAL (Environmental Management and Environmental Impact Analysis) | The specific objectives of the course are to learn ways to handle waste to minimize environmental damage and to recycle waste into valuable products. The learning outcomes of the course are students are expected to know about sustainable development methods that are oriented towards environmental conservation based on the environmental impact analysis, be able to explain the principles and objectives of handling and technology for waste treatment and agricultural environmental impact analysis, explain various management of agricultural / plantation waste (physical, chemical, biological), understand processing technology of liquid, solid and gas waste in the agricultural / plantation industry and their utilization | |
123 | Bakteriologi (Bacteriology) | The learning outcomes of this course are students are expected to be able to understand the characteristics of bacteria, how to identify bacteria, growth and development of bacteria and the role of bacteria in the fields of food, industry, health and sustainable infrastructure. | |
124 | Bio Fermentasi (Biofermentation) | The learning outcomes of this course are students are expected to be able to understand the principles of fermentation, the behavior of fermentation agents, the sterilization process in fermentation, design procedures for making fermentation products by utilizing organic waste, apply the principles and processes of fermentation in making in vitro scale products, fermentation role for food sustainability and make simple fermenter designs. | |
125 | Bioentrepreneurship | The specific objective of the course is to provide knowledge about the world of entrepreneurship so that it is hoped that students with expertise in the fields of Biology and Biotechnology will be able to see business opportunities from their professional fields so that they are motivated to work independently and even be able to create jobs for others. Understanding sustainable enterpreneurs strategies to achieve social, economics and enviromental goals. The learning outcomes, students are expected to be able to study and develop their own (self-learning) various scientific theories that support the profession of entrepreneurs such as marketing, finance, product knowledge, business ethics, etc., analyze business opportunities with all the risks, the breadth of insight about the opportunities for a bachelor of biology to have a career in big companies and follow the development of the business world. | |
126 | Biokimia (Biochemistry) | The learning outcomes of this course are students are expected to be able to understand the History and Development of Biochemistry, Carbohydrates and Metabolism, Lipids and Metabolism, Protein and Metabolism, Nucleic Acids, Enzymes, Structure and function of cells and digestion of food. Identify opportunities for sustainability action in biochemistry. | |
127 | Biodiversity dan konservasi SDA | The specific objectives of the course are to develop basic concepts in the biodiversity field that can be used to study the grouping of living things, spatial distribution, systematics, economic-ecological benefits, and the potential for changes in living things and their management. Understanding biodiversity importance for sustainable development and human well-being. Biodiversity establish food supply and reduce climate change. The Learning Outcomes, Students are expected to be able to analyze problems and alternative solutions from the concept of biodiversity. | |
128 | Biologi Tanaman Industri Biology of Industrial Plant) | The learning outcomes of this course are students are expected to be able to explain the concept of industrial plant biology, the scope of industrial plant biology, types of industrial plants, industrial plant sustainability and profitability and application in industrial plant cultivation. | |
129 | Biologi Tanaman Obat (Biology of Medicinal Plant) | The learning outcomes of this course are students are expected to be able to explain medicinal plants and their types, traditional medicine and modern medicine, medicinal plant sustainability and cultivation, traditional medicinal raw materials, traditional medicine raw material processing and traditional medicine production methods, the potential for developing native Indonesian medicines, and related regulations or laws. traditional medicine, | |
130 | Biologi Umum (General Biology) | The specific objectives of the course are to provide knowledge and insight into biological concepts, cell chemical bonds and cell structure, cell metabolism, principles of evolution, diversity of living things, structure and function of animal and plant organs, and general ecological concepts. Learning Outcomes: Students are expected to be able to understand the diversity of living things including the six kingdoms, the structure of plant animal organs, the principles and concepts of ecology, and sustainable biological system. | |
131 | Bioproduk Perairan (Aquatic Bioproducts) | The learning outcomes of this course provide knowledge and skills for students to be able to develop sustainable innovations in aquatic bioproducts by applying sustainable, renewable methods and processes and prioritizing environmentally friendly process aspects. | |
132 | Bioremediasi (Bioremediation) | The learning outcomes of this course are students are expected to be able to master the role of bioremediation in the environment, classification and types of pollutants, methods, neutralization of heavy metals with the help of plants, bioremediation processes of organic compounds, bioremediation of industrial waste and enviromental pollutant for enviromental sustainability. | |
133 | Biostatistik (Biostatistics) | The learning outcomes of this course are students are expected to be able to master the concept of biostatistics, master the rules in the presentation of statistical data, master the application of work principles in data collection and data analysis to obtain an appropriate conclusion and be responsible for planning, implementing and evaluating research work in the field of biostatistics. master biostatistics as evidence-based for policies and decision-making to support sustainable development. | |
134 | Biotek Pengelolaan Limbah Biotechnology in Waste Treatment) | By learning the course, students are expected to be able to master the definition of biotechnology in waste treatment, types of waste, the greenhouse effect, waste processing and utilization techniques, degradation and composting mechanisms of organic waste, toxic waste and waste treatment plants which are sustainable and can be apply to designing and modifying methods for the manufacture of food products/ industry from organic waste | |
135 | Bioteknologi (Biotechnology) | The learning outcomes of the course are students are expected to be able to master the understanding of biotechnology and its scope, master the development of biotechnology, master biotechnology applications to make the human life more sustainable for the environment and be responsible for planning, implementing and evaluating research work in the field of biotechnology | |
136 | Ekologi Hewan (Animal Ecology) | The course aim to make students understand the concepts and principles of animal ecology and ecological sustainability, the best solution in dealing with ecological problems related to animals, collect data and process quantitative data in the field of ecology, distinguish and describe the characteristics of animal species based on their location, communicate the results of their scientific work orally or in writing. | |
137 | Ekologi Perairan (Aquatic Ecology) | By learning the course, students are expected to be able to understand the concept of aquatic ecology and the factors that influence and threaten the aquatic ecosystem, aquatic ecology for sustainability and understand the planning of marine resource management based on the ecological nature and potential of these resources. | |
138 | Ekologi Tumbuhan (Plant Ecology) | The learning outcomes of the course are students are expected to be able to understand the history of plant ecology, the scope of plant ecology, explain the history and development of vegetation science and vegetation analysis, explain the definition of plant sustainable production, the influence of abiotic factors such as light, water and atmosphere, temperature, topography and soil for plants, utilization and preservation of natural resources especially plants | |
139 | Ekologi Umum (General Ecology) | The learning outcomes of the course are students are expected to be able to understand the scope of ecology and its relation to other sciences, understand ecosystems and communities, understand and analyze energy in ecological systems, understand and create environmental limiting factors, analyze population dynamics, understanding ecological sustainability as the conservation of ecosystem including the productive capacity of ecological system. | |
140 | Endokrinologi (Endocrinology) not found | By learning the course, the students are expected to be able to explain the endocrine system in vertebrates, neurosecretory concepts, control of the endocrine system and hormone action in the brain, pituitary gland, pars intermedia chromophore regulation, thyroid and parathyroid glands, pancreatic anatomy, pancreatic hormone physiology, adrenal cortex gland (steroid hormone structure and mechanisms of action of steroids), testicular and ovarian endocrinology and gastrointestinal hormones and endocrinological mechanisms in invertebrates. Understanding sustainability issues in endocrinology. | |
141 | English for Biology | The specific objectives of the course are to provide knowledge to students to understand and use English in biology, both in understanding text, grammar, verbal communication skills, and the ability to understand English pronunciation (listening). The Learning Outcomes, Students are expected to be able to master the concepts of biology in English by understanding the sustainability issues of the earth, master the use of proper English grammar in English texts, have text comprehension skills in English, have the ability to pronounce and describe the English pronunciation spoken by native speakers, apply proper writing procedures in English by using the correct vocabulary and grammar. | |
142 | Entomologi Umum (General Entomology) | The course aim to make students to be able to explain the definition and scope of entomology, explain insect morphology, classification, and insects and their environment, explain the anatomy and physiological functions of organ systems (digestion, respiration, blood circulation, excretion and nerves and insect reproduction, explain the metamorphosis process of insects, explain the role of insects in the fields of health, industry, forensics, and biological control. Sustainable entomology clearly permeate integrated pest management. | |
143 | Etnobotani (Ethnobotany) | By learning the course, the students are expected to be able to explain ethnobotany and economic botanicals in Indonesia, ethnobiology and its relationship between humans, culture and the environment, traditional botanical knowledge, cultural sustainability in ethnobotanical, fibrous plants, potential dye-producing plants, germplasm and medicinal plants, ethnobotany research and economic botanical. | |
144 | Evolusi (Evolution) | The specific objectives of the course are to study the modern theory of evolution in relation to the origin and dynamics of genetic diversity in time and space,sustainable evolution, reproductive isolation, and evolutionary relationships among groups of organisms. Students will be directed on how to understand the interactions between mutations in evolutionary forces, recombination, selection, migration, and genetic shifts driving patterns and processes of biodiversity at various levels of biological organization to master an understanding of it and understanding of biological evolution. | |
145 | Fisiologi Hewan (Animal Physiology) | The learning outcomes of the course are students are expected to be able to explain the scope and history of the development of animal physiology, chemical components that support body activity, metabolism and the role of enzymes in metabolism, animal sustainable feeding, physiological or physiological processes in animal and human organs, osmoregulation and homeostasis processes. Plan, implement and evaluate. research work in the field of animal physiology. | |
146 | Fisiologi Mikroba (Microbial Physiology) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the topic of environmental and biodiversity conservation by presenting a discussion of physiological processes that include reproduction and growth, metabolism, cell differentiation, and responses to extreme environments as well as secondary metabolites and microbial reactions to extreme environments. understanding microbials contribute in maintaining sustainability of environment | |
147 | Fitohormon (Phytohormones) | The learning outcomes of the course are students are expected to be able to explain the history of discovery, the concept of phytohormones, the development of phytohormones, auxin hormones, gibberellins hormones and the application of gibberellins hormones in the fields of biology and industry, cytokinin hormones, abscisic acid hormone, ethylene ethylene hormone, brassinosteroid hormone, jasmonic hormone and their application in the fields of biology and sustainable agriculture. | |
148 | Gizi dan Kesehatan (Nutrition and Health) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the topic of food and health sustainability in terms of improving nutrition and improving health at all ages by providing material studies on food and nutrients contained therein in relation to body health, various kinds of nutrients, digestion, absorption and use for the body, diseases due to malnutrition, and compiling a food menu by taking into account the calorie requirements for the body. | |
149 | Helmintologi (Helmintology) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on environmental balance for human survival by providing an understanding of the prevention and treatment of worms as parasites that can live and infect the human body. Understanding the impact of this parasite for sustainable development. | |
150 | Immunologi (Immunology) | By learning the course, students are expected to be able to explain specificity, immunoglobin and antibody synthesis, antibody synthesis theory and antibody antigen interactions, hypersensitivity and immunity to infection, fetal immunity, general principles of vaccination, vaccines and autoimmune mechanisms as well as applying ways to improve health and prevention of disease in the body. immunological principles can be used to build a sustainable investment portfolio. | |
151 | Kesehatan Reproduksi (Reproduction Health) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the topic of sustainable health and women's empowerment, namely sexual health and sexual education which aims to prevent, maintain and restore the function of sexual organs from disorders. Also evaluate KB programs in the community, so as to produce offspring whose welfare can be accounted for. | |
152 | Mikrobiologi Air (Water Microbiology) | The learning outcomes of the course are expecting students to be able to explain the scope of water microbiology, the classification of microorganisms that live in clean and polluted water, the nutritional needs of microorganisms in water, the life cycle of microorganisms and the spread of disease through water, coliform bacteria (fecal and non-fecal), water pollution, water sustainability, testing water quality and observed parameters, and applying the liquid waste treatment method. | |
153 | Mikrobiologi Industri (Industrial Microbiology) | Students are expected to be able to explain the scope and development of industrial microbiology, basic concepts of microbiology and its application in the field of sustainable industry, media used in the fermentation industry, classification of microorganisms that play a positive role in the food and non-food industry, and apply methods prevention of spoilage of food and food industry products. Studying food preservation processes, as well as the use of microorganisms in the treatment of industrial waste | |
154 | Parasitologi (Parasitology) | The learning outcomes of the course are expecting students to be able to explain the types of parasites and their characteristics, distribution and efforts to prevent diseases caused by parasitic organisms as well as develop research in order to improve the quality of human life and the sustainability of the environment. | |
155 | Pencemaran Lingkungan (Environmental Pollution) | The learning outcomes of the course aim to make students to be able to master the definition and sources of environmental pollution, water, soil and air pollution, the greenhouse effect, techniques and methods for analyzing environmental pollution, pollution that occurs in agriculture,enviromental sustainability and pollution prevention. drug and food toxicology, explaining and conducting the level tests of environmental pollution | |
156 | Kimia Dasar (Principles of Chemistry) | The learning outcomes of this course are combining the green chemistry theme which focuses on the study of chemical principles in designing, using or producing chemicals to reduce the use or production of hazardous materials that can interfere with the health of living things and preserve the sustainable environment. | |
157 | Praktikum Kimia Dasar (Practicum of Basic Chemistry) | The learning outcomes of this course provide knowledge and expertise to students about product design and chemical processes that reduce or eliminate the use and formation of hazardous compounds and implementing sustainable chemistry concept. | |
158 | Pengantar Statistik Sosial (Introduction to Social Statistics) | This course provides an understanding and knowledge of statistical techniques in general and several forms of non-parametric and parametric statistical tests that are associated with research needs as a basis for sustainability reporting. | |
159 | Fisika Dasar I (Principles of Physics I) | The learning outcomes of this course are focusing on environmental and energy conservation to preserve sustainable energy. | |
160 | Fisika Dasar II (Principles of Physics II) | By learning the course, students are expected to be able to apply the basic concepts of physics and sustainability that related to several topics, such as heat, wave vibrations and Electrical concepts. Student expected to be able to solve simple problems which are related to the topics. | |
161 | Fisika Teknik (Engineering Physics) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the theme of energy conservation, this course is not only related to mathematical formulas and equations but physics can contribute to the development of the environment and energy sustainability on earth by providing material on basic physics of engineering, especially the basis of mechanical engineerings such as energy, work also power in linear and rotational motions, simple machines and their applications, rolling motion, torsion & tangential forces, translational impulses and momentum, rotational impulses and momentum, centrifugal force, and expansion of materials. | |
162 | Praktikum Fisika Dasar (Basic Physics Practicum) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the topic of energy efficiency and sustainability. the basic of an eco-friendly electrical system by providing material studies on the distribution of discrete and continuous electric charges, electric potential, capacitance, dielectrics, energy magnetism in materials, AC current circuits, Maxwell's equations and EM Gel, Light, Geometric Optics, Optical Instruments, Inference and Diffraction. | |
163 | Praktikum Fisika Teknik (Engineering Physics Practicum) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the topic of energy conversion for energy efficiency and sustainability by providing students with understanding and skills regarding Uncertainty theory, Measurement and Accuracy, Experiments: Mechanics (Kinematics and Dynamics), Statics and Fluid Dynamics, Elasticity, Springs, Waves, Thermodynamics / heat. | |
164 | Ekonomi Teknik (Engineering Economics) | By learning the course, students are expected to be able to understand decision-making techniques in environmentally friendly production machinery engineering through economic analysis by providing material studies on economic concepts, costs and prices, costs and time, alternative evaluation methods (PV, FV, IRR methods), evaluation method (point of return, benefit cost ratio), depreciation and understanding sustainable engineering economic concept. | |
165 | Hukum Pemerintahan Desa (Village Administrative Law) | The specific purpose of this course is to understand, explain and describe the theoretical and practical aspects as well as the implementing regulations of Law Number 6 of 2014 Cq Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government, including (1) Definition of Village Scope, Position, and Type of Village, (2) History of Village Development, (3) Differences in Village and District Government, (4) Village Finance and Institutions, (5) Village Administration, (6) Village and Village Community Obligations, ( 7) Village Regulations, ( 8) Village Finance and Village Assets, (9) Village Development and Village Area Development, (10) Village Owned Enterprises, (11) Village Cooperation, (12) Village Community Institutions and Village Traditional Institutions, (13) Traditional Villages, ( 14) Village Government Guidance and Supervision with Student Learning Outcomes are expected to be able to explain social conditions in the Village and suggestions for constructing sustainable village development. | |
166 | Antropologi Hukum (Anthropology of Law) | This course provides students with an understanding of socio-cultural sustainability through an anthropological approach in the study of law diversity in society, research methods in the anthropology of Law, models of dispute processes and their resolution, and law functions outside of disputes or in everyday life. | |
167 | Hkm. Perlindungan Konsumen (Consumer Protection Law) | This course aims to make students able to explain the understanding and legal background of consumer protection, the discussion materials include explaining the principles and objectives of consumer protection law, understanding consumers, consumer rights and obligations, understanding business actors, rights and obligations of business actors, understanding the role of law in consumer protection, sources of consumer protection law, Civil Law Aspects in Consumer Protection, Public Legal Aspects in Consumer Protection, Consumer Protection Legal Principles, Consumer Protection Legal Issues, Out of Court Consumer Dispute Resolution and Consumer Dispute Resolution in Court, Consumer Protection Law in terms of theory and regulation and practice in Indonesia as well as major consumer rights and their relationship to environmental issues. Understanding consumer rights to achieve sustainable development. | |
168 | Hukum Acara Perdata (Civil Procedure Law) | Learning Outcomes: Students are expected to be able to explain the meaning, characteristics and characteristics and sources of civil procedural law in Indonesia, the principles of civil procedural law in Indonesia, the history of civil procedural law and judicial history in Indonesia, granting power of attorney, types of lawsuits and their application in practice. civil case law in court, trial court; the parties' answers, evidence and trial process, court decisions and implementation of court decisions, legal remedies in civil cases. Giving examples for handling cases of environmental destruction and civil procedure law contribution to sustainable development. | |
169 | Hukum Acara Pidana (Criminal Procedure Law) | The specific purpose of this course is to learn about criminal procedures, procedures from the police, prosecutors, courts to the implementation of judge's decisions. This course aims to enable students to be able to explain the basics of Criminal Procedural Law, Functions and Objectives of Criminal Procedure Law, explain, identify, analyze the Audit process. Introduction, Prosecution Process, Evidence Procedure and its legal basis, court decisions. Examples of cases of criminal violations can be related to environmental, social and economic issues and the criminal procedure law contribution to sustainable development. | |
170 | Hukum Acara PTUN (State Administrative Court Procedure Law) | The learning outcomes of the course are students are expected to be able to explain terms, meanings, backgrounds, intentions, and the purpose of establishing State Administrative Court, competence (absolute and relative) of State Administrative Court, elements and legal sources of State Administrative Court, subjects and objects of State Administrative Court disputes, special characteristics of Administrative Court Procedure, Principal Principles of Administrative Court, Composition, Position and Authority of Administrative Court, State Administrative Court Audit , Evidence, verdict and legal remedy for State Administrative Court. and the state administrative court procedure law contribution to sustainable development. | |
171 | Hukum Adat (Customary Law) | The learning outcomes of this course are that students are expected to understand the social order in the community (local custom). Position of Individuals and Families in Customary Law Society, explaining Family Relations Law and Legal and Marriage Relations in Customary Law, explaining Inheritance Customary Law, explaining Ulayat Rights, Verbintenis Law and Customary Law Offenses. and the customary law contribution to sustainable enviromental development. | |
172 | Hukum Administrasi Kependudukan (Population Administration Law) | The learning outcomes of the course focus on the topic of sustainability of security towards the assurance of legal certainty of population administration with the hope that students will be able to recognize and understand and provide alternative solutions to legal problems faced in society regarding population problems, such as population administration and regarding the rights and obligations of the population, and respect for human rights for the use of natural resources and the environment. | |
173 | Hukum Administrasi Pelayanan Publik (Public Administration Management Act ) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the topic of sustainability of security towards the assurance of legal certainty of Public Service Administration with the hope that students are able to explain and describe aspects of public service in terms of theoretical and normative state administrative law. | |
174 | Hukum Agraria (Agrarian Law) | Learning Outcomes: Students are expected to be able to explain the definition and scope of agrarian law, outline the development of land law in Indonesia, the establishment of the Principles of Agrarian Law and the development of national land law, describe land tenure rights according to national land law, understand and explain conversion Individual rights to land, provision of land for development, ,land registration, land reform in Indonesia and the agrarian law contribution to sustainable land development. | |
175 | Hukum Dagang (Commercial Law) | The specific purpose of this course is to study law within the scope of economics, the learning materials include Trade, Types of Trade, Trade Tasks and Relations between Commercial Law and Civil Law, Understanding of Commercial Law and some opinions and history of Commercial Law in Indonesia, Entrepreneurs and Companies and Assistant Entrepreneurs, Securities, Intellectual Property Principles (HAKI), a form of business in Indonesia that is not a legal entity, is a legal entity, understands banking laws and regulations, financing institutions and agreements, explains bankruptcy, payment delays and liquidations, and trade dispute resolution. Understanding the commercial law contribution to sustainable economic development. | |
176 | Hukum HAM (Human Rights Law) | The specific objectives of the course are to discuss the conceptions and implications of human rights regulation; the nature of violating material law and its implications for human rights and the harmony of legal development; human rights enforcement instruments and reforms; Human Rights in the perspective of State Administrative Law and International Law; public participation in local government administration; Implementation and synchronization of international and national human rights; Human rights from the perspective of the criminal justice system; legislative policies on human rights violations; corruption, death penalty and human rights; Human rights in the perspective of civil law, economic crimes, and informed consent; protection of human rights and children's rights; Human rights in society; guarantee of accessibility and legal remedies in empowering legal culture; as well as human rights in the perspective of religious and Islamic civil court. Understanding human rights essential condition for sustainable development. | |
177 | Hukum Internasional (International Law) | The learning outcomes, students are expected to be able to master the study of international law which has a strong influence on the development of the substance and application of law at the domestic level, the development of research methods and international law research, as well as its contribution to sustainable enviromental development. Some examples of international law aimed at protecting the environment (1) protect the global atmosphere, including preventing climate change and ozone depletion; (2) conserving wild animals and biodiversity; (3) managing the oceans and marine environment; and (4) regulate the global movement of chemicals, waste and other hazardous materials. | |
178 | Hukum Islam (Islamic Law) | The specific objectives of the course are to discuss the principles of Islamic marriage law, cases of Islamic marriage, and to be able to analyze contemporary Islamic law issues, especially Marriage. Discuss Islamic law contribution to sustainable development.The learning outcomes are student expected to be able to explain the Principles of Marriage in Law No.1 of 1974; KHI and Fiqh Munakahat, Pillars and Conditions of Marriage, Proof of Marriage and Marriage Proposal, Dowry and Marriage Agreements, POLYGAMY and pregnant marriage, Prevention and Cancellation of Marriage, Rights and Obligations of Husband-Wife, Child Care and Custody and Marriage Breakdown, Marriage Property, and Children beyond mating. | |
179 | Hukum Kepegawaian (Employment Law) | The learning outcomes of the course focus on the topic of sustainability of security towards the assurance of legal certainty of Indonesian employment by giving students the ability to be able to master, analyze, and explain legal aspects related to the actions of state administrative officials, legal sources of authority, legal basis of employment, procurement of civil servants formations, guidance for civil servants, civil servants' rights and bligations, Termination and forms of supervision of civil servants. | |
180 | Hukum Kesehatan (Health Law) | The specific objective of the course is to study matters relating to laws and other regulations of public health and medical practice in relation to the implementation of health service providers as well as the logical consequences or medical risks arising from the professional actions of a doctor so that in the end It will be possible to know the rights and obligations between the community and the provider, thus if there is an incident of medical malpractice, it will be easily resolved through law enforcement efforts both criminal, civil and state administrative law. Student learning outcomes are expected to be able to explain other provisions. related to health law, understanding national development in relation to public health sustainability, explaining the importance of realizing public health service programs and their implementation, developing the potential of the government in enhancing the emphasizing the state economy the role of hospitals and doctors, explains the criticism of the application of laws and regulations related to public health. | |
181 | Hukum Lingkungan (Environmental Law) | The specific objectives of the course are to study the system of environmental legal aspects which are the basis for the environmental law and sustainability of the National Environmental Law system regarding the Environmental Law, the status of environmental law criminal acts, and an explanation of environmental pollution and environmental law enforcement with Learning Outcomes of students are expected to be able to explain Definition and Environmental Law, Environmental Pollution and Destruction, Environmental Quality Standards, Environmental Impact Analysis, Environmental Crime, Environmental Law Enforcement. | |
182 | Hukum Organisasi Internasional (International Organization Law) | The learning outcomes of the course focus on the topic of sustainability of security towards the assurance of legal certainty of international organizations by providing material studies on legal principles of international organizations, which include understanding and history, formation, structure and budget of expenditure. | |
183 | Hukum Pemukiman (Settlement Law) | The specific objectives of the course are to explain the definition of decent houses and houses and the definition of settlement; Principles, objectives and scope of housing and settlement areas; Legal aspect of sustainable settlement. Guidance for the implementation of housing and settlement areas: Planning, Arrangement, Control and Supervision; Types and forms of Houses; Preliminary agreement for sale and purchase of housing, leasing and transfer of rights; financing system; and spatial planning with student learning outcomes are expected to be able to explain General Provisions, Principles, Objectives, and Scope according to Law Number 1 of 2011, Implementation of Housing and Settlement Areas, Planning, guidance, development, housing utilization, development requirements according to Law Number 28 of 2002 concerning Buildings and Law No.1 of 2011, aspects of civil law in settlement and settlement, Land Provision, Funding and Housing Financing Systems according to Law No.1/2011, Dispute Resolution; Administrative Sanctions; and Criminal Provisions according to Law Number 1 of 2011, provisions on spatial planning according to Indonesian law. | |
184 | Hukum Pendaftaran Tanah (Land Registration Act) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the topic of sustainability of security towards the assurance of legal certainty of Land Registration with the hope that students will be able to master the theory and mechanism of registration and transfer of land rights as a basis for resolving problems in the field of registration and transfer of land rights. | |
185 | Hukum Perdagangan Internasional (International Trade Law) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the topic of sustainability of security towards the assurance of legal certainty of international trade law certainty with the hope that students are able to understand and explain objects and materials in International Trade Law, be able to analyze, criticize and make choices of attitudes towards several cases that occur in an international environment using a perspective of international relations and international trade law. | |
186 | Hukum Perdata I (Civil Law I) | The specific objective of the course is to explain who is the persons as supporters of rights and obligations with the Learning Outcomes of students who are expected to be able to explain Civil Law, Legal Subjects, Domicile, Civil Registry, Family Law, Goods, the civil law contribution to sustainable development.Students are also expected to be able to respond to environmental problems. | |
187 | Hukum Perdata Internasional (Private International Law) | The specific objectives of the course are to explain the history of Private International Law (PIL) development, general and specific theories in PIL, the principles of PIL and its legal basis so that students are able to understand, analyze and explain the use of theories and principles of PIL in determining which law applies in resolving legal problems that arise in legal relationships containing foreign elements.Understanding private international law contribution to sustainable international development. | |
188 | Hukum Perencanaan dan Pengawasan Pembangunan (Development Planning and Supervision Laws) | The specific objectives of the course are to discuss the laws and regulations related to building activities or construction project activities, compiling construction contracts, understanding the concept of managing claims and construction contracts, and the concept of dispute resolution and engineering professional ethics. Apply Development Planning and Supervision Law concept to enhance sustainable development.. Learning outcomes that students are expected to be able to apply the principles, regulations, norms, standards, guidelines and manuals applied in the Civil Engineering field, being responsible to society, and complying with professional ethics in solving problems in the Civil Engineering field. | |
189 | Hukum Perizinan (Licensing Law) | The specific objectives of the course are to understand the scope of licensing law with Learning Outcomes that Students are expected to be able to explain the implementation of licensing services from the government, understand community activities related to licensing in sustainable national development, explain the importance of understanding the concepts of public service development, develop the potential of licensing for national development, explains the various elements contained in a licensing in accordance with the law. | |
190 | Hukum Perjanjian (Contract Law) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the topic of sustainability of security towards the assurance of legal certainty of agreement in the hope that students are able to master the concepts of contract law to provide alternative solutions to problems in the field of contract law. | |
191 | Hukum Perselisihan (Dispute Law) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the topic of sustainability of security towards the assurance of legal certainty of disputes in Indonesia by providing material studies on the concept, scope and causes of dispute law, intergroup law, interfaith and inter-customary law, Indonesian legal politics, development of a national legal system, inter-time law, inter-authority law and inter-regional / local law. | |
192 | Hukum Perumahan dan Permukiman (Housing and Settlement Law) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the topic of sustainability of security towards the assurance of legal certainty of housing and settlement in Indonesia and sustainable settlements in the hope that students will be able to understand, explain and describe theoretical and practical aspects as well as implementing regulations of Law No.1 of 2011 on Housing and settlements which is the basic need of human, as the center of family education, cultural nursery, and improving the quality of future generations. | |
193 | Hukum Pidana (Criminal Law) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the topic of sustainability of security towards the assurance of criminal law certainty in Indonesia with the hope that students will be able to explain the principles of criminal law, a brief history of Indonesian law, systematics of the Criminal Code, theoretical basics for understanding the norms of criminal law, offenses and penitensir law. | |
194 | Hukum Surat Berharga dan Pasar Modal (Securities and Capital Market Laws) | The specific objectives of the course are to understand the Legal Aspects of Securities, Types of Securities, State Sharia Securities (SBSN-read in Indonesian), Sukuk (underlying asset) and Sharia Bonds, Money Market Securities, Capital Market Law Aspects, BAPEPAM-OJK (Capital Market Supervisory Agency-Financial Fervices Authority), Mutual Funds, Stock Exchanges, Capital Market Transparency, Conflict of Interest Transactions, Crime and Violations in the Capital Market Sector, Authority of BAPEPAM and Legal Protection for Investors with Learning Outcomes, students are expected to be able to understand the importance of securities and capital markets in Indonesia, legal aspects of securities and capital markets, policies Bapepam and OJK in the Indonesian Capital Market, able to understand capital market crimes and violations, and able to understand the sustainable Capital Market Development System in Indonesia. | |
195 | Hukum Tata Negara (Constitutional Law) | The specific objectives of the course are to understand the meaning and scope of constitutional law, the sources of constitutional law, the hierarchy of legislation in Indonesia, the history and development of the Indonesian state, the principles of Indonesian constitutional law, State institutions before and after Amendments to the 1945 Constitution, Non-Ministry State Institutions, Citizenship, General Election System and Regional Head Election, Regional Government, and Human Rights with Learning Outcomes that Students are expected to be able to explain them all. Understanding constitutional law contribution to sustainable development. | |
196 | Hukum Keluarga dan Waris Adat (Family and Customary Inheritance Laws) | The specific purpose of this course is to understand the social conditions in the family and aspects of the family law system and customary inheritance which are the basis of family law and customary inheritance in the family law system and customary inheritance. The discussion includes the understanding of family law and the meaning of marriage and knowing the legal consequences arising from marriage, assets in marriage, marriage agreements, the position of children, consequences arising from divorce, adoption of children, understanding of customary inheritance, customary marriage, customary inheritance system, inheritance Students are expected to be able to explain the meaning of family law and customary inheritance, legal consequences arising from marriage, property in marriage, marriage agreements, consequences of divorce, family law and customary inheritance and can understand well who the heirs in the family and customary inheritance law are, adoption of children, inheritance system, inheritance, and heirs in customary law, and the process of customary inheritance. Understanding family and customary inheritance law contribution to sustainable social development. | |
197 | Hukum Pidana Islam (Islamic Criminal Law) | Islamic criminal law focuses on the study of law or criminal justice towards a criminal act, Understanding islamic criminal law contribution to sustainable development.for example in the crime of burning land, the relevance between Islamic law and national law with the aim of imposing sanctions for the welfare of society. | |
198 | Politik Hukum Pidana(Politics criminal of Law) | The learning outcomes of this course combine the themes of political sustainability as well as security and defense in Indonesia by providing an understanding of legal theories and legal politics as well as factors in the law formation and the law application in the context of sustainable development and the development of Indonesian National Law and the role of society in the development of politics of law in Indonesia. | |
199 | Filsafat Hukum (Philosophy of Law) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the theme of life, social and security, and defense sustainability in realizing sustainable development in Indonesia by providing knowledge about the basic values concept of upholding the rule of law in society, the concept of justice, equality, order, the relationship between law and power, the concept of rights and obligations, sanctions, human position in law, and the role of society in law enforcement. | |
200 | Komunikasi Lintas Budaya (Cross Cultural Communication) | The specific objectives of the course are to understand theories and methodologies that explain the interaction and linkages of the physical environment with traditional values and human behavior in sustainable agribusiness design with Learning Outcomes that Students are expected to be able to understand the economic problems of an area, be able to understand location theory, be able to understand the economic growth of a region area, able to understand the concept of regional income, able to understand the economic potential of a region, able to formulate regional structuring strategies from a socio-economic point of view. | |
201 | Etika Filsafat Komunikasi (Ethics of Communication Philosophy) | The specific objective of the course is to provide an understanding of the philosophical approach to ethnic studies of communication studies both as a conceptual theoretical level science in theory, thoughts, assumptions, explore ethics of communication philosophy as a fundamental of pratising sustainability and views on communication and to be the application contained in the behavior of the communication act. Where ethics is the right way to think and act to follow norms, morals, and religion with Learning Outcomes, students are expected to be able to explain the history, understanding, and definition of communication philosophy ethics, the development of philosophy with communication science, humans as actors of communication, philosophy as a basis for thinking, examine aspects that shape communication ethics, think critically on the development of contemporary communication ethics. | |
202 | Hukum Media Massa (Mass Media Law) | The specific objectives of the course are to study moral historiography, ethics, and media law. Also discusses the moral, ethical, and legal relevance of media in social issues, as well as the various consequences that can be caused. In addition, the journalist's code of ethics and the press law play a major role in reporting so that journalism competence affects the intellect and morale of press workers. The role of media contributing to a sustainable society. The learning outcomes are Student expected to be able to explain the definition and definition of law, journalist code of ethics, the Press Law, journalist work and its problems, mass media violations, the virtue of local culture, institutions that control mass media, the development of mass media in Indonesia, phenomena in the world of journalism work and understanding journalism in the digital era. | |
203 | Komunikasi Interpersonal (Interpersonal Communication) | The specific objectives of the course are to give students the ability to identify, understand, explain, conclude, and apply aspects of Interpersonal Communication that enhance sustainable development with Learning Outcomes that Students are expected to be able to explain the meaning, definition, and function of Interpersonal Communication, interpersonal relationships, stages of interpersonal relationships, skills to make relationships. interpersonal and relationship maintenance strategies, Interpersonal Communication theories related to individual traits, individual cognition, the individual self, and individual identity, Johari Window model as an Interpersonal Communication strategy, perceptions, types of perceptions and ways to minimize misperceptions, listening skills and speaking skills in Interpersonal Communication, other people's point of view, verbal and nonverbal communication in the context of Interpersonal Communication, and explaining how to be a good partner. | |
204 | Komunikasi Massa (Mass Communication) | The specific objectives of the course are to provide an understanding of the science of communication and mass communication starting from the definition, the definition of mass communication and communication, as well as forms of mass media, characteristics, functions of mass communication, components, theories, and models of mass communication. Besides that, it also provides an understanding of mass communication and its contribution to shaping sustainable society, freedom-criminalization of the press, internet-social media phenomena, factors supporting effective communication, and communication barriers. This subject also discusses the advantages and disadvantages of mass communication compared to interpersonal communication with Learning Outcomes that Students are expected to be able to explain them all. | |
205 | Komunikasi Organisasi (Organizational Communication) | The specific objectives of the course are to discuss the definition of organizational communication, the nature of organizational communication, theories in organizational communication, motivation, the importance of organizational science, the concept of power, stress, and conflict in organizations. Implementing sustainability organizational communication that help organization build their reputation and create the competitive advantage. The learning outcomes that students are expected to be able to explain the basics of organizational communication, the nature of organizational communication, the role of communication in organizations, organizational functions, organizational theory, basic concepts of organizational communication, organizational culture, motivation, organizational communication climate, information flow in organizations, organizational communication behavior and networks, leadership style, organizational communication interaction format, stress and conflict management in organizational communication. | |
206 | Komunikasi Pemasaran (Marketing Communication) | The specific objectives of the course are to give students the ability to identify, understand, explain, conclude and apply marketing communication principles and techniques in sustainable economic development, the importance of consumer behavior in marketing strategies, the influence of reference groups on consumer behavior, perceptions, self-concept & consumer lifestyles, segmentation, target market and product positioning, consumer-decision making process with learning outcomes of students are expected to be able to explain them all. | |
207 | Manajemen Event (Event Management) | The specific objectives of the course are to study the design process in events and event packaging in accordance with the concept of the message to be conveyed and event organizers to create a good impression and reputation. Sustainable event management is an important consideration for business and organisation. Learning Outcomes Students are expected to be able to explain the principles and techniques of marketing communication, the importance of behavior consumers in marketing strategy, distinguishing events based on their types and forms, planning an event, organizing an event, managing the finances of an event, conducting an event, evaluating an event. | |
208 | Manajemen Humas (Public Relations Management) | The specific objectives of the course are to study the meaning, role, function of Public Relations and management, preparing a framework for management activities in a company/agency/organization, presenting the duties of a Public Relations Officer, various kinds of relationships in society as a public relations work process, explaining the process of forming public opinion and crystallization of public opinion, operational and management of public relations strategies, explanation of work programs/public relations activities and how Public Relations works in practice, explanation of the Public Relations Marketing work system and understanding. Understanding the importance of public relation in corporate sustainability. Sustainability strengthens public relation effort by building trust and creating better relationship for business. The learning outcomes are students expected to be able to explain the meaning, role, and function of PR and management in building relationships with the community, the framework for management activities in a company/agency/organization, forming a positive opinion/image both individually and on behalf of a company/institution/organization through public relations work programs or activities , Public Relations tips/strategies in influencing or persuading the public by means of good negotiation, the code of ethics for the PR profession, both in the government, agency/company/community. | |
209 | Metode Penelitian Kualitatif (Qualitative Research Methods) | The specific objective of this course is to study the principles and methods of qualitative research in sustainable communication science that will be used when conducting thesis research or final project research. Students learn the understanding of science and philosophy and ethics in research, formulate problems, make research concoctions according to the method they choose, collect and process research data and compile qualitative research proposals in communication science with student learning outcomes are expected to be able to explain principles and ethics in qualitative research, formulating problems and formulating research objectives and benefits, explaining various qualitative research methods of communication, collecting, processing data and interpreting the results logically and systematically, compiling a qualitative research proposal and presenting it. | |
210 | Praktikum Fotografi (Photography Practicum) | The learning outcomes of this course give knowledge and basic skills in working photography to create productive jobs, so as to increase sustainable economic growth | |
211 | Praktikum Public Speaking (Public Speaking Practicum) | The specific objectives of the course are to discuss the techniques of communicating in front of the public, both on-air and off-air with learning outcomes that students are expected to be able to apply persuasion rhetoric and to communicate effectively in public, both on-air and off-air. Students deepen their understanding of local sustainability issues and learn to presented talks about it. | |
212 | Publisitas (Publicity) | The specific objectives of the course are to learn the basic principles of publicity that will be used as the foundation for conducting press conferences and making press releases which are also used when conducting thesis research or final project research. Students learn the meaning of publicity knowledge, public relations practitioner ethics, company external communication, the requirements to be a reliable public relations officer and the duties and responsibilities of a public relations officer that important to create sustainable company marketing with Learning Outcomes that Students are expected to be able to explain the basic concepts of implementing publicity, differentiate types of publicity, journalist's point of view to public relations and vice versa, make a good press release article, put together the steps of a good press conference. | |
213 | Teknik Lobby dan Negosiasi (Lobby and Negotiation Techniques) | The specific objectives of the course are to learn the basic concepts, principles of lobbying and negotiation, and to use lobbying and negotiation techniques in planning, implementing, and evaluating lobbying and negotiation activities, understanding the importance of lobbying and negotiation for sustainable enviromental development.. The learning outcomes are student expected to be able to explain the basic concepts of lobbying and negotiation, the principles of lobbying and negotiation, the function and purpose of lobbying and negotiation, lobbying and negotiation as a communication strategy, approach to planning lobbying and negotiations, planning lobbying and negotiation, lobbying and negotiating using several lobbying and negotiation techniques, evaluation of implementation lobbying and negotiation. | |
214 | Manajemen Konflik dan problem solving (Conflict Management and problem solving) | The learning outcomes of the course focus on socio-cultural sustainability in the aspects of social sensitivity and responsibility by understanding the cultural diversity of the community to overcome and manage differences that cause conflict. The focus of the study covers the scope of organizational conflict, identifying sources of conflict, and dealing with conflict into forces that help achieve organizational progress and productivity goals. | |
215 | Psikologi Sosial (Social Psychology) | The learning outcomes in this course focus on the theme of social and cultural sustainability that students are expected to have knowledge and understanding of the concept of Social Psychology, the relationship between social psychology and other social sciences, social equality, individual behavior in society/groups, social interactions, social perceptions, social prejudice, and social attitudes and changes. | |
216 | Dasar-dasar Logika (Basics of Logic) | This course studies techniques or ways of thinking appropriately and correctly by combining logic, rationalism, and empiricism to achieve scientific thinking. Implementing basics of logic in sustainable social and enviromental development. The learning outcomes that students are expected to be able to use their reasoning correctly and legally in everyday life and train lifelong learning to be active and critical through the 'Problem Basic Learning' learning system in solving a problem so that they can make decisions/conclusions. | |
217 | Etika Pemerintahan (Government Ethics) | This course provides an understanding of analyzing problems related to the behavior of employees or officials, especially in terms of ethical aspects or whether the behavior is good or bad, especially if it is related to aspects of morality. The learning outcomes focus on socio-cultural sustainability in the aspects of sensitivity, concern, and social responsibility of the government towards society and the environment. | |
218 | Manajemen Pengelolaan Keuangan Desa (Rural Financial Management) | The purpose of this course is to provide understanding and skills for students to understand and conduct a regional financial analysis to help decision-makers in local governments regarding financial decision making related to financial management reforms in the regions, regional financial statement analysis, regional revenue management, regional expenditure management, expenditure standards, cash management, and debt / regional financing management both individually and in groups in order to realize the sustainability of regional development. | |
219 | Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah (Regional Development Planning) | This course discusses sustainable development planning in Indonesia, especially in the regions, starting from how to understand development planning, the regional development planning process to the preparation of Regional Development Plans. The purpose is that students are expected to be able to comprehensively understand what sustainable development planning is, how the planning process takes place, the approach used, development problems and challenges in the planning process and be able to read and make development planning documents. | |
220 | Pemerintahan Desa (Village Government System) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on policy themes related to sustainable development in environmental, social, cultural and political aspects in rural areas by providing an understanding of the history of development and shifting of village government policies in each period of constitutional change, foundation, goals, and the position of village government as part from local government. | |
221 | Demokrasi dan HAM (Democracy and Human Rights) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on socio-cultural and political sustainability by providing students with the ability to have a scientific attitude in the skills to analyze various phenomena of democracy and human rights (HAM) for the sustainability of life in general. | |
222 | E-Goverment and Good Governance | Learning outcomes in this course focus on Good Governance in the context of sustainable development that combines environmental, human, political, and economic development in public services. Students provided by the concepts of e-Government, analysis, development, and implementation of e-Government and its effects on the quality of government and the development of e-government in various countries, the development of issues related to the role of information technology in government organizations and the use of information technology to solve real problems in government circles. | |
223 | Ekonomi Politik (Political Economy) | The learning outcomes in this course combine the sustainable development theme on aspects of economic and political sustainability in Indonesia by providing students with the ability to relate political factors to economic decisions, using a political economy analysis framework of various macro and microeconomic cases and moral violations in economic decision making. | |
224 | Komunikasi Pembangunan (Communication Development) | Learning outcomes in courses focus on the theme of developmental communication that is environmentally friendly by providing knowledge about communication theories and concepts for sustainable development and supporting sustainable development, the position of communication in development theory, communication as an integral and determining factor in sustainable development. | |
225 | New Social Movement and Civil Society | Learning Outcomes of This course focuses on the theme of environmental, social, and cultural sustainability by equipping the ability to analyze new social movements that occur in developed and developing countries by emphasizing community-based movements. | |
226 | Pemerintahan Daerah dan Masalah-Masalah Lokal (Local Governance and Local Problems) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on policy themes related to sustainable development in the environmental, social, cultural, and political aspects of the regions by providing an understanding of the relationship patterns between central and regional governments and the problems they cause and the development of political structures and the implementation of regional autonomy by involving and analyze local issues for sustainable development. | |
227 | Teori dan Isu Pembangunan (Development Theory and Issues) | The learning outcomes of this subject focus on policy themes related to sustainable development in environmental, social, economic, cultural, and political aspects by providing knowledge about various paradigm developments, theories, and concepts of sustainable development as well as various issues and cases developed in development in any different countries. | |
228 | Agribisnis Pangan dan Perkebunan (Agribusiness of Food and Plantation) | The course focuses on issues of agribusiness of food and plantation at the onfarm and off farm levels, the contribution of the food and plantation sectors in labor absorption, predictions of food and plantation development and sustainable agribusiness systems. | |
229 | Manajemen SDM Agribisnis (Mechanics of Materials) | The subject matters of the course cover the role of HR in strategic management of HR procurement organizations in the agribusiness sector that is sustainability and environmentally oriented. | |
230 | Agribisnis Internasional (International Agribusiness) | This course provides an understanding covering international/regional agreements in trade and tax between countries in the agribusiness sector, Multinational Corporative (MNC) and Transnational Corporation (TNC), international economic growth centers, Country competitiveness in the field of international agribusiness (comparative and competitive), Human resource management, Technology and Marketing in international agribusiness, Environmental aspects management, Sustainability, International Law, corporate culture and politics in international agribusiness, International agribusiness long-term investment calculations, examples of international agribusiness management success. The learning outcomes of this course are able to plan, run and develop local, national and international food businesses that are adaptive to environmental changes, able to take strategic and operational decisions and dare to face business risks responsibly, and master communication principles and concepts to provide alternative solutions to problems of sustainable agribusiness. | |
231 | Agribisnis Kehutanan dan Hortikultura (Agribusiness of Horticulture and Forestry) | The subject matters of this course cover issues of forestry and horticulture agribusiness at the on farm and off farm levels, problems in managing investment and marketing of forestry and horticultural products, predictions of forestry and horticultural development and sustainable agribusiness systems. | |
232 | Agribisnis Perikanan dan Peternakan (Agribusiness of Fisheries and Livestock) | The subject matters of this course cover issues of agribusiness, fisheries and livestock at the on farm and off farm levels, problems in managing investment and marketing of fishery and livestock products, prediction of fisheries and animal husbandry development and sustainable agribusiness systems. | |
233 | Industri Agrowisata (Agro-Tourism Industry) | The subject matters of this course focus on the concept of agro-tourism business, the potential of agro-tourism business in North Sumatra and Indonesia, government policies in the sustainable agro-tourism industry, labor supply and job absorption for the agro-tourism industry, and aspects of the sustainability of the agro-tourism industry. | |
234 | Sistem Informasi Agribisnis (Agribusiness Information Systems) | This course aims to provide students with knowledge, skills and abilities about problems and developments as well as the role of Information Systems in the field of sustainable agribusiness. | |
235 | Leadership and Entrepreneurship | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the economic sustainability theme by providing students with the skills in leadership and entrepreneurship theory and its application in the working world, basic skills in self-reliance management both before and after earning a bachelor's degree, entrepreneurial skills for the sustainability of SMEs and the community economy. | |
236 | Pembangunan UKM dan Koperasi (Development of SMEs and Cooperatives) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on economic sustainability theme with students' skills in understanding the concept of cooperatives and Small Micro and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), using appropriate analytical methods in assessing cooperative performance, linking the relationship between MSME problems and government policies in developing cooperatives and SMEs in realizing the welfare of society and the role of cooperatives and MSMEs in the sustainability of the Indonesian economy. | |
237 | Hukum Kejahatan Bisnis (Business Crime Law) | The learning outcomes of the course focuses on the security sustainability theme towards legal certainty of investment and capital markets in Indonesia and the sectoral economy sustainability by providing studies on the development of national/international crimes related to business activities conducted by companies, legal rules managing the business activities and the law enforcement process against business people who breaks predetermined legal provisions, as well as the impact of the development of the existing national legal system. | |
238 | Hukum Kontrak Internasional (International Contract Law) | The learning outcomes of the courses focus on the theme of continuing security sustainability against the assurance of international contract law certainty by providing an understanding of various international contracts and the specific characteristics of making international contracts used in special contracts, aspects of contract texts, the consequences of contract texts that have been signed and weaknesses also problems in making an international contract. | |
239 | Hukum Lingkungan dan Pengelolaan SDA (Environmental Law and Natural Resources Management) | The learning outcomes of the course focuses on the security sustainability theme towards legal certainty guarantees for the environment and management of natural resources, legal policies for ecological and environmental sustainability by providing studies on (1) Constraints that arise in the enforcement of environmental laws, both in the enforcement of Administrative, Civil and Criminal Environmental Laws (2) economic approach and use of economic instruments such as tax facilities, import duties, environmental audits, and all types of economic incentives and disincentives that can be applied in environmental protection efforts. | |
240 | Hukum Penyelesaian Sengketa (Dispute Resolution Law) | The course learning outcomes focus on the theme of security sustainability towards legal certainty of dispute resolution and legal policies for business sustainability by providing an overview of the dispute resolution principles in business, contract adaption methods and techniques, meditation and reconciliation methods, and techniques, method and technique of Commercial Arbitration, litigation methods and techniques in court forums that aim to cover all interests between two disputing parties in order to find the best solution for both parties, as well as looking for obstacles found in the field in its implementation. | |
241 | Hukum Persaingan Usaha dan Perlindungan Konsumen (Business Competition Law and Consumer Protection) | The learning outcomes of the course focus on the theme of sustainability of security against legal certainty of business competition and consumer protection as well as legal policies for economic sustainability by providing studies on issues of formation, direction, and development of business competition law, inside trader, unfair competition, anti-monopoly, package deal, as well as reviewing various business competition provisions from any different countries. | |
242 | Hukum Pertanahan (Land Law) | The learning outcomes of the course focus on the theme of continued security towards guaranteeing land law certainty and legal policies for environmental sustainability by providing studies on issues that arise in the field of land and national land policy, as well as analyzing the obstacles faced in resolving land problems that occur and their relationships with bank credit guarantee tools as well as spatial arrangements for various development activities. | |
243 | Hukum Perusahaan (Company Law) | The learning outcomes of the subject focus on the theme of sustainability of security against corporate legal certainty as well as legal policies for business sustainability by providing studies on types of corporations that are legal and non-legal entities, rules of incorporation, and the legal consequences of each type of corporation and determine the form accountability both in criminal, civil and administrative leadership, owner and management of corporations in order to analyze the weaknesses of each corporation in Indonesia. | |
244 | Sejarah Hukum (History of Law) | The learning outcomes of the subjects focus on the legal policy theme to ensure legal certainty in realizing environmental, social, sectoral economic, cultural, and security sustainability in Indonesia by providing critical understanding and insight into the history of scientists thought in the law field and its context with inter-generational legal provisions, existing law in the context of sustainable development and the ideology contained therein. | |
245 | Sosiologi Hukum (Sociology of Law) | The learning outcomes of the course focus on the theme of legal policies for environmental, social, and cultural sustainability in Indonesia by providing a study of the legal system in the world and in Indonesia also analyzing the impact and effectiveness of the existing legal system related to the existing social structure and legal culture in Indonesia. | |
246 | Employment and Industrial Relationship (Ketenagakerjaan dan Hubungan Industri) | The course mainly discuss about the importance of Industries for economic growth since its strong relationship with employment, both are key factors for sustainable economic growth, the course also elaborate the impact of Industrien on environment sustainability regarding to industry location, products and wastes and impacts on social livelihood such as behaviour and surrounding people mindset | |
247 | Pendidikan karakter | This course combines themes related to social, cultural, environmental, and life sustainability, Life-long Learning, that is an understanding of the importance of being involved in lifelong education, Professional Responsibility, that is an understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities as well as Communication Skills, that is the ability to communicate effectively. | |
248 | guidance and counselin in education (Bimbingan dan Konseling dalam Pendidikan) | The learning topics include how to give guidance and counseling to students in fulfilling their education which is paramount for people quality of life and contributes great value for sustainable development. | |
249 | Human Resources Development (Pengembangan SDM) | The learning topics include (1) Strategies in enhancing human resources quality by promoting awareness towards environment and society in order to augment a good personality and work performance. (2) Using environmental issues as a marketing tools to improve company profile and enable the company get more benefit and success. Understanding the characteristic of sustainable human resource management. | |
250 | Ketenagakerjaan dan Hubungan Industri (Employment and Industrial Relationship) | The course mainly discuss about the importance of Industries for economic growth since its strong relationship with employment, both are key factors for sustainable economic growth, the course also elaborate the impact of Industrien on environment sustainability regarding to industry location, products and wastes and impacts on social livelihood such as behaviour and surrounding people mindset. | |
251 | Manajemen Pendidikan (Education Mangement) | The learning outcomes include student's ability in understanding the process of managing resources involved to achieve education goals that are necessary for sustainable development. Learning topics are not only about pedagogy and how to manage each components but also how to increase students understanding by thematic learning e.g. nature and environmental health. | |
252 | Organizational Development (Pengembangan Organisasi) | The learning topics include prominent issues in developing organization to maintain a good system e.g company, thus affects good work performance and enhance success thus contribute to citizenship welfare and sustainable society and development | |
253 | Organizational Training and Development (Pelatihan dan Pengembangan Organisasi) | The learning material topics include integrated key factors in training and development of organizations/systems including choice possibilities and risk management as well as reputation to keep necessary training and development for organizations to keep maintaining organization/company success thus keep a sustainable food and goods supply chain | |
254 | Pendidikan Anak Pra Sekolah (Preschool Education) | The Learning topics include performing techniques for preschool education in psychological perspective, combining intellectual, emotional, and social aspects to augment development and lifelong learning which are valuable in depicted attitude, behaviour as well as improved skills to support sustainable development. | |
255 | Psikologi Pembelajaran (Psychology of Learning) | The learning material topics include the role of environment awareness to students happiness, comfort, optimism, self-esteem, good behaviour and vice versa. Learning outcomes include students understanding about the importance of environment awareness to augment people happiness and good behaviour thus affects positively on sustainable development. | |
256 | Psikologi Sekolah (Psychology of schools) | The learning material topics include (1) the role of environment awareness and sustainable development to student cognitive skills, empathy and critical thinking (2) The need of environment awareness to school students happiness, comfort, optimism, self-esteem, good behaviour and vice versa. Learning outcomes include students understanding about the importance of environment awareness to augment school student happiness and good behaviour thus affects positively on sustainable development. | |
257 | Aplikasi Asesmen Dan Intervensi : Perkembangan (Assesment application and Intervention: Development) | The learning topics include (1) the importance of environment consideration in conducting assesment and/or diagnosis for sustainable development purposes. (2) The role of environmental features in enhancing therapy for good behaviour and environmenta concern embodying. The learning outcomes include the student's ability in performing psychological assessment by considering environmental elements to get a diagnosis result and point out the strong and weak point in developmental stage. | |
258 | Aplikasi Asesmen Dan Intervensi:Industri & Organisasi (Assesment application and Intervention: Industries and organizations) | The learning topics include (1) the importance of environment sustainability consideration in conducting assesment and/or diagnosis problems in employee and organization members. (2) The role of environmental features in enhancing therapy for employees. The learning outcomes include the student's ability in performing psychological assessment by considering environmental elements to get a diagnosis result and point out the strong and weak point in employees. | |
259 | Aplikasi Asesmen Dan Intervensi :Sekolah (Assesment application and Intervention: School) | The learning topics include (1) the importance of environment sustainability consideration in conducting assessing school students learning problems. (2) The role of environmental features in enhancing therapy for school students learning problems. The learning outcomes include the student's ability in performing psychological assessment by considering environmental elements to get a diagnosis result and point out the strong and weak point in school students learning stages. | |
260 | Children and teens mental health: Development(Kesehatan Mental Anak Dan Remaja: Perkembangan)* | The learning topics include (1) How environment factors affect children and teenager mental health (2) The importance of Children and Teenagers mental health for a sustainable society (3) The importance of Children and Teenagers mental health for environment sustainability. The learning outcomes include student's abilty in understanding and explaining the interrelation between environmental factors and mental health for a society, economic and environment sustainability | |
261 | Branding Management (Manajemen Branding) | The learning topics include (1) Branding strategies in global economics to gain environment awareness (2) The influence of green issues such as eco-label on consumers preference towards products. The Learning outcomes include students understanding on the importance of green issues on branding management to fulfill people interest due to sustainable environment awareness | |
262 | Bussiness Communication (Komunikasi Bisnis) | The learning outcomes include student ability in understanding and explaining (1) the role of communication in realizing a sustainable society, economics and environment (2) factors need to be consider in performimg a good communication to augment society and environment sustainability. Learning topics include (1) Communication as a key factor to promote environment awareness (2) Culture consideration in providing informations as well as educating people to encourage people to have environment awareness (3) Educational status and privileged position consideration in providing informations as well as educating people to encourage people to have environment awareness | |
263 | Company Budgeting (Penganggaran Perusahaan) | Te learning topics include (1) Green Budgeting as one of company budgeting strategies to deal with environmental and climate change issues (2) Financial and resources-allocation policies in budgeting to achieve society and environment sustainability (3) Transparency and accountability principles in green budgeting. The learning outcomes include student's understanding about green budgeting initiative based on sustainability assesment to achieve sustainability goals. | |
264 | Digital Entreprenuership | The learning topics include (1) The importance of digital entrepreneurship in achieving bussiness goals thus augments sustainable economic development (2) The role of digital entrepreneurship not only in reducing paper usage but also for land, water and energy efficiency which are valuable to environment sustainability. | |
265 | E-Commerce | The learning topics include (1) The importance of E-commerce in achieving bussiness goals thus augments sustainable economic development (2) The role of E-commerce not only in reducing paper usage but also for land, water and energy efficiency which are valuable to environment sustainability. | |
266 | Family Entrepreneurship (Kewirausahan Keluarga) | The learning outcomes include students ability in explaining (1) Basic Principles in establishing familypreneur/familyfirm to enhance the income which is valuable for society sustainability. Learning topics include (1) the importance of family financial resilience as a key factor of society and economics sustainability (2) Encouraging the establishment of family firm (3) Environment awareness in familypreneur feasibility | |
267 | Fianancial Managemen II (Manajemen Keuangan II) | The Learning outcomes include student's ability in understanding about strategies in creating long term economics sustainability. The learning topics include (1) The role of environmental and occupational health departments in a firm in reaching finacial sustainability goals. (2) Financial allocation, management, investment, acquisition strategies to reach economics and society sustainability. | |
268 | Franchise Management (Manajemen Waralaba) | The learning topics include (1) environment aspect as one of competitiveness variable in developing a franchise and mantaining its continuity (2) the significance of environmental and social as well as cultural elements consideration for franchise continuity and sustainability. The learning outcomes include student's ability in understanding the role of environment and scio-cultural factors for franchise establishment and continuity | |
269 | Human Resources Management II (Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia II) | The learning topics include (1) The need of actions of HRM in encouraging employees and stakeholders to support surrounding community for environment awareness (2) waste management and water recycling as the preference activities in supporting commuities and society for society and environment sustainability. The learning outcomes include student's abilitty in understanding the significance of human resource manager in performing efforts for society and environment resilience | |
270 | Innovation Management (Manajemen Inovasi) | The learning outcomes include students understanding about the role of sustainable environment issues on innovative technology management in reaching goals and success, The learning topics include (1) the importance of offering environment solutions as innovation to enhance | |
271 | International/Global Economy (Ekonomi Internasional) | The Learning topics include (1) prominent environmental issues that affects global finance and economic growth (2)strategies in seeking opportunities to enhance profit which in line with environment sustainability (3) fulfilling cutomer requirements and government rules related to environmental parameters which certified by ISO 14001:2015 | |
272 | Investment Management (Manajemen Investasi) | The learning topics include (1) the importance of investment in environment factors to enhance the product value (2) The essential of investments on environment and socio-related actions to meet the requirements of domestics and international standard. Sustainable invesment balances with enviromental and social outcomes. The learning outcomes include student's understanding about the role of environmental awareness on investment to meet preferable standards both domestic and International consumers. | |
273 | Islamic/Shariaa Economics (Ekonomi Syariah) | The learning topics include: (1) The role of zakat for society and economic sustainability (2) Rules based on Qur'an and hadits to obtain benefit which augment economic sustainability (3) environment awareness as one of responsible way in obtaining income and benefit for sustainable society and economic growth | |
274 | Marketing Management I (Manajemen Pemasaran I) | The learning topics include (1)Sustainability marketing which include the concept of environmental, green, and societal marketing (2) Products development, controlling, pricing, promotions and distributions by concerning the compatibility with the environment to prevent any damage and embody environtment, society and development sustainability. The learning outcomes include student's ability in explaining the need of sustainable marketing and it's management to fulfill cosumers demands and preferences in this era | |
275 | New Digital Media (Digital Media Baru) | The learning topics include (1) The importance New Digital Media in achieving bussiness goals thus augments sustainable economic development (2) The role of New Digital Media not only in reducing paper usage but also for land, water and energy efficiency which are valuable to environment sustainability. | |
276 | Operations Management (Manajemen Operasional) | The learning topics include sustainable operations management which involve green supply chain, green procurement and reversible logistics (2) The importance of Sustainable Operations Management in reducing carbon footprint to protect the environment. The Learning outcomes include students ability in understanding the essential of Sustainable Operations Management for sustainable environment and society as well as economics. | |
277 | Regional Financial Management (Manajemen Keuangan Daerah) | The learning outcomes include student's ability in explaining the significance of local/regional government policies on financial sustainability e.g. in public services towards society, economic and environmental sustainability. The learning topics include (1) Population income rate as afactor of regional financial sustainability (2) The impact of environmental issues on regional financial sustainability (3) The esential of financial sustainability towards society sustainability. | |
278 | Shariaa/Islamic Entrepreneurship (Kewirausahaan Syariah) | The learning outcomes include student's understanding on (1) the role of islamic entrepreneurship in sustainable economic. (2) the importance of promoting islamic/shariaa to save society and keep economics growth sustainable. The learning topics include. (1) Islamic rules in muamalah in term of trading and commerce to keep society financial save and maintain economic sustainability (2) islamic banking importance in avoiding severe poverty, promoting society welfare and augment sustainable society and economic (3) Economic rules in utilizing crops i.e. agriprepreneur by saving the nature for environment sustainability | |
279 | Social Entrepreneurship (Kewirausahaan Sosial) | The learning outcomes include student's ability in understanding on the contribution of social entrepreneurship to fulfill the needs of social and environmental sustainability. The learning topics include entrepreneurial efforts to build sustainable communirties and minimize any possible threads to future generations e.g pollution and/or environmental damage. | |
280 | Manajemen Pembangunan Pertanian (Agricultural Development Management ) | The learning outcomes of this course are students are expected to be able to develop a sustainable agricultural development model that is oriented towards increasing the sustainable economic improvement by providing an understanding of agricultural development planning and programs, agricultural transformation and rural development, industrial development and local superior-based agricultural development to the modernization of farmers and agriculture in rural areas. . | |
281 | Perubahan Lingkungan dan Manajemen Produksi Tanaman Perkebunan (Environmental Change and Management of Plantation Crop Production) | The learning outcomes of this course provide students with understanding and skills so that they are able to manage the cultivation of plantation crops by paying attention to random fluctuations to produce sustainable plantation crop products such as seeds/ planting material, plant products (food, clothing, boards, industrial materials, flowers), sap etc | |
282 | Analisis Sistem dan Pemodelan Pertanian (Agricultural Modeling and Systems Analysis) | The learning outcomes of this course provide students with the ability to be able to develop smart biotechnology to increase the production of plantation commodities in order to realize sustainable agriculture. | |
283 | Ekofisiologi Tanaman Perkebunan (Ecophysiology of Plantation Crops) | The learning outcomes of this course provide an understanding for students to develop ecophysiological engineering of plantation crops and environmental influences on the growth and development of plantation crops through physiological processes in promoting sustainable agriculture. | |
284 | Kapita Selekta Agribisnis (Capita Selecta of Agribusiness) | The learning outcomes of this course provide students the ability to be able to analyze and implement agribusiness systems based on agricultural commodities towards the development of a sustainable agricultural sector. | |
285 | Kapita Selekta Tanaman Perkebunan - Karet, Kelapa Sawit, Kakao, Kopi (Capita Selecta of Plantation Plants - Rubber, Oil Palm, Cocoa, Coffee) | By learning the course, students are expected to be able to explain and write scientifically and technically about the basic concepts of sustainable plantation crop cultivation, provide alternatives to achieve efficiency and effectiveness in crop cultivation, plantations, provide solutions to a number of problems in cultivating plantation crops, analyze and develop technology for cultivating plantation crops, principles and application of input aspects in the cultivation of plantation crops, mastering the principles and application of technological aspects of the cultivation of plantation crops, principles and application of aspects of agroecological aspects in the cultivation of plantation crops, cultivation of plantation crops in the context of agroforestry to mastering the dimensions of the relationship between cultivation and agro-industry | |
286 | Kebijakan Publik Bidang Perkebunan dan Agribisnis (Public Policy on Plantation and Agribusiness Sector*) | This course studies sustainable agricultural and agribusiness development policies, with learning outcomes that students are expected to have analytical skills in compiling recommendation materials and making policies, both national policies and regional policies, and making scientific papers, theses, and others in the agribusiness field. The Learning Outcomes, students are expected to be able to find out the meaning and scope of policy analysis, the role of government, policy tools, and controversy over a government policy. | |
287 | Pengelolaan OPT Perkebunan Secara Berkelanjutan (Sustainable Management of Plantation Pests) | The specific objectives of the course are to study ecological engineering in the perspective of plantation pest management, plant resistance in pest management, the role of biotechnology in pest management, biological control in plantation pest management, biological control in plantation pest management (continued), chemical control in sustainable pest management, The relevance of plant quarantine with opt management in the global era with learning outcomes students are expected to be able to apply plant quarantine science with opt management in the global era. | |
288 | Perdagangan Internasional Perkebunan (International Trade in Plantation) | The specific objectives of the course are to study knowledge, skills and abilities to students regarding the application of the principles of international trade, seeing the opportunities, benefits and roles of international trade, theories that can be applied in international trade activities and the potential of Indonesian agribusiness with student learning outcomes. The learning outcomes of the course are students are expected to be able to develop the concept of sustainable trade and agribusiness globally, develop personal capacity in the context of global trade, follow up managerial to take advantage of opportunities and opportunities in international agribusiness trade. | |
289 | Psikologi Abnormal (Abnormal psychology) | The learning topics include (1) How environmental damage contribute to mental abnormality (2) air pollutant effects on mental and behaviour defects (3) Heavy metals pollutant in water and its relationship with mental illness (4) Nature as a remedy to behavioural and mental abnormality. The learning outcomes include student's ability in understanding and explaining the drawbacks of environmental damage and pollutant to mental illness (2) The importance of nature and environmental sustainable care attitude in curing mental abnormalities | |
290 | Biopsychology (Biopsikologi) | The learning topics include (1) Individuals possible reactions to environment with a focus on their behaviour (2) Analyzing attitudes towards environment (3) the essential of cognitive neuroscience in encountering and solving environmental and social challenges The learning outcomes include student'a ability in understanding and explaining how biopsychology affect environmental and social problem mitigation. explaining how to create sustainable action to reach the sustainable behavior as the goal's of biopsychology. | |
291 | Cognitive Psychology (Psikologi Kognitif) | The learning topics include (1) energy-related behaviour cognitive factors (2) pro-environmental behaviour impacts on cognitive improvement. The learning outcomes include student's ability in understanding and explaining the importance of environmental sustainability issues inclusion in the concept of cognitive psychology | |
292 | Conseling Psychology (Psikologi Konseling) | The learning topics include (1) Environmental aspects in counseling psychology and why is it importance (2) Effective counseling psychology techniques for environment sustainability. The learning outcomes include student's ability in (1) involving environmental effects in performing counseling (2) applying prominent counseling methods to corroborate environment sustainability. | |
293 | Consumers Psychology (Psikologi Konsumen (Industri) | The learning topics include (1) Sustainable consumer behaviour (2) Psychological factors that encourage sustainable consumer behaviour (3) social influence on sustainable consumer behaviour (4) How to change consumers behaviour to be more pro environment. The learning outcomes include student's ability in explaining factors affecting sustainable consumer behaviour | |
294 | Cultural anthropology (antropologi budaya) | The learning topics include(1) The relationship between cultural diversity and environment sustainability (2) Natural resources consumption based on socio-cultural aspects (3) The role of traditional knowledge on natural resources contunuity. The learning outcomes include student's understanding on the interaction of cultural aspects and natural preservation in embodying environment awareness. | |
295 | Early childhood education (Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (Psi.Pendidikan) | The learning topics include (1) strategies to to involve environmental elements in childhood education to trigger environmental awareness to support sustainability goals (2) empathy and critical thinking embodying by involving environmental elements into the childhood education curricula. The learning outcomes include student's ability in explaining the importance of environmental awareness to build pro-environmental attitudesn and behaviour to achieve sustainability goals. | |
296 | Environmental Psychology (Psikologi Lingkungan) | Most topics in the couurse are related to environmental health and sustainability, ranging from the matter of pollutant i.e noise, water and air pollutant, their effects on behaviour and mental health as well as personality and the need of maintaining sustainable environment for sustainable society in the psychological perspective | |
297 | Experimental Psychological Research Methodology (Metode Riset Psikologi Eksprimen) | The learninng outcomes include students ability in applying appropriate methodology in conducting experimental psychologycal research for studying, changing, improving human attitudes and behaviourand well-being to environment which valuable to society, economics and environment sustainability | |
298 | Experimental Psychological Research Methodology Practical Class (Praktikum Metode Riset Psikologi Eksprimen) | The learninng outcomes include students ability in applying appropriate methodology in conducting experimental psychologycal research for studying, changing and improving human attitudes and behaviour and well-being to environment which valuable to society, economics and environment sustainability | |
299 | Learning Psychology (Psikologi Belajar) | The learning outcomes include students ability in understanding and explaining the essencial of a good physical environment sustainability in improving students learning ability. The learning topics include (1)Psychological learning environment which consist of cognitive and emotional environment (2) Psychosocial learning environment | |
300 | Mental Health Basic Theory (Teori Dasar Kesehatan Mental) | The learning topics include (1) nature contribution to build up good mental health (2) sustainable environmental care strategies to help caring mental health. (3) environmental threat i.e. pollutants effects on mental illness. The learning outcomes include student's abilty in explaining environmental factors impacts on mental health | |
301 | Psychological Basic Theory | The learning topics include (1) eco-friendly initiatives to stimulate workers pro-environmental behaviour. (2) Eco-psychological efforts in human resource environmental management. The leaning outcomes include student's ability eco-friendly awareness in industries and organization and it's impact on sustainable environment and society. | |
302 | Psychological Theory I : Inteligence, readibility and Talents (Teori Psikologi I : Intelegensi, Minat & Bakat) | The learning topics include (1) natural inteligence and personality relationship (2) environmental factors in inteligence, interest and talents assessment. The learning outcomes include student's ability in explaining the role of environtment awareness to environment responsibility behaviour improvement and sustainability development. | |
303 | Psychologist code of ethics (Kode Etik Psikologi) | The learning topics include (1) The role of green psychological climate in mediating the relationship between ethical leadership and organizational environmental citizenship behaviour (2) Unethical actions towards nature and its alignment with behavioural impacts (3) embodying pro-environmental behaviours by improving ethical leadership to corroborate society and environment sustainability. | |
304 | Psychology Practical Class I: Inteligence, readibilty and talents (Praktikum Psikologi I : Intelegensi, Minat & Bakat) | The learning topics include (1) WAIS test application to analyze relative influence of genetic and environmental of subtest variance (2) Binet test application in analyzing environmental influence toward intelegence (3) SPM test regarding to genetic and environmental contribution in inteligence assesment. Learning outcomes include student's ability in operating various psycholgical test by considering genetic and enviromental factors for sustainable society. | |
305 | Psychometrics (Psikometrika) | The learning topics include (1) environmental aspect in psychological assesment using psychometrics (2) the application of psychometric in assesing anvironmental attitude. The learning outcomes include student ability in explaining the importance of environmental aspects in psychological assesment using psychomentrics and applying psychometrics in assesing pro-environmental attitude, analyzing human capital sustainability leadership scale. | |
306 | Quantitative Psychological Research Methodology (Metode Riset Psikologis : Kuantitatif) | The learninng outcomes include students ability in applying appropriate methodology in conducting quantitative psychologycal research for studying, changing, improving human attitudes and behaviour and well-being to environment which valuable to society, economics and environment sustainability | |
307 | Society sociology (Sosiologi Masyarakat) | The learning topics include (1) behavioural affecting socio-cultural patterns in utilizing natural resources (2) The role of social rules in affecting people behaviour and its impacts in preventing environment damage. The learning outcomes include understanding people behaviour and its importance for sustainable society development. | |
308 | Special needs children psychology (Psikologi Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus (Psi .Perkembangan)* | The learning topics include (1) The essential of environmental class for special needs children (2) Environmental adaptation technique for special needs chilldren (3) Environment space modifications for childhood memory in special needs children. The learning outcomes include student ability in understanding and explaining (1) The importance of eco-friendly atmosphere for special needs children and sustainable care for special needs children. | |
309 | The Theory and Technique of Intervention of Guidance and Counceling in education (Teori dan tekhnik intervensi Bimbingan & Konseling dalam Pendidikan) | The learning topics include prominent psychological intervention techniques in embodying environment friendly behaviour in guidance and counceling (2) Environmental aspects as tools for clinical psychology problems therapy in guidance and counceling. The learning outcomes include students ability in explaining and applying the essential of psychological intervention for change to embodying sustainability pro-environment behaviour | |
310 | Work behaviour psychology (Psikologi Perilaku Kerja (Psi. Industri & Organisasi)* | The learning topics include (1) go green awareness in the workplace (2) green environment behaviour consideration in recruitment and management (3) the needs of environmental care attitudes in employee behaviour The learning outcomes include students ability in explaining green concept in the sustainable recruiment and management in the workplace | |
311 | Communication Psychology (Psikologi Komunikasi) | The learning topics include (1) Psychological environmental communication and its importance (2) Minimizing limitations in environmental communications implementations. The learning outcomes include student's ability in performing effective communication in encouraging pro-environmental sustainability behaviour | |
312 | Cross culture Psychology (Psikologi Lintas Budaya) | The learning topics include (1) Human-environment interactions (2) Cultural diversity and pro-environment behaviour patterns. The learning outcomes include student's ability in applying effective techniques in encouraging pro-environmental sustainability behaviour in various culture | |
313 | Leadership Psychology (Psikologi Kepemimpinan) | The learning topics include (1) Pro-environmental behaviour component of ethical leadership (2) psychological climate mediation between ethical leadership and organizatonal environmental citizenship behaviour. The learning outcomes include students ability in understanding and applying green psychologycal climate and pro-environmental behaviour in improving ethical leadership to achieve environment sustainability. | |
314 | Dasar Konversi Energi Listrik (Basic Electrical Energy Conversion) | This course contains (1) components of the electric power system (2) types and sources of energy (3) energy production, especially thermal energy production: mechanical to thermal, electric to heat, electromagnetic to thermal, and chemical to thermal energy (4) types of power plant (5) conversion of electrical and electromagnetic energy (6) the concept of machines of electric and transformers (7) heat energy conversion: introduction to thermodynamics, the conversion of electrical energy to consumers, the environmental impact of operating of the power plant, and energy storage and energy conservation. The purpose of this course is for students to be able to explain the basic principles of conversion from and to electrical energy, following the tools/machines that play a role in it and examples of their application in the field. The learning outcomes of this course are students have the ability to design electrical systems and analyze them technically and economically for the sustainable development of environmentally friendly renewable energy and energy efficiency. | |
315 | Dasar Telekomunikasi (Basic of Telecommunication) | This course introduces the basic principles and basics of operating telecommunication systems in general, including demodulation and spectrum modulation systems. The purpose of this course is for students to be able to plan and design computer network architectures as well as basic knowledge to administer an integrated computer network. The learning outcomes of this course are students are able to use basic theories of electrical engineering in electric power systems, control systems, electronic systems, and communication systems oriented towards environmental sustainability and energy efficiency. | |
316 | Instalasi Tenaga Listrik (Electrical Installation Design) | The course discuss basic principles for sustainable electrical design, calculation and utization electrical energy usage for home and industries. the subject also gain students knowledge on how design and analyze the electrical capacity and operating and maintaining eco-friendly electrical system. | |
317 | Kabel Udara dan Bawah Tanah (Aerial and Underground Cables) | This course learns about maintenance, disruption and hazards, distribution networks, and multipurpose air and underground cables. The purpose is that students are able to use measurement and instrumentation techniques in developing electrical systems, control systems, electronic systems, and communication systems. The learning outcomes focus on designing energy-efficient electronic equipment and electrical systems for environmental sustainability | |
318 | Kendali Cerdas (Smart Control) | The learning outcome of the course is students understand the concetpt and principles of smart control i.e basic principles of fuzzy logic and artificial neural network and use them for eco friendly electrical devices design which is prominent for energy efficiency and sustainability. | |
319 | Kendali Proses (Process Control) | Learning outcomes in this course focused on designing eco friendly/energy efficient machinary and electrical appliances which use eco friendly material and electrical system as well as eco friendly industrial system to achieve sustainable energy goal | |
320 | Kendali sistem Tenaga (Power system Control) | In this subject students learn about power system control in dynamic and modern electrical system by controlling active power and frequency as well as controlling reactive power and voltage. power system controlling could be conducted by a model which applies appropriate variable and constant in order to get a stable system and performing monitoring by using SCADA and DCS. The learning outcomes focused on designing energy efficient alectrical appliances and enviromental sustainability electricity system. | |
321 | Medan Elektromagnetik (Electromagnetic Field) | The learning outcomes include student ability ini designing low energy consuming devices by having good understanding to given learning material in the course which cover vector analysis, coulomb force, electrical field, electrical field intencity, electrical flux , electrical currrent, capasitancy and the materials, electrical sustainability which are useful making a model project as to achieve the learning outcomes. | |
322 | Pembangkit Energi Listrik terbarukan (Electrical Energy Generation) | This course discusses the generation process, types of power plants, electrical installations from power plants center, the main problems in electric power plants, interconnection systems, providing electric power process, and electric power quality. The learning outcomes of this course that students are able to use measurement and instrumentation techniques in developing electrical systems, control systems, electronic systems, and communication systems oriented towards energy efficiency and environmental sustainability, able to build, operate and maintain power generation, electric power transmission and distribution systems, and able to analyze, design and test the power generation, transmission and distribution systems. | |
323 | Pembumian (Grounding) | In this subject the students learn about various subjects including the hazard of touch voltage, measurement and installation methods and avoiding any possible hazard that could harm people. the learning outcomes are focusing on designing electrical appliances and electrical system with enviromental sustainability. | |
324 | Pemeliharaan Peralatan Listrik (Electrical Equipment Maintenance) | Learning outcomes in this subject not only students ability in using basic theory in electrical engineering but also analyzing performance of electrical appliances in an electrical system, thus the students are able to design an electrical system with enviromental sustainability for home, building as well ass for industrial needs. | |
325 | Rangkaian Listrik I (Electrical Circuits I) | This course studies the basics of designing electronic equipment and electrical systems with enviromental sustainability. The learning outcomes of this course, students can understand the concept of circuits, voltage, and current-voltage and power in the electric field, and analyze circuits on energy storage components. | |
326 | Remote sensing (Penginderaan Jarak Jauh) | The learning topics include (1) innovations in remote sensing to corroborate sustainability (2) land management mapping through remote sensing to assist sustainability (3) The use of thermal infrared to asses environmental and climate changes, (4) Thermal infrared usage for diagnosing crop problem due to pests and insects attack. The learning outcomes include students ability in desaining and applying remote sensing technology to achieve sustainability goals | |
327 | Robotics (Robotika) | The learning topics include green robotics design for environment sustainability (2) material utiization in designing energy efficient robot. The learning outcomes include Green aspect consideration in designing green and energy efficient robot, | |
328 | Sistem Adaptif (Adaptive System) | This course studies adaptive control application design according to environmental sustainability needs. The learning outcomes of this course, students can understand the concepts and backgrounds of adaptive systems, system modeling and adaptive system design strategies. | |
329 | Sistem Distribusi (Distribution System) | The course studies about designing distribution networks according to environmental sustainability needs. The learning outcomes are students are expected to be able to understand aspects of the distribution system, distribution network design and distribution system performance and understand the electric power distribution system from substations to consumers. | |
330 | Sistem Engineering (Engineering System) | By learning the course, students are expected to be able to make mathematical models of mechanical, electrical and fluid physical systems and be able to apply them in environmental sustainability system design, either instrumentation or control. | |
331 | Transmisi Daya listrik ( Power Transmission) | This course studies the process of electric power which can be transmitted from an electric power plant to a substation and then to consumers with learning outcomes, students are expected to understand environmental sustainability media and equipment used in power transmission and be able to perform the calculations required in solving problems in electric power transmission. | |
332 | Sistem Digital (Digital System) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the topic of green computing by providing abilities and skills to students so that they can develop Expert Systems by applying algorithms and artificial intelligence techniques for various problems. Explain digital system contribution to sustainable environment. | |
333 | Green Energi ( Green Energy) | This course specifically studies environmentally friendly energy and explains what is considered an environmentally friendly source of energy and power, renewable energy sources that not pollute the environment such as water, sunlight, wind, living things, and biomass. The learning outcomes of this course focus on designing environmentally friendly electronic equipment or machinery, developing renewable energy, energy efficiency, electrical systems for sustainable industrial scope. | |
334 | Mekatronika (Mechatronics) | The learning outcomes are focused on computer programming technique in configuring and developing environmental sustainability oriented electrical system for industries. By the end of the course the students will be able to explain the role of electrical principles in industrial field and apply programmed control system, which are acquired from learning topics i.e Industrial electricity principles, signals management, actuator, converter analog/ digital, DC and AC. | |
335 | Menggambar Teknik (Drawing techniques) | The specific objectives of the course are the comprehension of two-dimensional and three-dimensional graphic presentation techniques through the application of geometric constructions, image projections, perspectives and mastery of the rules of graphic presentation through mastery of Standardization, notation, and norms of technical drawing rules. The learning outcomes are students are expected to be able to explain the enviromental sustainable design which shows the integration of the correlation between structures, building materials, designs that integrate climate, service and energy needs, is able to understand the principles and systems of structures and building construction engineering, skleton design with space frames (roofs) between structures, building materials | |
336 | Kimia Industri (Chemical Industry) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the theme of green chemistry by providing knowledge about product design and chemical processes to reduce or eliminate the use and formation of hazardous compounds in industrial to protect environment sustainability | |
337 | Praktikum Kimia Industri (Practicum of Industrial Chemistry) | The learning outcomes of this course provide students with knowledge and expertise about chemistry for the production of special chemical materials and substances with less adverse impact on the environment sustainability | |
338 | Biomechanics (Biomekanika) | The learning topics include (1) environmental ergonomics interactions with industrial factors. (2) human computer interactions (3) human-machinery interactions (4) Environmental aspects in applying RULA, OWAS and REBA analysis. The learning outcomes include student's ability in explaining the interaction of environmental factors with ergonomics in industrial scope and applying ergonomic analysis and considering its relationship with various environmental factors to achieve society and environment sustainability goals. | |
339 | Ergonomi Cognitive (Cognitive Ergonomics) | This course studies ergonomics related to human mental processes, workload, decision making, performance, human and computer interactions, human reliability, work stress and training in order to optimize human welfare and system performance for sustainable development goals. | |
340 | Ergonomi Dan Perancangan Sistem Kerja 2 (Ergonomics and Work System Design 2) | This course examines the harmony of humans working with their work environment to create a work atmosphere that is efficient, effective, healthy, comfortable, safe, and sustainable and results in high productivity by using certain analytical models so that continuous improvements can be made. | |
341 | Ergonomi Makro (Macro Ergonomics) | This course examines the balance and reduces inequalities between the factors in the work system and work organization through a top-down sociotechnical system approach which includes organizational structure, organizational policies, work process governance, communication systems, teamwork, participatory planning, technology evaluation, and technology transfer for sustainable development goals. | |
342 | Facility Layout Design (Perancangan Tata Letak Fasilitas) | The learning topics include (1) Energy efficient facility layout design (2) Climate change considerations in designing facility layout (3) Ergonomics factors insertion in facility lay out design. The learning topics include Student's ability in designing preferable facility layout design toward sustainability. | |
343 | Industrial Automation (Automasi industri) | The learning topics incude (1) the drawbacks of automation industries towards environment. (2) environmental aspects on designing products (3) strategies to fit market demand due to environmental issues. The learning outcomes include student's ability in explaining modern eco-friendly automation system to assist sustainability | |
344 | Industrial Environment System (Sistem Lingkungan Industri) | The learning topics include (1) Industrial ecosystem and the cause of imbalance (2) natural resources and its relationship with production and environmental changes (3) Pollution control identification (4) The interaction of human, environment and industrial ecosystem (5) Pure water suppy and sustainable technology (6) Environmental management and ISO 140001 (7) Sustainability engineering concept (8) Recycling concept (9) Sustainability analysis. The learning oucomes include Student's ability in explaining environment conservation and sustainability concept in industries | |
345 | Material Handling (Penanganan Bahan) | The learning topics include (1) The concept of green material handling system (2) Environmental consideration in material supply chain (3) Waste management system (4) Material and waste trasportation. The learning outcomes include student's ability in understanding, explaining and performing appropriate was in material handling to minimize possible harm and enhance environment sustainability | |
346 | Pengendalian Dan Penjaminan mutu (Quality Control and Assurance) | This course studies science in industry field or engineering to control and guarantee the quality of a product or service which focuses on concepts, methods, analysis in quality control engineering, and computational techniques on statistical quality control and analysis of procedures to maintain quality, attached sustainability concern into quality control and assurance and continuous improvement of industrial production. | |
347 | Praktikum Analisa Perancangan Kerja (Practicum of Work Design Analysis) | The learning outcomes of this course provide knowledge and expertise to students to be able to calculate, analyze, design and increase the effectiveness and efficiency of human work through improving methods and setting work standards with attention to occupational health and safety sustainability. | |
348 | Praktikum Perancangan Tata Letak Fasilitas (Practicum of Facility Layout Design) | The learning outcomes of this course provide technical skills for students to apply and evaluate the facility layout design of a sustainable manufacturing / service system consisting of machines, workplaces, work-in-process inventory, warehouses, and material transfer systems to create harmony and balance between work systems, work organization and work facilities that are comfortable, safe and increase industrial productivity. | |
349 | Praktikum Sistem Produksi/PPC (Practicum of Production System / Production Planning and Control | The learning outcomes of this course provide knowledge and expertise to students in order to be able to analyze, design, implement, and improve the performance of a product / service operating system in a measurable manner, especially those that have a strategic impact (long and medium term) in order to produce competitive and sustainable products/ services according to customer needs. | |
350 | Product Design (Perancangan Produk) | The learning topics include (1) The concept of green product design (2) Climate change consideration in product design (3) Demanding products in modern market due to environmental issues (4) Low cost and material product design (5) Minimizing potential hazard by appropriate green product design. The learning outcomes include Student's ability in undrstanding, explaining and designing Desirable green product design to realize environment sustainability | |
351 | Production Plan and Control (Perencanaan Dan Pengendalian Produksi) | The learning topics include (1) Energy and resouces efficient production plan (2) Energy efficient controlling system in a production system (3) Low cost and eco-friendly production plan and control. The learning outcomes include students ability in applying pro-environment production plan and control to enhance sustainability | |
352 | Psikologi Industri (Industrial Psychology) | This course studies human behavior in the workplace following occupational safety and health guidelines to increase sustainable work productivity. | |
353 | Rekayasa Produktifitas (Productivity Engineering) | This course studies the relationship between all inputs and elements that are environmentally friendly and cost-effective to produce products, both goods, and services, after being processed by various methods, both mass and manual, and manufacturing to increase sustainable industrial productivity. | |
354 | Simulasi Komputer (Computer Simulation) | This course requires overall system analysis power with the learning outcomes of making students to be able to make sustainable simulation models for both simple systems and for complex systems using a special simulation language in modeling engineering systems that are durable and effecient in material and energy. | |
355 | Technology Management (Manajemen Teknologi) | The learning topics include (1)Environmental considerations in technology management (2) The role of technology in the scope of economics sustainability (3) Desirable technologies for environment sustainability (4) Technology management for environmental sustainability improvement. The learning outcomes include student's ability in explainening favourable technology management to corroborate environment, society and economics sustainability | |
356 | Data Mining | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the topic of developing smart systems and environmentally friendly computing technology by providing an understanding of the concept of data processing systems, data processing techniques, data mining techniques, using data mining for sustainable data management so that certain patterns can be obtained useful information, and also application problems in real conditions. | |
357 | Mekanika Fluida Dasar (Basic Fluid Mechanics) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the green energy theme and as a basis for renewable energy conversion by providing understanding and skills about the basic concepts of fluid mechanics and their application in simple fluid mechanics system analysis so that students are able to explain importance of fluid mechanics in sustainable energy and enviromental development and skilled to apply them to analyze simple fluid mechanics systems. | |
358 | Mekanika Fluida Lanjut (Advanced Fluid Mechanics) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the theme of green energy and as a basis for renewable energy sustainability by providing further understanding and skills about fluid mechanics and applying fluid mechanics in solving real fluid flow problems (viscous and compressible) in various engineering applications. | |
359 | Algoritma dan Pemrograman I (Algorithm and Programming I) | The learning outcomes of this course are to give students the ability to understand the logic of computer thinking, understand the working principles of the program, understand the reasons why computers can do the commands given, and be able to describe the logic of the program in writing with algorithms (pseudo code) and equipped with Flow charts use a specific programming language as the basis for the sustainable development of green software engineering and intelligent systems oriented towards input, process and output efficiency. | |
360 | Algoritma dan Pemrograman II (Algorithm and Programming II) | The learning outcomes of this course are so that students are able to understand the concept of computer thinking logic, create modular programs, procedures, functions, data arrays and matrices, search algorithms, sort algorithms and recursive algorithms by making pseudo code and equipped with flow charts using a specific programming language as the basis for green software sustainability development engineering and intelligent systems oriented towards input, process and output efficiency. | |
361 | Aplikasi Berbasis Web I (Web Based Application I) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the theme of simple web-based software development that is useful in various fields with the latest technology for technology sustainability as an optimization of the use of information and communication technology in accelerating the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals by providing an understanding of network technology, internet, and collaboration database management system with a basic Web programming language. | |
362 | Aplikasi Berbasis Web II (Web Based Application II) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the theme of developing static web-based software that is useful in various fields with the latest technology for technology sustainability as an optimization of the use of information and communication technology in accelerating the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals by providing an understanding of database management system deepening and programming language collaboration of web/script language, utilizing of extensions for the efficiency of web application development projects as well as conversion from web applications to mobile applications. | |
363 | Dasar Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak (Software Engineering Fundamentals) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the topic of green technology, namely the development of useful software in various fields with the latest technology for technology sustainability as an optimization of the use of information and communication technology in accelerating the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals by providing understanding and mastery to students of various kinds of Process Models. in Software Engineering, Analysis Modeling, Design Model, Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD), Testing Strategies, and Softwares Testing Method. | |
364 | Desain dan Analisis Algoritma (Algorithm Design and Analysis) | The course studies methods for solving complex computational problems by applying algorithms oriented to green computing in terms of correctness, time complexity, storage efficiency and sustainability development. | |
365 | Grafika Komputer (Computer Graphics) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on developing digital image manipulation software based on green software that can be applied in various fields of life, starting from the fields of art, science, business, education and also entertainment by providing understanding and skills about 2D and 3D computer graphics, image processing (image processing), pattern recognition (pattern recognition). and create sustainable graphic design. | |
366 | Interaksi Manusia dan Komputer (Human and Computer Interaction) | The learning outcomes of this course are the development of software engineering that is oriented towards green design and green software engineering by providing an understanding of how human and computer interactions, understanding sustainable human computer sustainable and the relationship between humans and computers include designing, evaluating, and implementing computer user interfaces so that they are easy to use by humans. | |
367 | Internet dan Bisnis ICT (Internet and ICT Business) | The learning outcomes of this course provide students with an understanding of the basic concepts of the Internet, business software engineering and telecommunications as well as the basic concepts of Internet networks and their use in enhancing sustainable green Information Technology-oriented ICT business. | |
368 | Internet of Things | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the development of hardware and software engineering that is oriented towards sustainable green design and green software engineering by providing an understanding of the benefits of internet connectivity that is connected continuously for remote control purposes and control systems to be applied in various areas of life such as control of foodstuffs, electronics, collections, any equipment, including living things which are all connected to local and global networks through embedded and always-on sensors | |
369 | Jaringan Komputer (Computer Network) | The learning outcomes in this course provide students with an understanding of telecommunications networks oriented towards sustainable green network technology such as simple modifications to protocols to allow the system to idle, or using server management techniques and illustrate case studies and ideas for green networks. | |
370 | Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan (Artificial Neural Network) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on developing intelligent system software engineering by applying a sustainable green software-oriented artificial neural network algorithm by giving students the ability to learn the basic concepts of artificial neural networks. Artificial neural networks (ANN) are often used as an advanced approach in modeling the behavior of complex systems. The learning of this course provides examples of cases of the current use of ANN in its application to problems related to SDGs. Examples of journals include discussions on Clean Water and Sanitation, Clean and Affordable Energy, Sustainable Cities and Communities, and Responsible Consumption and Production. | |
371 | Kecerdasan Buatan (Artificial Intelligence) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the development of intelligent system software engineering by applying sustainable green software-oriented artificial intelligence algorithms by equipping students with understanding and ability about the basic concepts and application of artificial intelligence algorithms. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the ally that sustainable development needs to more effectively design, implement, advise and plan for the future of our planet and its sustainability. | |
372 | Kriptografi (Cryptography) | The learning outcomes of this course provide students with the ability to develop sustainable software engineering and information technology infrastructure oriented towards green computing by applying cryptographic algorithms to maintain data or message security, systems, computer security, especially network security. | |
373 | Manajemen Proyek Perangkat Lunak (Software Project Management) | The learning outcomes of this course provide students with the ability to manage sustainable software projects that balances the enviromental, social, and economic aspect. The process includes project planning management, scope, time estimation, cost estimation, resource estimation, resource coordination, project quality and risk, project procurement and project communication. . | |
374 | Pengolahan Citra Digital (Digital Image Processing) | The learning outcomes of this course provide students with understanding and skills regarding techniques for transforming an image into another image by using an image processing algorithm that is oriented towards sustainable green computing on digital devices. | |
375 | Prak. Jaringan Komputer (Practicum of Computer Network) | This course studies the basic concepts of building a sustainable computer network infrastructure. software oriented by providing material studies on the basic concepts of data communication, data transmission concepts, internetworking algorithm concepts and computer communication architectures, and computer network devices. | |
376 | Prak. Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan (Practicum of Artificial Neural Network) | The learning outcomes include student understanding on how to apply neural network algorithms and its translation into a computer programming language as a part inteligent systems development which are preferable in collaborating sustainable development | |
377 | Prak. Keceradasan Buatan (Practicum of Artificial Intelligence) | By attending this practical class, students are expected to be able to apply artificial intelligence algorithms to develop intelligent systems that are durable, efficient in the use of experts, memory usage which are in line with sustainable green computing concept | |
378 | Prak. Manajemen Basis Data Practicum of (Database Management Practicum) | This course studies about sustainable database implementation to students, how to design and build a database system properly to apply it to the development of a durable management information system or application development, efficient storage space and time efficiency in obtaining quality information (relevant, up to date and correctness) for decision making. | |
379 | Prak. Pemrograman Berorientasi Obyek (Practicum of Object Oriented Programming | By learning the course, students are expected to be able to make efficient algorithms for solving a particular problem which is implemented with an object-oriented programming language with the concept of sustainable green software. | |
380 | Praktek Algoritma dan Pemrograman I (Algorithm and Programming Practice I) | The learning achievement of this course is to provide experience and technical skills so that students are able to analyze, design, and apply algorithmic concepts and principles in certain programming languages efficiently to solve problems in the form of computer-based application projects oriented to sustainable green software engineering. | |
381 | Praktek Algoritma dan Pemrograman II (Algorithm and Programming Practice II) | Learning outcomes of this course are so that students are able to apply computer thinking logic, create modular programs, procedures, functions, not data arrays and matrices, search algorithms, sorting algorithms and recursive algorithms by creating pseudo code and equipped with flow charts using a specific programming language as the basis for developing sustainable green software engineering and intelligent systems oriented towards input, process and output efficiency. | |
382 | Praktek Aplikasi berbasis Web I (Web Based Application Practice I) | The learning outcomes of this course are give ability and basic skills so that students can design web-based applications that are dynamic, durable, efficient (input, process and output), sustainable, and useful in various fields with the latest technology with material studies on basic concepts, server side scripting programming languages, supporting components web programming and integration with databases. | |
383 | Praktek Aplikasi berbasis Web II (Web Based Application Practice II) | Learning outcomes This course provides knowledge and implementation of dynamic web-based software development, which is durable, efficient (input, process and output), sustainable and useful in various fields with the latest technology with material studies including introduction to server side scripting programming languages, integration applications with databases, application security concepts and asynchronous communication with servers on web-based applications | |
384 | Praktek Aplikasi Mobile (Mobile Application Practice) | This course provides conceptual knowledge and implementation of mobile-based software development that is durable, efficient (input, process and output), sustainable, and useful in various fields with the latest technology with a study of material on mobile application programming using web technology, freamwork, Introduction to Mobile Applications, Javascript for Mobile Programming and mobile projects. | |
385 | Praktek Basis Data (Database Practice) | This course studies about the basic concepts of databases, how to properly design and manipulate database systems to be applied to application development or management information systems oriented to green software, namely durable, efficient storage and time efficient in obtaining quality information (relevant, up to date and Correctness) for decision making and sustainable system development | |
386 | Sistem Informasi (Information System) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on developing sustainable information systems for office automation and controlling the performance of business processes that are oriented towards green information systems and green design by providing an understanding of the basic concepts of business systems analysis, needs analysis and determination of data architecture, application architecture and technology architecture. | |
387 | Sistem Operasi (Operating system) | The learning achievements of this course provide in-depth understanding and knowledge of how to use computers to support sustainable green computing with study material on the basic concepts of computer systems, computer operating system structures, processes and threads, CPU scheduling, synchronization, deadlocks, memory management and storage media, and protection systems. and security. | |
388 | Soft Computing | The learning outcomes of this course provide the ability to deepen the techniques of engineering development for sustainable green computing oriented intelligent system applications to be able to process data that is uncertain, imprecise and can be implemented at a low-cost solution by implementing artificial intelligence algorithms such as fuzzy logic, artificial neural networks, probabilistic reasoning, and others. | |
389 | Software Engineering: Object Oriented Techniques | The learning outcome of this course focuses on the theme of sustainable green software in the development of Object-Oriented Software Engineering (OOSE) for object-oriented programming by providing an understanding of the basic concepts of object-based software engineering and Unified Modeling Language (UML). | |
390 | Alat Mekanisasi Perkebunan (Plantation Mechanization Tool) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the topic of sustainable agricultural mechanization innovation by providing knowledge and skills about mechanization in the plantation sector, combustion engines as a tractor engine, the need for mechanization power / equipment, mechanization for land clearing and processing, planting tools and machines, maintenance and harvest / post-harvest, post-harvest equipment, pumps for agriculture, and management of mechanization equipment in plantations. | |
391 | Alat Penukar Kalor (Heat Exchanger) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the topic of engineering sustainability in the use of energy and resources in a sustainable manner by providing the ability to understand the concepts of heat exchangers and their interrelation and being able to apply them to the mechanical engineering field. | |
392 | Analisa Kegagalan Mekanik (Mechanical Failure Analysis) | This course specifically discusses the analysis of machine tool failures starting from its components, materials, and systems to maintain sustainable production machines. The learning outcomes focus on the ability of students to study and compile an analysis of Material Damage analysis in cases that occur in machine components and applying the knowledge of Material Damage Analysis in Small and Medium Entrepreneurs. | |
393 | Desain Produk (Product Design) | The learning outcomes of this course are to make students to be able to analyze and design sustainable engineering products and prepare appropriate, innovative and environmentally friendly engineering product design solutions by providing material studies on creativity, product identification and analysis, information extracts, information technology applications and mechanical software. | |
394 | Elemen Mesin I (Machine Element I) | The learning outcomes of this course, students are expected to be able to have an adequate understanding of basic principles and be able to design eco-friendly basic elements of sustainable machine according to design requirements by providing a material study of the theory and practical design of various machine elements, namely: shafts and accessories, joints, springs, bearings, and a flexible transmission element. | |
395 | Elemen Mesin II + Tugas Rancangan (Machine Element II + Design Tasks) | The learning outcomes of this course, students are expected to be able to have an adequate understanding of basic principles and be able to design eco-friendly elements of sustainable machine according to design standards by providing material studies on the introduction of various machine components and their applications, theoretical aspects and how to choose and determine dimensions according to design requirements, from machine elements and international design standards. | |
396 | Energi Air (Hydropower) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the development of new renewable energy and efficiency as well as the development of sustainable water energy by providing students with understanding and abilities about new renewable energy, especially in the field of energy conversion, potential sources of water energy, classification of hydropower plants, turbine planning, rapid pipeline and studies hydropower projects in Indonesia | |
397 | Energi Angin (Wind Power) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the development of new renewable energy and efficiency as well as the development of sustainable wind energy by providing students with understanding and abilities about new renewable energy, especially in the fields of energy conversion, measurement, conversion, power factor, types of turbines, generators and operations from wind energy. wind turbine construction and safeguarding, wind turbine power coefficient and efficiency. | |
398 | Energi Panas Bumi (Geothermal Energy) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the development of new renewable energy and efficiency as well as the development of sustainable geothermal energy by providing students with understanding and abilities about the characteristics and types of geothermal systems, properties of rocks and fluids, the scope of activities of geothermal projects, a brief overview of exploration activities, preliminary exploration, detailed exploration, reservoir engineering, drilling, production and geothermal utilization for power generation, direct use or utilization for the non-electricity sector. | |
399 | Energi Surya (Solar Energy) | The learning outcomes of this course combine the topic of developing new renewable energy and efficiency as well as the development of sustainable solar energy by providing students with understanding and abilities about the manufacture of solar collectors and a problem related to solar radiation technology, monthly average radiation, heat transfer analysis, radiation transmission. through the glass, the overall heat transfer coefficient, with both individual and group performance in teamwork | |
400 | Getaran Mekanis (Mechanical Vibration) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the topic of designing eco-friendly sustainable machine construction by giving students the ability to apply the concept of mechanical vibrations (harmonic vibrations, natural frequencies, natural vibrations on objects, and vibrations due to external forces) to the design of machine construction to eliminate the emergence the impact of vibrations. | |
401 | Hidrolik dan Pneumatik (Hydraulic and Pneumatic) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on designing eco-friendly sustainable pneumatic and hydraulic control systems with material studies of control concepts in industry, introduction to pneumatics, media and their distribution, component symbols and mechanisms, circuit diagram development, signal conflict, trouble shooting and maintenance, introduction to hydraulic control, hydraulic diagram circuit development, and application planning. | |
402 | Kinematika dan Dinamika Teknik I (Kinematics and Engineering Dynamics I) | By learning the course, it is expected that students will be able to show the integrated relationship between energy conversion, manufacturing, materials and construction as mechanical engineering, and be able to compile kinematics diagrams of the elements dynamically moving machines, speed diagrams and force diagrams against a sustainable machining system | |
403 | Kinematika dan Dinamika Teknik II (Kinematics and Dynamics Engineering II) | This course studies about kinematic problem solving, force analysis, velocity, acceleration, mechanical dynamics, kinetic energy, partial energy, impulses and momentum found in structures and machinery. The learning outcomes of this course, students are able to understand the energy conversion work system and the mechanical system of each component contained in each machine construction and the materials used with an analytical approach and consider technical standards, performance aspects, reliability, ease of application, sustainability and consider economic, public health and safety, cultural, social and environmental factors | |
404 | Manajemen Energi (Energy Management) | This subject matter is related to the application of auditing procedures for the use of electrical energy on various types of loads which function to increase efficiency in the use of electrical energy in the industrial scope with learning outcomes focusing on managing electronic equipment based on sustainable energy efficiency and electrical systems environmentally oriented. | |
405 | Manajemen Teknik (Engineering Management) | The learning outcomes in this course focus on the theme of quality management of environmentally friendly materials engineering and the use of tools in the industrial scope as an effort to increase efficiency and effectiveness in using resources sustainably. | |
406 | Material Komposit (Composite Material) | The learning outcomes in this course, students are expected to be able to synthesize existing material resources to obtain new materials according to product needs by paying attention to the principle of environmental balance in the natural decomposition process of used goods for enviroment sustainability, | |
407 | Mesin Konversi Energi (Energy Conversion Machine) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the theme of energy efficiency and as a basis for renewable energy conversion by providing an understanding of the concepts and principles of sustainable energy conversion systems such as power generation systems (steam cycle, gas turbine, fuel, and hydro motors) and refrigeration systems (steam pressure and absorption) in terms of 1) performance parameters, 2) various system technologies and their subsystems and constituent components, 3) mass and energy balance analysis, and 4) basic concepts of combustion. | |
408 | Metalurgi Serbuk (Powder Metallurgy) | This course discusses about the process of making metal powder, and the process of making components using powder metallurgy, with learning outcomes so that students are able to make material products through the powder metallurgy process using an analytical approach and considering technical standards, performance aspects, reliability, ease of application, sustainability and prioritizing public health and safety and environment | |
409 | Metode Elemen Hingga (Finite Element Method) | The learning outcomes of this course are so that students are able to solve mechanical engineering problems, especially structural and solid mechanics numerically by using the finite element method with an analytical approach and considering technical standards, performance aspects, reliability, ease of application, sustainability and prioritizing economic, public health and safety, cultural, social and environmental factors | |
410 | Motor Bakar (Motor Fuel) | This course discusses specifically energy conversion machines which are widely used as propulsion in environmentally friendly transportation and industrial equipment. The main objective of this course is that students can connect experiences in the field of combustion motors with course material so that students can provide integrated solutions with various other areas of expertise in mechanical engineering when solving combustion motor problems and the impact to environment sustainability. | |
411 | Pengenalan Teknik Mesin (Introduction to Mechanical Engineering) | This course serves as a basic knowledge of the design and application of construction and manufacturing sustainable mechanical engineering as well as energy conversion-oriented to green material management and green manufacturing by providing a basic understanding of the body of knowledge in mechanical, material, and aerospace engineering. | |
412 | Pengendalian Korosi (Corrosion Control) | This course discusses the basic concepts of electrochemistry, corrosion kinetics, passivation, types of corrosion, metallurgical structures that can cause corrosion and corrosion control and control techniques. The learning outcomes of this course are so that students have the ability to understand material corrosion control techniques by considering economic, public health and safety, cultural, social and environmental factors that impact development sustainability. | |
413 | Perancangan Alat Pengangkat & Pengangkut (Design of Lifting and Transport Equipment) | This course studies about equipment for lifting and transporting materials specifically. The learning outcomes of this course, students are expected to be able to plan and design lifting and material transportation tools that are appropriate to their functions, conditions and situations by prioritizing economic, public health and safety, cultural, social, and environmental factors for development sustainability. | |
414 | Pompa dan Kompresor (Pumps and Compressors) | This course studies the concept of liquid and gas fluid flow, calculation of the capacity and performance efficiency of pumps and compressors, with learning outcomes so that students are able to operate and maintain fluid transfer machines (pumps and compressors) to make them durable and consider energy efficiency and sustainability. | |
415 | Praktek Fenomena Dasar Mesin (Basic Machine Phenomenon Practices) | This course is studied to prove phenomena in the basic science of mechanical engineering in Bernoulli's theory, metal deflection due to loading and transfer of heat energy, With learning outcomes, that students will be able to formulate solutions to solve engineering problems in the field of mechanical systems and the necessary components by prioritizing economic, public health and safety, cultural, social, environmental, and energy conservation factors which are impact development sustainability. | |
416 | Praktikum Pengujian Logam (Metal Testing Practicum) | This course studies materials hardness testing techniques, tensile testing, wear testing with certain methods and the impact of several engineering materials. The learning outcomes of this course, students are able to design mechanical systems and necessary components with an analytical approach and consider technical standards, performance aspects, reliability, ease of application, sustainability and prioritize economic, public health and safety, cultural, social and environment | |
417 | Praktikum Prestasi Mesin (Machine Achievement Praticum) | This course studies about the maximum capabilities that a machine can perform during a work period, components related to engine performance, correct stroke volume and combustion chamber volume, engine torque and power and various engine efficiencies. The learning outcomes of this course, so that students are able to design mechanical systems and the necessary components with an analytical approach and consider technical standards, performance aspects, reliability, ease of application, sustainability, and economic, health and public safety factors, cultural, social and environmental | |
418 | Praktikum Proses Manufaktur (Practicum of Manufacturing Process) | This course aims to provide the development of technical skills to understand various eco-friendly sustainable manufacturing processes and to be able to formulate or select the appropriate process for making certain products with materials study on lathes, scrap machines, Freis machines, grinding machines, electric resistance welding, electric arc welding, and sand molding casting. | |
419 | Proses Manufaktur I (Manufacturing Process I) | The learning outcomes in this course are related to the design of sustainable construction and manufacturing engineering-oriented towards green material management and green manufacturing by providing basic understanding and skills about general manufacturing processes and the operation of manufacturing process equipment. | |
420 | Proses Manufaktur II (Manufacturing Process II) | The learning outcomes in this course are related to the design of sustainable construction and manufacturing engineering that is oriented towards green material management and green manufacturing by providing basic understanding and skills about various manufacturing processes, splicing & assembly processes, surface treatment, automation, and manufacturing support production systems. | |
421 | Proses Pemesinan (Machining Process) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the design of sustainable engineering systems for non-conventional machining systems that are environmentally friendly and green manufacturing-oriented by providing an understanding of various non-conventional machining processes, the effect of process parameters on performance and utilization of non-conventional machining processes in the industrial scope. | |
422 | Sistem Pembangkit Tenaga (Power Generation System) | This course studies the process of generating power systems in the environment and industry that is energy efficiency and sustainability oriented. The learning outcomes are students to be expected to able to comprehensively design mechanical systems based on scientific concepts that are supported by systematic analysis concerning aspects of function, technology, economy, physically and socially environment sustainably and can produce designs that are integrated with the effectiveness, efficiency, and energy requirements in the application of engineering science. | |
423 | Sistem Pengeringan (Drying System) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the engineering design of drying systems for agricultural products that are environmentally friendly and oriented towards energy efficiency and sustainability by providing a basic understanding of basic concepts and factors that affect drying, food water, air-vapor mixtures & their relationship, types of drying, drying techniques for various materials such as solid particulate and granular materials, slurry and suspension materials, and sheet-shaped materials. | |
424 | Sistem Perpipaan (Piping System) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on designing sustainable engineering construction of piping systems in accordance with standards and environmentally friendly. | |
425 | Standarisasi dan Kontrol Kualitas (Standardization and Quality Control) | The achievements of this course focus on the theme of sustainable green material management and energy efficiency in the engineering design of construction and manufacturing systems in the industrial scope by providing an understanding of the theory and methods related to quality control and its relation to commonly used standards. It is expected that students understand the available standards, both national (SNI) or international and be able to develop science and implement it, so that product quality is in accordance with existing standards and is always maintained. | |
426 | Statika Struktur (Structural Statics) | This course is studied as a basis for designing sustainable engineering construction and manufacturing systems based on green manufacturing and energy efficiency and sustainability by giving students the ability to learn the basics of mechanical analysis for both simple and more complex structures such as truss and frames. | |
427 | Teknik Pendingin (Cooling Technique) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on designing a strategy for implementing sustainable green manufacturing by providing knowledge and skills to students about the basic concepts of cooling, designing various environmentally friendly cooling systems, carrying out operation and maintenance of cooling installations for air conditioning, cooling, cold storage and freezing. | |
428 | Teknik Pengaturan (Setting Technique) | Learning outcomes in this course combine the themes of sustainable green material management and green manufacturing which focus on the study of basic concepts, analysis and design of control systems and simple robust control systems applied in various engineering fields in construction and manufacturing designs. | |
429 | Teknik Pengecoran Logam (Metal Casting Techniques) | The achievements of this course focus on the theme of sustainable manufacturing in the use of technology and production results in metal machine components that are environmentally friendly by giving students the ability to learn about various casting processes and their behavior, mold making, defects and quality control so that they are able to select processes and their use appropriately. | |
430 | Teknik Pengelasan (Welding Techniques) | The achievements of this course focus on the sustainable green manufacturing theme in the processing aspects of welding techniques such as green processes, cleaner processes, cleaner production, cleaner products, occupational safety and health aspects by giving students the ability to be able to choose welding equipment, choose welding materials, and analyze causes of weld defects and metallurgical bonding. | |
431 | Teknik Tenaga Listrik & Elektronika (Electrical &Electronics Engineering) | The learning outcomes of this course are related to the sustainable green manufacturing theme which focuses on designing an environmentally friendly mechanical engineering electrical system, giving students the ability to understand theoretically and practically basics of electronics and electrical machines to be applied in electricity of mechanical engineering. | |
432 | Termodinamika I (Thermodynamics I) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on energy conservation and sustainability for environmentally friendly energy efficiency by providing the ability for students to be able to apply the concepts, principles, and laws of conserving energy and energy sources with their various changes in heat engines including nuclear power plants as well as be able to describe, analyze , and apply the laws of thermodynamics in everyday life, technology, and industry. | |
433 | Termodinamika II (Thermodynamics II) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on energy conservation and sustainability for environmentally friendly energy efficiency by giving students the ability to discuss thermodynamic concepts along with engineering/technology problem solving from the side of thermodynamics, so that students are able to conceptualize, design, and implement thermodynamic concepts along with problem solving in engineering to develop knowledge and technology. | |
434 | Mekanika Fluida | The learning outcomes of this course are being able to analyze problems in the field of Civil Engineering based on the basic principles of Civil Engineering buildings and being able to manage a teamwork, apply the basics of socio-engineering and adapt to an environmentally sustainable development. | |
435 | K3 Proyek | This course aims to equip students with the importance of occupational health and safety aspects as well as various techniques/methods/approaches that can be used to ensure and improve occupational health and safety, and approaches that can be used to prevent workplace accidents. | |
436 | Mekanika Bahan (Mechanics of Materials) | Learning objective of the course is giving understanding about inner force, voltage, strain, torsion, and deflection of any materials and analyzing deflection value thus use it in green building design and cosntruction sustainability. | |
437 | Metode Perbaikan Tanah (Soil Improvement Method) | This course has learning outcomes that students are able to choose methods to plan and design a construction sustainability system with a sustainable green building concept and be able to analyze problems in the Civil Engineering field based on the basic thumb rules of Civil Engineering building and be able to find sources of engineering problems through the process of investigation, analysis, data interpretation and information based on engineering principles. This course explains various problems that arise in civil buildings from the geotechnical aspect, recognition of various soil improvement efforts, designs & construction methods focusing on the study of Structural Damage, Problematic Soil Types, Soil Improvement, and Slope Stability. | |
438 | Perencanaan Transportasi (Transportation Planning) | The main topics that will be studied in this course are Introduction and Approaches to sustainable transportation planning, energy use by transportation modes, CO2 emissions by transportation modes, Effects of transportation on the surrounding environment, disturbance to natural areas by modes of transportation or other infrastructure and Noise pollution by transportation modes | |
439 | Sistem Transportasi Lanjut (Advanced Transportation System) | Spesific learning objective of the course is to learn about sustainable transportation system related aspects. The Learning outcomes enable the students to select appropriate method to plan and design the construction system and able to analyze emerging problems in civil engineering by using appropriate basic rules. The topics consist of Transportation system and its supporting field, spatial and transportation interaction, transportation plan concept based on environmental aspects and its management. | |
440 | Geometrik Jalan Raya (Geometric Design of Highway) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on environmentally oriented road geomeric design that students will be able to plan and design road geometry which includes road alignment, horizontal alignment, vertical alignment, horizontal and vertical road alignment coordination, as well as analyzing excavation and soil piles for road construction. by maintaining environmental sustainability. | |
441 | Lapangan Terbang (Airfield) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on aerodrome design that is oriented towards environmental sustainability by providing an understanding of the basics of airfield planning which includes basic concepts and elements of the airfield system, mode system, movement paths, operating systems, controls, airfield service performance and planning. airfield based on safety and environmental aspects | |
442 | Mekanika Rekayasa I (Engineering Mechanics I) | The outcomes of this course focus on building design to green building-based construction. Broadly speaking, the course examines basic knowledge of building technology and environmentally friendly building construction structures and sustainability. | |
443 | Mekanika Rekayasa II (Engineering Mechanics II) | The learning outcomes in this course, students are expected to be able to master the planning, design, implementation, and maintenance methods of sustainable eco-friendly Civil Engineering buildings with a focus on material studies of basic concepts and analysis of certain static truss structures, basic concepts of influence lines and their application to beams and frames of specific static rods and analysis of flexural structures and angular turns on simple beams. | |
444 | Mekanika Rekayasa III (Engineering Mechanics III) | Learning outcomes in this course, students are expected to be able to master the planning, design, implementation, and maintenance methods of sustainable eco-friendly Civil Engineering buildings with a focus on material studies of basic principles in structural analysis, calculation of elastic deflection of the structures, analysis of uncertain static structures using consistent deformations methods, the slope deflections equation, and the Cross moment distribution method. | |
445 | Mekanika Tanah I (Soil Mechanics I) | Learning outcomes in this course focus on the theme of sustainable environmentally-oriented building construction design by providing students an understanding of the formation, type, soil composition, and soil classification, soil properties index and engineering properties, water flow in the soil, and calculating seepage under building structures, concepts effective soil stress and soil compaction problems. | |
446 | Menggambar Rekayasa (Engineering Drawing) | Learning outcomes in this course focus on the theme of sustainable building construction design based on green building by providing understanding to students about reading engineering drawings and mastering environmentally-friendly building construction drawing techniques. | |
447 | Praktek Hidrolika (Hydraulics Practice) | This course discusses about behavior of water both in a stationary state and in motion through experiments in the laboratory with learning outcomes, students are able to understand the concept and behavior of liquids as the basis for developing conceptual designs for various benefits related to water such as overflow channels and output channels for dams, waterways of roadways, canals, associated structures for irrigation, water sustainability and cooling water facilities for thermal power plants | |
448 | Praktek Mekanika Tanah (Soil Mechanics Practice) | This course studies about the Standard Penetration Test (SPT), tests of physical and mechanical properties for foundation planning and soil sampling for sustainable construction, with learning outcomes of this course give ability and technical skills to students in order to be able to test the soil to determine bearing capacity and the strength of the soil used to build a strong and durable building construction | |
449 | Praktek Survey dan Pemetaan (Survey and Mapping Practice) | This course studies about measuring the state of the earth, and area, a process of finding information on the state and shape of the land, natural and man-made features, drawn into a map, with a scale comparison between the image and the actual as planning for the sustainable building constructions. the Learning outcomes of this course, students are able to operate measuring instruments for water pass and theodolite, measuring polygons and flat properties, tachymetry and making situation maps, digital mapping, and geographic information systems. | |
450 | Praktek Teknologi Bahan (Materials Technology Practices) | The learning outcomes of this course students be able to identify the properties and quality standards of building materials used for the sustainable and durable building constructions. | |
451 | Rekayasa Hidrologi (Hydrological Engineering) | Learning outcomes in this course focus on the sustainable ecohydrology for integrated river flow management, students are expected to be able to analyze regional rainfall estimates, analyze rain distribution, and calculate recurrent rainfall. | |
452 | Rekayasa Irigasi (Irrigation Engineering) | Learning outcomes in this course focus on designing sustainable environmentally-oriented irrigation systems with the topic of material review of Design Discharge, Main Channels, Water Balance and aims to provide students with the ability to carry out network system planning, channel and buildings irrigation planning, also weir building planning. | |
453 | Rekayasa Lalulintas (Traffic Engineering) | Learning outcomes in this course focus on designing a sustainable environmentally-friendly traffic system by giving students the ability to (1) analyze operational performance and modify settings to improve performance on roads, intersections, and parking (2) explain traffic elements and theories, Road service capacity and level, Traffic survey, Intersection planning and arrangement, Traffic light management, Traffic management, and Traffic safety. | |
454 | Sistem Drainase Perkotaan (Urban Drainage System) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on urban drainage design sustainable mechanisms that are environmentally oriented by providing material mastery on hydrological and hydraulic theories in the design of an area's drainage system to solve excess water (puddle/flood) problem. | |
455 | Sistem Terminal & Transportasi (Terminal & Transportation System) | The outcomes of this course focus on the sustainable transportation system planning by providing mastery of material on aspects related to the transportation system, Mode System, propulsion, transportation infrastructure, terminals, human factors in transportation, transportation operation systems, transportation control systems, the impact of transportation systems in the environment, Transportation System Management, and Introduction to Transportation Planning. | |
456 | Teknologi Bahan Konstruksi (Construction Materials Technology) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on building design to sustainable green building construction which provides a material study of the materials used in building construction, their types and characteristics of each of these materials, as well as providing an understanding of concrete mix planning, testing methods concrete, mechanical behavior and the use of steel and asphalt in environmentally friendly building construction. | |
457 | Vibrasi & Teori Gempa (Vibration & Earthquake Theory) | The outcomes of this course focus on planning, designing, implementing, and maintaining sustainable green buildings by providing students with an understanding of the earthquake-safe design and environmentally friendly structures. | |
458 | Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Lanjutan (Advance Accounting Information System) | The specific objectives of the course are being able to understand and apply the preparation of accounting information systems in companies. The Learning Outcomes, Students are expected to understand the function of marketing management; find out information for sales and marketing, accounting transactions, and recording revenue cycles; understand manual-based income cycle data processing systems; understand computer-based revenue cycle data processing systems; compile the revenue cycle in the company for company sustainability. | |
459 | Metode Penelitian Sosial Ekonomi (Socio-Economic Research Methodology) | The learning outcomes of this course are combining problem solving abilities, i.e. the ability to identify, formulate and solve technical problems related to social and economic development in sustainable agriculture and Experimental Skills, i.e. the ability to design and conduct research as well as to analyze and interpret data. | |
460 | Manajemen Produksi Dalam Agribisnis (Production Management in Agribusiness ) | The specific objectives of the course are to discuss the concept of agribusiness production management, the scope of agricultural production management, agricultural production planning processes, and agricultural product processing processes. By studying this course, students are expected to be able to understand various basic theories and concepts of agribusiness production management in order to be able to apply them in a company or organization to produce high quality products according to consumer desires, cost effective, and keep paying attention to environmental sustainability. | |
461 | Irigasi dan Drainase (Irrigation and Drainage) | The learning outcomes of the course are students are expected to be able to explain the meaning and function of irrigation as well as to understand irrigation problems in Indonesia, understand the principles and types and networks of irrigation, explain the correlation of water, land and plants as well as the factors that influence and the bad effects of irrigation, explain water sources and hydraulic cycles that affect irrigation systems, calculate crop water requirements and ground water balance, explain canal systems and irrigation networks as well as irrigation application methods in agricultural land, understand operation and maintenance of irrigation networks and explain drainage definitions. Understanding ssustainable irrigation and drainage system | |
462 | Konservasi tanah/ air (Soil and water conservation) | The overview of this course provides the basic understanding of soil conservation and land degradation and the basic principles of soil and water conservation, land degradation and soil functions in conservation farming, climate change and its effects on erosion, landslides, floods and critical lands and how to overcome them , prediction models of soil erosion, construction impacts on soil and water resources, sustainable farming conservation planning | |
463 | Mekanisasi Pertanian (Agricultural Mechanization) | By learning this couse, students are expected to be able to understand the concept of mechanization development based on two approaches which must be harmonized with the aim of agricultural development sustainability so that the concept of selective mechanization can be implemented properly, be able to understand the objectives of agricultural mechanization in increasing land and labor efficiency, increasing the area of arable land, saving energy and resources (seeds, fertilizers, and water), increasing the effectiveness, productivity and quality of agricultural products, reducing the workload of farmers, protecting the environment and sustainable agricultural production, and increasing farmers' income and welfare | |
464 | Alat mekanisasi perkebunan | This course has 8 Sub of Learning Outcomes, namely (1) Students are able to explain the meaning and scope of agricultural technology in general and explain energy needs and electrization in agricultural systems, (2) Students are able to explain the introduction of mechanization tools and machines plantations related to all types of farming procedures for using the tools, (3) Students are able to explain agricultural tools in oil palm plantations and the method of Maintenance Unit tools and machines in oil palm plantations, students are also able to explain the layout and storage of machine tools, (4) Students are able to explain Organizing the work of machine tools, (5) Students are able to explain Administrative Procedures for tools and machines, (6) Students are able to explain Introduction to Agricultural Buildings in relation to Oil Palm Plantation activities, (7) Students are able to explain the use of tools and machines in the transportation of oil palm production , (8) Students are able to explain about work safety procedures using machine tools | |
465 | Pengelolaan Hama & Penyakit (Pest and Disease Management) | The learning outcomes of this course are students are expected to be able to explain the definition and scope of Integrated Pest and Disease Management (IPDM), explain and describe the status and loss of results caused by pests, explain the ecosystem as a basic element in management, explain sustainable pest and disease management, explain and demonstrate pest monitoring and sampling techniques, explain the strategy for implementing IPDM tactics, and explain IPDM biointensive | |
466 | Pengelolaan hama dan gulma berkelanjutan (Sustainable pest and weed management) | This course discusses the development of sustainable pest and weed management, the role of pest and weed management in the protection of plantation crops, pests and weeds of plantation crops from an ecological perspective, boundaries and concepts of pest and weed control, the ecological basis of pest and weed control, the level of economic decisions for pest control, as well as linking the importance of ecosystem monitoring processes and observational techniques as the main information for determining control measures. | |
467 | Pengendalian hayati (Biological control) | This course provides an opportunity for students to broaden their horizons regarding the development of the concept of biological control and habitat management in controlling pests (plant-disturbing organisms), the history of the development of biological control, the role of ecological concepts in biological pest control, knowledge of biological control techniques, evaluating and assessing on various pest groups and can identify biological agents, and can implement biological control in pest control. | |
468 | Perancangan Percobaan dan Survey (Design of Experiments and Surveys) | The learning outcomes of this course are students are expected to be able to explain the basic principles of experimental design used in research, explain sustainability survey, explain the classification, forms and various types of experimental design, collect, process data and interpret the results logically and systematically, compile research proposals and research results in the form of a thesis | |
469 | Responsi Perancangan Percobaan dan Survey (Responses of Design of Experiments and Surveys ) | The specific objective of the course is to provide practical work either directly or with online media to understand experiments and surveys in various fields or the latest technology. explain sustainability survey. By learning the course, students are expected to be able to make simple experimental designs that are effective and efficient, especially in agriculture and industry and be able to analyze experimental design data. | |
470 | Teknologi dan Produksi Benih (Seed Technology) | The learning outcomes of this course are students are expected to be able to explain the general structure of the seed marketing organization, the basic principles of seed certification, the series of seed testing work, the criteria for harvesting seeds and the drying process, the seed vigor and the contribution of seed technology for sustainable agriculture | |
471 | Pemugaran Lingkungan Perkotaan (Introduction to Urban Environmental Restoration) | The specific objectives of the course are to apply the principles of controlling the physical environment that occurs in buildings including thermal, lighting and acoustic comfort, naturally and artificially. The learning outcomes are that students are expected to be able to explain the basic principles of thermal comfort, the factors that affect thermal comfort. , control of natural and artificial environmental thermal conditions, visual comfort, visual comfort control of natural and artificial environments, acoustic comfort of buildings, principles of energy saving and sustainability in architectural design | |
472 | Struktur & Konstruksi V (Structure & Construction V) | The specific objectives of the course are to explain the basics/principles of planning high-risk building structural systems, types of high-risk building structural systems, building methods and technologies as well as high-risk building utility systems. The Learning Outcomes, Students are expected to be able to understand them all and design/plan sustainable high-risk building structural and utility systems. | |
473 | Struktur & Konstruksi I (Structure & Construction I) | The learning outcomes of this course students are expected to be able to explain sustainable architecture designs that show the relationship between structure and building materials in the scope of architecture, be able to understand the principles and systems of structures and building construction engineering, be able to understand the principles and systems of structures and light steel construction for roof, be able to produce a design that shows the integration of the relationship between structure and building materials | |
474 | Struktur & Konstruksi II (Structure & Construction II) | The learning outcomes of this course are students are expected to be able to apply their knowledge based on personality and the spirit of entrepreneurship, be able to explain how to produce designs that show an integrated relationship between structure and building materials, be able to explain how to produce designs that integrate climate, service and energy sustainability, be able to explain understanding the principles and structural systems and building construction engineering | |
475 | Struktur & Konstruksi III (Structure & Construction III) | The learning outcomes of this course students are expected to be able to explain the meaning of research, research systems and research quality standards in the scope of architecture, be able to understand the principles and systems of structure and building construction engineering, be able to understand business principles and their application to the development sustainability of the environment, management, projects and functions of professional consultants. , is able to produce designs that show an integrated relationship between structures, building materials, and construction elements | |
476 | Struktur & Konstruksi IV (Structure & Construction IV) | The specific objective of the course is to explain the advantages and disadvantages that can be caused by a calculation of a building. The Learning Outcomes, Students are expected to be able to identify and produce designs that show an integrated relationship between structures, building materials, and construction elements sustainably. | |
477 | Studio Perancangan Arsitektur I (Architectural Design Studio I) | The learning outcomes of this course are students are expected to be able to explain architecture in a space creation process, be able to explain the relationship of activities, circulation and spatial patterns to a design, be able to carry out residential design concepts, draw sustainable architectural designs for residential buildings (site plan, ground plan, floor plan), depicting architectural designs in the form of the concept of developing the visible form of the building in the depiction of looks and sketches | |
478 | Studio Perancangan Arsitektur IV (Architectural Design Studio IV) | The learning outcomes of this course are students are expected to be able to explain the selection of location and site planning based on the development area, be able to explain building analysis and put it in sustainable planning concepts, be able to explain and draw architectural work drawing designs, be able to draw the finishing work drawing designs as the final result of the planning concept. | |
479 | Studio Perancangan Arsitektur V (Architectural Design Studio V) | The learning outcomes of this course are students are expected to be able to explain the selection of location and site planning based on the development area, be able to explain building analysis and put it in sustainable planning concepts, be able to explain and draw architectural work drawing designs, be able to draw the finishing work drawing designs as the final result of the planning concept. | |
480 | Studio Perancangan Arsitektur II (Architectural Design Studio II) | The specific objectives of the course are to create sustainable architectural designs using architectural planning and design concepts and apply them in three-dimensional or miniature architectural objects (mock-ups). The Learning Outcomes, Students are expected to be able to explain and draw architectural work drawings, be able to draw the finishing work drawing designs the final result of the planning concept. | |
481 | Studio Perancangan Arsitektur III (Architectural Design Studio III) | The learning outcomes of this course are students are expected to be able to explain the selection of location and site planning based on the development area, be able to explain building analysis and put it in sustainable planning concepts, be able to explain and draw architectural work drawing designs, be able to draw the finishing work drawing designs as the final result of the planning concept. | |
482 | Kimia Organik (Organic Chemistry) | By studying this course, students are expected to be able to explain organic chemical reactions, hydrocarbons, carboxylic acids, alcohols, aldehydes and ketones, esters, carboxylic acid derivatives, phenols, and spectroscopy. Students are also expected to be able to develop chemical reactions and chemical products that are environmentally friendly and in accordance with sustainable development | |
483 | Konservasi Sumberdaya Alam (Natural Resource Conservation) | By learning the course, students are expected to be able to explain the scope and history of conservation, ecological sustainability principles and concepts in the conservation of natural resources, land, water and air resources, conservation of land, water and air resources, energy resources, energy crisis and conservation, population issues and the solutions that can be offered | |
484 | Kultur Jaringan Tumbuhan (Plant Tissue Culture) | The learning outcomes of these courses are that students are expected to be able to develop students' abilities to understand the principles of tissue culture that can be used as the development of basic and applied science, the concept of tissue culture as the basis for supporting the development of science, technology and industry, the concept of tissue culture as a basis sustainable business development in the field of agricultural and livestock commodity development. In addition, tissue culture techniques can be a solution to preserve Indonesia's endemic plants that are difficult to develop conventionally | |
485 | Metabolit Sekunder (Secondary Metabolites) | Students are able to recognize Secondary Metabolites (MS) of plant origin. can classify the types of secondary metabolites and their benefits. And is expected to be able to develop sustainable research to isolate new secondary metabolites to be used in the health sector. So as to produce products that are more environmentally friendly | |
486 | Metode Penelitian Ilmiah (Scientific Research Methods) | By studying this course, students are expected to be able to explain principles and ethics in research. formulating problems and formulating research hypotheses, explaining various research methods, collecting, processing data and interpreting the results logically and systematically. students are able to compile research proposals, understand how to compile articles in scientific journals for publication of research results, understand the ethics of sustainable research and prevention of plagiarism | |
487 | Mikologi (Mycology) | By learning the course, students are expected to be able to explain the definition and scope of secondary metabolites, by product compounds of plant metabolism, the role of secondary metabolites, appropriate methods for secondary metabolite isolation, and to apply the usefulness of secondary metabolite products in the environment sustainability.. | |
488 | Mikrobiologi (Microbiology) | The learning outcomes of this course aim to enable students to be able to explain the principles of microbiology, various methods used in identifying microorganisms, the role of microbiology in the fields of environment, industry, health and food and the principles of microbiology. in the laboratory. Able to identify and isolate microorganisms that are beneficial to environmental sustainability such as degrading bacteria | |
489 | Perancang Percobaan (Design of Experiments) | The learning outcomes of the course aim to make students to be able to analyze variance (ANOVA) for CRD, RBD, Latin Square, Split-plot experimental concept, analyze and draw conclusions, correlation (Pearson) and linear regression, graph and analysis ,correlation (Spearman) for nominal or ordinal data, non-parametric statistics using the Cochran test, Wilxocon test, Kruskal-Wallis test and Freadman test for sustainable research. | |
490 | Perkembangan Hewan (Animal Development) | The learning achievements of this subject are expected to be able to understand multicellular organisms starting their life from one cell (zygote) and then developing through a process that involves interactions, both between cells and cells with their environment. It is by providing a material study of the animal development outline which includes patterns of sexual development and asexual in animals, developmental patterns in animals, determination of cell fate, cellular interactions during organ formation, and environmental regulation of animal development sustainability. | |
491 | Pitokimia (Pitochemistry) | The result of this course is that students are expected to be able to explain the meaning and scope of phytochemistry, chemical content found in plants, chemical structure and biological function of chemical compounds found in plants, chemical compounds found in plants that are beneficial to health and the environment sustainability. Like plants that are able to produce compounds that are beneficial to environmental health and sustainability. | |
492 | Practical English for Biology | This course is designed to provide students with technical skills so that they can master quality English and provide lifelong learning opportunities for students to support their understanding of biology from literature or information sources in English i.e. sustainable biological system, with material studies including increasing literacy in understanding English scientific texts, the exercises given are oriented towards the nature of science, especially science process skills. | |
493 | Prak. Biofermentasi (Biofermentation Practicum) | The learning outcomes of this course provide students with practical experience and skills so that they can develop bio-fermentation products and are skilled at carrying out solid and liquid fermentation technology to increase food security and sustainable agricultural products. | |
494 | Prak. Biokimia (Practicticum of Biochemistry) | By studying this course, students are expected to be able to react chemicals, change the material that occurs, measure soil and water pH, calculate the separation of mixtures, dissolve materials, density of substances, acid-base titrations, and make solutions. Students are able to explain and analyze properties physical and chemical properties of biomolecular compounds and their metabolism, explain sustainability in biochemistry, mechanism of action of enzymes, kinetics and factors that influence enzyme activity. Instrumentation is focused on the use and maintenance of research equipment in an environmentally friendly laboratory | |
495 | Prak. Bioremediasi (Bioremediation) | The learning outcomes of this course provide real experience and practical skills about the basic principles of metabolism for degradation of compounds/lima in waste treatment units, sustainable process to manage organic pollutan-rich solid waste, as well as waste degradation to remediate environmental quality to improve waste-polluted ecosystems. | |
496 | Prak. Biotek Pengelolaan Limbah (Practicum of Biotechnology of Waste Management*) | This course has 3 main learning outcomes, namely (1) providing skills to students to analyze environmental problems originating from various human activities, especially waste from industrial processes that cause environmental degradation (2) providing solutions to environmental problems around them caused by waste (3) having skills in determining source characteristics and sustainable technology in managing liquid and solid waste. | |
497 | Prak. Ekologi Perairan (Aquatic Ecology Practicum) | The learning outcomes of this course are students are expected to have experience and skills in understanding and explaining the basic concepts of aquatic ecosystems, types of aquatic ecosystems, their biotic and abiotic components, interaction processes involved in aquatic ecosystems, utilization of organisms in aquatic environmental management sustainability and utilization of aquatic habitats as a cultivation area | |
498 | Prak. Mikologi (Practicum of Mycology ) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the topic of biodiversity sustainability by providing studies on aseptic techniques, making fungal growth mediums, sterilizing practicum tools and materials, isolating, characterizing and identifying fungi, yeast morphology, and calculating the number of fungi. | |
499 | Prak. Mikrobiologi Industri (Practicum of Industrial Microbiology) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on combining the topic of biodiversity and industrial sustainability by equipping students with laboratory skills in terms of breeding microorganisms in the form of fungi and bacteria, analysis, and properties of microorganisms and the application of microorganisms related to industrial / fermentation processes. | |
500 | Prak. Parasitologi (Practicum of Parasitology) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the topic of biodiversity sustainability by giving students the ability to recognize the morphology of eggs and adult worms from various species of nematodes, trematodes, cestodes and protozoa as well as examining feces or soil as one of the samples for examining intestinal nematodes by observing the morphology of protozoa. | |
501 | Prak. Taksonomi Tumbuhan (Plant Taxonomy Practicum) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the topic of plant biodiversity sustainability by providing students with abilities and skills to be able to compare the characteristics between groups of vascular plants with several examples of ethnic groups and types of members, to recognize the morphology and anatomy of vascular plants, and to be skilled at using tools and materials in carrying out practical work. | |
502 | Praktek Ekologi Umum (General Ecological Practice) | This course explains, discusses, practices and studies the principles of ecology, ecology from three levels, namely the individual, population, and system ecology levels. Material studies include the concept of ecology and its division, the abiotic and biotic components of the ecosystem, the material cycle and energy flow, population, community and coaction, sustainability, ecosystem, and succession. | |
503 | Praktek Fisiologi Hewan (Animal Physiology Practice) | As a result of this course, students are expected to be able to explain the role of body organs and system functions in vertebrate and invertebrate animals well. The subject matter includes blood physiology, digestion, respiration, movement, nerves, osmoregulation, excretion and thermoregulation. students can explain the mechanism work on homeostatic systems in animals and can identify animals that must be protected because they have a direct or indirect role in environmental sustainability | |
504 | Praktikum Genetika (Genetic Practice) | This course discusses the Concept of Genetics, Inheritance Law, Organism Genome, Cell Division, Sequencing, Sex Sequencing and Sex Determination, Changes in Chromosomal Number and Structure, Cytoplasmic Inheritance, Genetic Material, Gene Expression, Mutations, Genetic Engineering, population genetics and quantitative genetics. The learning outcomes of this course provide the ability and expertise to understand the theories and concepts of Genetics so as to be able to apply them within the scope of biological sciences and be able to study and discuss genetic engineering and its role in life. The role of genetic engineering in sustainable biotechnology to produce products that are efficient and do not pollute the environment | |
505 | Praktek Kultur Jaringan Tumbuhan (Plant network culture Practice) | This course discusses solid and liquid network culture media, plant micropropagation techniques, explant transfer (sub-culture and final trans) and plant acclimatization, green houses, making creative and innovative agricultural products, tissue culture applications in the sustainable agricultural and plantation industries. Learning outcomes are expected that students can understand, observe, discuss and explain procedures for implementing micropropagation techniques, creative agricultural products and innovative plant tissue culture. | |
506 | Praktikum Biologi Umum (General Biology Practicum) | This course is designed to train basic skills techniques of laboratory, scientific methods in studying biology both in the laboratory and in the field as well as techniques for communicating the results of the investigation of sustainable biological system, the body of knowledge about the biology and biological scientific methodology. The Learning Outcomes, students are expected to have the ability and skills in solving biological problems based on scientific attitudes and procedures. | |
507 | Praktikum Fitokimia (Phytochemical practicum) | This course studies about the scope of chemical content derived from nature, especially in plants and a comprehensive discussion of all aspects of plant chemistry (phytochemistry) which focuses on plant metabolites including types, methods of extraction, partition, identification and application of the Thin Layer Chromatography method in extract identification. which involve marker compounds (biomarkers). discuss phytochemical utilization to improve agricultural sustainability. | |
508 | Praktikum Mikologi (Mycology Practicum) | This course provides students with knowledge and expertise about concepts in mycology, the nature and role of fungi in everyday life, the application of microbiological concepts in everyday life as well as basic laboratory techniques and procedures for studying fungi. Can produce fermented products that utilize mushrooms. The resulting product is expected to be useful for medicine, industry and the environment sustainability. | |
509 | Praktikum Struktur dan Perkembangan Hewan (Animal Structure and Development Practicum) | This course provides knowledge and expertise on the structure and development of animals ranging from muscle tissue structure, bone tissue structure, liver, kidney and nerve tissue structure, butterfly metamorphosis, vertebrate anatomy topography and chicken embryo development. Students are able to explain how the processes of life take place, systems work, how animals respond to physical activity and the environment sustainability. In the end, students are able to identify various disorders that occur in the body that can affect normal work functions of these system | |
510 | Praktikum Struktur dan Perkembangan Tumbuhan (Structure and Development of Plants Practicum) | This course provides knowledge and expertise through observation of plant structure and development which includes (1) external and internal structures of roots, stems and leaves (2) external structures of flowers, discard and seeds and germination (3) metamorphosis of roots, stems and leaves (4) ) branching architecture on the stem (5) position of the leaf on the stem (6) flower formulas and diagrams (6) ergastic objects in the cell, spot structure, meristem tissue and permanent tissue (7) internal structure of the reproductive organs of seed plants. understanding the essential of plant for agricultural sustainable development. | |
511 | Praktikum Taksonomi Hewan (Animal Taxonomy Practicum) | This course aims to provide students with the ability and skills to analyze, identify, observe and measure taxonomic processes that occur in invertebrates and vertebrates. Students are able to classify animals based on their kinship and are able to read and analyze phylogenetic trees. So as to be able to classify animals based on their benefits in environment sustainability. | |
512 | Sistem Managemen K3 (Occupational Health Management System ) | This course aims to equip students with the importance of occupational health and safety aspects as well as various techniques/methods/approaches that can be used to ensure and improve occupational health and safety, and approaches that can be used to prevent workplace accidents. | |
513 | Sistem manajemen Lingkungan (Environmental Management System) | The specific objective of the course is to study the management of environmental impacts by a "business activity" guided by Law no. 32 of 2009 concerning the environment sustainability, ISO14000 Certification, PROPER, RSPO, and ISPO. | |
514 | Struktur & Perkemb. Tumbuhan I (Plant Structure and Development I) | The topic includes environmental studies of plant structures and development which discuss about changes in plant anatomy and development both macroscopically and in histological observation as the result of environmental changes. Students are expected to be able to recognize the changes in plant structures and development due to climate or environmental sustainability. | |
515 | Struktur Hewan (Animal Structure) tapi penjelasan nya ttg tumbuhan | The learning outcomes of the course are students are expected to master the processes and functions that occur in plant parts, the generative development of a plant, the changes formed from each plant part such as flowers, fruit and seeds and the life cycle of gymnosperms and angiosperms. | |
516 | Struktur Perkembangan Tumb.II (Plant Structure and Development II) | The learning outcomes of the course are students are expected to be able to explain the structure and development of plant cells, tissues and derivatives of plant parts, structure and development of roots, stems and leaves in plants, morphology of roots, stems and leaves in plants, morphology of flowers, fruit and seeds in plants. understanding the essential of plant for agricultural sustainable development. | |
517 | Taksonomi Avertebrata (Invertebrate Taxonomy) | The specific objectives of the course are to study the types of invertebrates and classify them into a taxonomic hierarchy with, while the learning outcomes of the course are are expected to be able to explain the definition and scope of taxonomy of invertebrates and several phyla of invertebrates for enviromental sustainability. | |
518 | Taksonomi Tumbuhan Rendah (Lower Plant Taxonomy) | By learning the course, students are expected to be able to master the understanding of the classification of low-level plants, the main characteristics of low-level plants, the manufacture and management of herbariums from low-level plants and its contribution to enviromental sustainability and to be responsible for planning, implementing and evaluating research work in the field of low plant taxonomy | |
519 | Taksonomi Tumbuhan Tinggi (Higher Plant Taxonomy) | By learning the course, students are expected to be able to explain the history, classification and development of plant taxonomy, apply plant identification / determination methods, plant evolution and development, plant nomenclature, review taxon (Gymnosperms, Angiosperms), plant phytogeography, taxonomic work methods.and its contribution to enviromental sustainability | |
520 | Taksonomi Vertebrata (Vertebrate Taxonomy) | By learning the course, students are expected to be able to describe basic characteristics, taxonomic principles, and nomenclature of vertebrates, identify characteristic traits, kinship relationships, construct a taxonomic hierarchy of vertebrates in the pisces super class, amphibious class, reptile class, aves class, and mammals class and its contribution to enviromental sustainability | |
521 | Teknik Laboratorium (Laboratory Engineering) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the understanding of laboratory management, procedures and work techniques in safe laboratories, types and functions of laboratory equipment, work safety procedures and the ability of handling chemicals, perform first aid in accidents, and making engineering sustainable solutions | |
522 | Virologi (Virology) | The learning outcomes of this course provide students with understanding so that they can master and apply the basics of science in biotechnology applications through material studies on the basic concepts and importance of virology and the role of virology in biotechnology and enviromental sustainability. | |
523 | Teknik Lingkungan (Environmental Engineering) | This course covers study materials related to Sanitation Engineering, Waste Management, Environmental Quality and Sustainability, Water Quality, Sanitation Building Design, and Environmental Impact Assessment (AMDAL). Learning Outcomes include on (1) Problem Solving, which is able to find the source of engineering problems through a process of investigation, analysis, data interpretation, and information based on engineering principles (2) Understanding of Engineering Impact, it is general knowledge and skills needed to understand the effects of technical solutions in the context of global, economic, environmental, and social and (3) Design Abilities, that is Ability to design systems, components or processes that meet desired needs within the boundaries of economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, possible fabrication, and sustainability, (4) Teamwork Ability to perform functions in multi-disciplinary teams. | |
524 | Mekanika Tanah Lanjutan (Advance Soil Mechanics) | Learning outcomes in this course focus on the sustainable eco-friendly building construction design by providing students an understanding of field testing to find soil parameters, consolidation phenomena and consolidation decline, size and time of consolidation decline, stress distribution in soil, soil shear strength, and slope stability. | |
525 | Metode Penelitian (Research Methods) | The learning outcomes of this course combine problem-solving abilities, namely the ability to identify, formulate and solve technical problems related to sustainable building construction with the theme of green building and Experimental Skills, namely the ability to design, analyze and interpret data, as well as social responsibility for research results. | |
526 | Pelabuhan laut | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the design of the Green Coastal Corridor as an effort to create a sustainable coastal environment from humanist, ecological, and economic aspects. | |
527 | Teknik pantai | One of the learning outcomes of this course is to produce a functional civil engineering product/system that takes into account various aspects, such as disaster risk reduction, functional, security, and environmental perspective. | |
528 | Prakt. Bahan Perkerasan (Pavement Material Practicum) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the design of sustainable green road construction by providing practical skills on theory, testing processes, and analysis of road hard layer constituent materials as well as environmentally friendly processing technology. | |
529 | Teori Fotografi (Photography Theory) | The learning outcomes of this course give knowledge and basic skills in working photography to create productive jobs, so as to increase sustainable economic growth | |
530 | Teori Komunikasi (Principles of Communication Theory) | After attending this course, students will be able to understand the concepts, theories, and principles underlying human communication, the importance of position and the role of perception as the core of the communication process, interpersonal communication, group communication, organizational communication, intercultural communication, public speaking, communication media, and development communication. The learning outcomes focus on the sustainable development theme by looking at a development perspective from the communication aspect to realize ecological sustainability and socio-cultural aspects with the goal of maintaining diversity through communication and community participation. | |
531 | Filsafat Ilmu dan Metodologi Penelitian (Philosophy of Science and Research Methodology) | By learning the course, students are expected to be able to know the basics of science philosophy and their implications for scientific thinking and sustainability science, be open to scientific criticism, be critical of any arguments relating to the explanation of phenomena and conclusions drawn from a set of data, and understand the limitations of science, have various skills support research activities, namely the skills to conduct literature studies, find problems and research objectives, and present research results | |
532 | Prak. Dasar Elektronika | The learning topics include (1) Basic circuit design for energy efficiency (2) Material consideration for energy efficient circuit (3) Renewable energy circuit design for buildings (4) Green building energy circuit design (5) eco-friendly and Smart technology circuit design. The learning outcomes include. Student's technical skills in designing various circuits in assisting sustainability goals | |
533 | Prak. Dasar Konversi Energi Listrik | (1) Circuit design by implementing Brayton-Rankine combine cycle concept. (2) Energy conversion and sustainability Plant origin energy utilization in circuit design. The learning outcomes include (1) student's ability in managing eco-friendly materials to minimize the drawbacks of huge energy consumption. (2) Student's technical skills in designing and installing eco-friendly energy source electronical circuit to prevent further environmental damage | |
534 | Prak. Dasar Sistem Digital | The learning topics include (1) digital system design for sustainable green building purposes (2) digital system installation for smart and sustainable green buildings purposes. The learning outcomes include Students's ability in designing and applying sustainable green digital system for green and smart building features. | |
535 | Prak. Rangkaian Listrik | The learning topics include The learning outcomes include student's ability in applying the implementation of eco-friendly sustainability concept in electrical circuit management system both in design and installation | |
536 | Rangkaian Listrik II (Electrical Circuits II) | This course studies the design of electronic equipment and environmentally friendly electrical systems. With the learning outcomes of this course, students can prove the laws and analysis of electrical circuits in practice, analyze signals of various electric waves and create sustainable electrical circuits. | |
537 | Reactive Power Setting (Pengaturan Daya Reaktif) | the learning topics include (1) reactive power setting principles to reduce energy consumption, (2) power setting strategies for effective energy efficiency. The learning outcomes include students ability in formulating solutions for problems related to elctrical power by considering economic, health, social and environmental factors which have great values for sustainability | |
538 | Sistem Digital (Digital System) | This course studies the analysis and design sustainable eco-friendly digital control systems with both classical and modern control theory approaches. By learning the course, it is expected that students will be able to master the basics of control theory and its application in control system analysis and design and being able to use computer software packages for modeling and simulation of electrical engineering problems | |
539 | Metode Riset (Research Methods) | The specific objectives of the course are to provide insight into prospective Electrical Engineering students about the methods and procedures for conducting research, as well as procedures for writing research proposals as well as ethics in conducting research. By learning the course, students are expected to be able to understand the meaning of research, types and research procedures, procedures in writing research proposals ,understanding ethics in research and discussing of making sustainable research. | |
540 | Kepemimpinan (Leadership) | This course aims to equip students with four competency standards, namely understanding the paradigm of leadership concepts, understanding concepts and decision-making processes, mastering various models and approaches in leadership, and mastering various decision-making techniques in making a real contribution to sustainable development. | |
541 | Ergonomi Dan Perancangan Sistem Kerja I (Ergonomics and Work System Design I) | This course studies human and environmental aspects of a sustainable work system for efficiency and increasing work productivity by providing material on anthropometry and anthropometric measuring tools, work physiology, work biomechanics, industrial ergonomics applications, work tool design, and mental aspects of ergonomics. | |
542 | Material Teknik (engineering Materialsmekanika teknik) | It is a course that study materials science include basic knowledge of the structure, properties, and processing of sustainable eco-friendly materials. With learning outcomes that students can master theoretical concepts of natural science, applications of engineering mathematics, engineering fundamentals, engineering science, and engineering design required for the analysis and design of integrated systems. | |
543 | Mekanika Teknik (Engineering Mechanics) | Determine the amount of force, moment, and coupling in the construction of machines that are durable, sustainable and cost-effective in production as well as materials that are environmentally friendly due to loading. | |
544 | Sistem Produksi (Production System) | The learning topics include (1) resource efficiency concept in a production system (2) Energy efficient production system (3) environmental sustainability aspects consideration in a process of production system. The learning outcomes include student's capability in managing and considering environmental factors in goods production | |
545 | Database management system | The learning outcomes of this course focus on database implementation in sustainable green technology-oriented software development by providing basic knowledge and understanding of database concepts, relational data models, database formation techniques and normalization, use of query language (sql) for search, sorting, filtering, deleting and updating data as well as making database application programs in the development of computer-based data processing systems and the use of databases in information systems. | |
546 | Financal Management I (Manajemen Keuangan I) | The Learning topics include (1) Beneficial tools and techniques to achieve financial sustainability for society sustainability (2) The value generating through environmental management. The Learning outcomes include student's ability in understanding and explaining specific environmental tools to corroborate financial sustainability | |
547 | Marketing Management II (Manajemen Pemasaran II) | The learning topics include (1) Prominent strategies as sustainability marketing efforts for credibility establishment to achieve economic sustainability (2) Economic sustainability features to corroborate environment and society sustainability. The learning outcomes include student's ability in explaining the essential of environment-related marketing strategies to meet the lates global standards and consumers preference | |
548 | Islamic civil capita selecta (Kapita Selekta Perdata Islam) | The course has various topics about prominent issues in Islamic law. The topics include environmental conservation and the need to keep its sustainability is paramount according Islamic perspective law due to the existence of environmental conservation in theoretical of fiqh namely ushul al-fiqh which demands mankind to protect and preserve the environment. | |
549 | Metodologi Penelitian Ilmu Hukum (Legal Science Research Methodology) | The learning outcomes of the subjects focus on the security, defense sustainability, and social responsibility theme towards the results of legal science research conducted by students by providing an understanding of the types of normative legal research and empirical legal research as well as the nature of research in legal science in order to determine the approach and sample methods used to carry out legal research that is correct in accordance with the type of research being carried out. | |
550 | Bimbingan dan Konseling dalam Pendidikan (Guidance and counselin in education) | The learning topics include how to give guidance and counseling to students in fulfilling their education which is paramount for people quality of life and contributes great value for sustainable development. | |
551 | Character Education (Pendidikan Karakter) | The learning material topics include environment necessity for a good quality of life which trains sensitivity to surrounding environment and enhance good attitudes and personality. Learning outcomes include student's awareness about the importance of environment for a sustainable society, analyzing any environmental problems happen | |
552 | Teori dan Pengembangan Kreativitas (Theory and Creativity development) | The learning topics include the role of environment awarenenss in enhancing creativity and the importance of creativity to sustainable development. The Learning outcomes include students ability in explaining the importance of environtment awareness in encouraging creativity. | |
553 | Filsafat dan Metode Penelitian Agribisnis (Philosophy and Research Methods of Agribusiness) | The learning material in this course cover agribussiness problems analysis and find appropriate solutions for the problems. The learning outcomes of the course are, students are able to design and conduct the sustainable research by using various research design method and publish their research globally i.e international journal. | |
554 | Human Relations | This course aims to produce student competencies in the field of human relations, especially in the fields of management and business administration. Students will have competences in organizing human relations, be able to carry out management stages, be able to use the software as a tool, be able to make reports on human relations oriented to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), namely implementing Sustainability Reporting and the ability to communicate effectively. This course discusses the nature of humans in organizational relations, human relations in organizations, administration and management, humans in group dynamics, motives and motivation, human relations in theory and practice, work culture, team building, and effective communication, excellent service, also ethics and morals. | |
555 | Kewirausahaan (Entrepreneurship) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the theme of economic sustainability which emphasizes building sustainable entrepreneurship in increasing global competitiveness by giving students the ability to understand entrepreneurial concepts and the implementation of entrepreneurial principles, to come up with ideas for creating business creations, to design competitive business models & develop a solid strategic plan, perform feasibility and develop a superior business plan, formulate a business plan with financial considerations & a strong marketing plan by determining strong market targets, to conduct research for competitive advantage, and to choose the right location to do business. | |
556 | Praktikum Kewirusahaan (Entrepreneurship Practicum) | The learning outcomes of this course focus on the theme of economic sustainability which emphasizes building sustainable entrepreneurship in increasing global competitiveness by providing technical skills to students regarding entrepreneurial experience and entrepreneurial behavior through discovery and presentation of ideas, creativity, and entrepreneurial innovation, preparation of entrepreneurial ideas (business proposals), planning and organizing entrepreneurship, implementing and controlling entrepreneurship as well as monitoring and following up in entrepreneurship. | |
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